Thursday, November 30, 2006

A Wintry Mix About To Hit NWA

Today, a large portion of the southern central US is about to get pummeled with a good amount of rain, ice, sleet & snow. Northwest Arkansas is not going to be spared this coating either. This is not good news in my own humble personal opinion.

First off, let me admit...

I hate extreme cold, wet and icy days. Abhor them. It's usually not about anything that happens to me that makes me hate them either. It's normally watching, seeing and hearing people who somehow fail to realize that winter comes once a year absolutely freak out when the first flake falls on the ground. These people do one of a few things.

1. They raid the grocery stores like Y2K is about to hit us and put us back in the stone age. That whole Y2K thing really turned out well, didn't it? LOL
2. They don't drive any different with ice on the ground as they do when it's dry. This is why you see a lot of people in the ditch, involved with rear-ended accidents and taking trips to the ER. It's always safe to assume at all is slick. Things that try to navigate across ice usually end up either on their keister or severly diverted from their original path. Why people continue to drive 45mph in a 35mph zone, especially on icy days, astounds me. And yes, I've already seen it happen today.
3. I just hate the cold, wet, icy days that signify winter is here.
4. Delays and/or cancellations of normally scheduled events is a big letdown. We've got 2 major ones that could be postponed or outright cancelled because of this winter storm. First off, Friday night, Shiloh Christian is welcoming Harding Academy to Springdale for the semi-finals of the Arkansas Class 3-A State Playoffs. With the amount of snow & ice we may get, it could cause the game to be postponed to a later date (Saturday??) which would then affect my other engagement...

taking Kaitlyn & one of her friends to Little Rock to see the Cheetah Girls. I guess I should look at it in a positive light:

if the game Friday night is postponed to Saturday, I won't have to go to the concert and be subjected to 2 hours of 8-12 year old girls screaming at the top of their lungs. I thought the Hillary Duff show was bad a few years ago. I believe the Cheetah Girls could deafen me permanently.

So, not only do I get to miss the screaming, I also get to maintain my current level of hearing...a level my wife questions quite often.

Tonight however, as the ice & snow fall across the Midwest, the Hogs go back to our old stomping grounds of Columbia MO to tangle with the Univ of Mizzou Tigers. Thankfully, ESPN2 is carrying this game tonight so I'll be able to watch it.

I guess I just need to come to grips that it IS December and winter is here for the next few months. At least I got to get 18 holes in (for $24 no less) yesterday morning. HA!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Question For Jesus

Have you ever wondered if you had an hour with Jesus here on earth, what you might ask Him? I don't know what caused me to think about this the other day but the more I began to dwell on it, the more profound it became.

I know that after I was finished worshipping at His feet and singing His praises, which would last more than just one day, if it were to just be a "sit down" with the Lord, I could get into an incredible conversation with Him.

I'd first off thank Him immensely for coming to die for my sins and forgiving me completely. I'd thank Him for being there for me when I felt lost and alone, for watching out for me and my family in the good times and the bad. I'd tell Him of how often I thought of seeing Him, even though He knows how often He's on my mind. I'd share with Him the excitement I have of the one day when we are all reunited in Heaven with loved ones, friends, family and incredible people from the Bible.

There would definitely be no dead time in me talking to Him.

But I suppose if I had to ask Him only one question it might have to do with why bad things happen to good people. I'm thinking specifically tonight of a family in Tennessee who are being hopeful (as much as they can at this point) of mommy waking up from a coma as a result of a brain aneurysm. We can be assured that Holly is a Christian and definitely shared & exhibited Christ in her life. Yet, as she lays there in that hospital bed, her husband and three baby girls are there praying, pleading and hoping for God's miraculous power to invade that room, heal Holly, raise her up and restore her to completion.

Our church family as well as their church family there at Liberty University in Virginia as well as countless others are continuing to pray for God's divine touch upon her life tonight. I haven't heard an official update at this precise moment but from one who's seen a loved one go through this, only to eventually pass on, it's an extremely trying time.

Yet, as difficult a time as it is for Holly and her family & friends, we know we serve a risen Lord, One who has promised to never leave us or forsake us. I have no doubt that He is there in that room with her and her family, ministering life to them as only He can. I also know that this very morning during my quiet time, Jesus answered my question through His word.

"We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 (HCSB)

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Psalm 23 (NKJV)

Lord, I know that You are the Great Provider, the Great Physician and can do all things. Tonight, I pray that You will continue to be there in that room with Holly and her family, giving them comfort and an assurance that You are in control. Father, if it be Your will, would you show Yourself to all those present by healing this woman and restoring her to a complete recovery? Regardless of how things turn out though, may Your name be glorified and magnified above all else. Remind us that even during the most difficult times of life, EVERYTHING works together for our good because we love You. Give comfort to Holly's husband and family and cover them tonight with the loving arms of the Father. I thank you for hearing our prayers and ask all this in Your Son's precious name...


Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Weekend Is Over...

and none too early either.

It has been a very tumultuous week for us all in what was supposed to be a week of rest, relaxation and quality time with family. Instead, I was treated to a houseful of wild, cantankerous kids who apparently spoke a foreign language because the simple English commands of "stop that", "quit it", "don't touch your sister" and "come back here" all went unheeded.

Unfortunately, this all was going on in front of my beloved grandparents. They were in for a few days and I know they must've been worn out because of the kids' behavior and inability to listen...and maybe, our inability to effectively communicate with them. Poor GG & Bapa...I hope they'll come back to visit by Christmas. LOL

On top of that, my beautiful wife was on call for her hospital all weekend (Fri - Sun). Normally this isn't a big deal but last night at around 11:30pm, she got a call saying all the computers & internet services from the hospital crashed. Thus, she wasn't able to stay at home and read films over the internet nor was the overnight service that normally reads stuff after 10pm.

So, last night and, by all indications, tonight, I'll be alone in bed. All you married folks know what it's like to not have your spouse next to you at night. You really miss that "presence" in bed next to you and such was the case last night. From what I'm hearing from her from her latest phone call is that she's going to be up there again so I'm praying for someone with a technological mind to figure out what's been the malfunction.

Today in church,, what a day!!! We were privileged to have the one & only Crabb Family in for a mini concert. This family is absolutely incredible and I highly recommend you go out as soon as you get done reading this blog and buy as many of their CD's as you can. You WILL be blessed! They opened the service with one of my all-time favorites "Friend of God" and it was as if they were not only turning up the volume to "10" but blowing all the cobwebs off from Thanksgiving dinner!! Our choir, of which I'm a part, accompanied them on the song "I'm Amazed" (you can hear this on the latest Brooklyn Tab CD) and it was a wonderful moment of annointing from the Holy Spirit. If it's one thing I love, it's great LIVE music that is filled with the Spirit and today, we got it at church.

Pastor Floyd followed up with an even more annointed message on Christ's response on how to love...

love God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind. Then, love each other.

Such a simple command but oh, Pastor spoke it in such an incredible message that just filled my soul. In fact, I'll spend some time later this week sharing some notes from that message.

You know, with all the up's & down's we all experienced this weekend, never forget that we serve a risen Lord & Savior who will always be there to protect us, walk with us and guide us on our way. He is the Great Physician and can do absolutely anything...

and He's already shown Himself in just 24 short hours.

We learned this morning before the service that a young lady who used to attend our church suffered a brain aneurysm on the way back to Virginia yesterday. She and her husband & family moved out to teach at Liberty University and had come back to Arkansas for the holiday. However, early yesterday morning, while driving through Tennessee, she suffered this internal injury and is now in a coma there in Knoxville, TN.

Our church came together and prayed in earnest for the great outpouring and healing from God Almighty. As we left after the service was over, we knew that the next 24 hours would be critical when and if she were to recover.

Tonight, while watching the Crabb family perform live on the internet from our Pinnacle Hills location, we learned that she's started swallowing on her own and has made attempts to pull the hoses out of her nose & mouth. God IS working and praise His holy name!!

Please join me tonight and all this week and continue to pray & ask for God's miraculous healing on this young lady. God can and will do what HE desires but He also loves to hear from us with prayers & requests and we need to lift our sister up. He's already doing some incredible things and tonight, I just pray that He will continue to show His providence and miraculous healing power to everyone in that hospital room. I pray He will reach down from Heaven and just touch her body tonight and heal her completely.

God is so good and so awesome!! We give Him thanks for all His blessings for this past year, for what He's done and what He's going to do. We thank Him for this healing He's showing us through this young woman and ask Him to continue to do a mighty work in her life. I thank Him for sending His Son to die for the sins of all mankind and I thank Him for giving us a way when there seems to be no way.

I thank Him for you too. May He bless you tonight and give you a glimpse of what He has in store for you. Have a great week!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Day Of Giving Thanks

"Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come efore Hmi with joyful songs. Acknowledge that the Lord is God. He made us and we are His...His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love is eternal; His faithfulness endures through all generations."
Psalm 100 (HCSB)

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!"
Psalm 107:1 (NIV)

"Hallelujah! Give praise, servants of the Lord; praise the name of the Lord. Let the name of the Lord be praised both now and forever. From the rising of the sun to it's setting, let the name of the Lord by praised."
Psalm 113:1-3 (HCSB)

"Praise the Lord, all nations! Glorify Him, all peoples! For great is His faithful love to us; the Lords' faithgfulnes endures forever. Hallelujah!"
Psalm 117 (HCSB)

"Hallelujah! Praise God in His sanctuary. Praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His powerful acts; praise Him for His abundant greatness. Praise Him with trumpet blast; praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with tambourine and dance; praise Him with flute and strings. Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with clashing cymbals. Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Hallelujah!"
Psalm 150 (HCSB)

Thank you Father God for your blessings on each of us today. I pray that as we get together with friends and family and prepare for the Christmas holiday season that we will not lose sight of what this time is all about. May we each take a moment today to give thanks where it is rightfully due. May we lift up Your name and honor You in all things. We are completely unworthy of the mercies You bless us with each day but we gratefully acknowledge You today and thank You for all You are.

God, I thank you for sending Your Son to die on that brutal cross for my sins and the sins of all mankind.

Thank You, Jesus, for being wiling to carry my burden all the way to Calvary and shedding Your precious blood on my behalf.

Thank You for saving me by Your grace and mercy.

Thank You for my family and friends all across this nation today.

Thank You for my pastor and his family, for their example of living by Your holy word.

Thank You for our church and all churches that share Your message of hope, truth and life.

Thank You for the blessings of our home and for the provision You have blessed us with.

Thank You for our country and the freedoms we enjoy.

Thank You for those men and women who lead our country.

Thank You for our military men & women. I pray a special blessing on them and their families today as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Lord, would You please give a double portion of peace, assurance and protection on each one of them today? Only You know what the future holds and we pray that You will just annoint and keep these families under the shadow of Your mighty hand.

Thank You for Your mercy, Your righteousness, Your patience with us when we rarely deserve any of it.

Thank You for loving us all and desiring that we all come to know You as Lord & Savior.

Thank You for just being You, Father.

Indeed, let everything that has breath praise the Lord!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Tomorrow

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there!!

I know this time of year can be so busy and hectic...our lives are no different than any of your's so I know not only are we thinking of the incredible meal tomorrow (as well as the football all weekend long!) but the beginning of the Christmas season. Unfortunately, the focus seems to be less and less on the birth of our Lord and more & more on the materialized "gotta have it" mentality of buying everything under the sun. I know...I've been there myself. Does this sound familiar?

Maxxed out credit cards? Waiting 'til the last minute to buy things? Hitting a mental block on what to get for people? How many people to buy for? How much to spend on friends and family?

We get so caught up in the "holiday spirit" that we forget what this season is all about. Don't let those who are offended by this season get you is about Christ.

We celebrate His birth because we realize had He never come, we would never have that hope of spending eternity with Him in Heaven. Without the selfless sacrifice of His body & blood, we could never hope to approach anywhere near God or even be remotely acceptable in His sight. Yet, through this gift of love...the shedding of His blood and the forgiveness of our sins...we have that hope and opportunity to thank Him, follow Him, worship Him and live for Him.

That's what I'm thankful for this season.

That over 2000 years ago, God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for all our sins...that whoever would believe in Him will not perish or die but has the gift of eternal life! An eternity to spend praising and worshipping the Creator of the universe and the Lamb who is worthy of all our thanksgiving!!

To end it today, I'll just say...

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts...praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen and amen!!"

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Writer's Block

Sorry for the delay in anything new but I guess I'm going through what they call "writer's block". It's usually at these times of treading water that I feel some disconnects coming and I have to take time to step back and ask God to help plug me back in. Hopefully in the next few days, the old Duracells will be re-charged and I can bring back something a bit more relevant.

Busy time at the house so if you don't mind, breathe a prayer for Jennifer & me for guidance, wisdom and discernment. No, there are no issues between us as a couple or family but she's going through some real valleys right now with her career. We're trusting & asking God for His provision to bring us out of this time of chaos and plant us back on solid ground.

I've started reading a great book called "How To Talk About Jesus Without Freaking Out". It deals specifically with sharing your faith without being obnoxious or pushy. However, we can do it boldly and with the assurance of knowing it's not up to US to save people. We just need to be obedient to tell people about Him when the opportunities come up. It's amazing how some of their examples of how they've shared their faith or have had an impact on people are some ways that I've done myself...without even realizing it. As I get further into the book, I'll be sure to share some of the exciting things I'm reading and learning.

I hope you all have a great remainder of the week. I'm praying for you and hope for God's blessings on you and your families.

To quote my niece Emily...

"peace out."

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Ring

I spoke yesterday about a story called "The Ring". As amazing as it is, realize that this is not just a fictional story but an actual account of something that truly happened. It all began about three years ago at our church...

Our pastor, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, had been impressed upon by God to expand the reach of the First Baptist Church of Springdale and the Church at Pinnacle Hills. Pastor conducts services at both campuses on Sunday mornings, first at FBC at 9:15am and then heads up to CPH for the 11am service. CPH had been meeting in a building that had been renovated as best they could into a more "church-like" facility located in an incredible area of Rogers known as Pinnacle Hills. It's literally a stone's throw from Interstate 540 and is in prime location to attract people as they travel up and down the highway.

FBC has an incredible childrens' ministry, reaching thousands of kids each year in kid-friendly ways of sharing the Good News about Jesus.

In his vision and relaying what God had revealed to him, after 40 days of prayer and intercession for direction and guidance from the Lord, Pastor revealed to the church the morning of February 15, 2004 the plan to build not only a brand new childrens' facility addition to FBC Springdale but to also build an entire new church for the congregation at Pinnacle Hills.

He entitled this movement of God "Special Treasures." The pricetag was around $30 million and he knew that none of that money would be generated without a mighty movement from God.

A few weeks later, hundreds of people swarmed the stage at FBC to drop their pledge envelopes into a large treasure chest, committing themselves to providing the funding to make sure these projects were seen to completion.

During the next few days and weeks, Pastor Floyd began to meet privately with various people and small groups, getting more specific about the details of each project but still encouraging as many people to get involved and ask God to reveal how much they should give for this.

After one special meeting, Pastor's wife Jeana was approached by a tiny, frail woman who said she had something to give to Special Treasures. Her name was Glendora and what transpired next can only be described as a true "holy moment".

She told Mrs. Floyd that she felt led by the Lord to donate her most prized possession.

A ring.

This ring, compared by today's standards, is probably not even worth $15. It's a faded gold band with the tiny stone missing from it's mount. The age of the ring is unknown but probably something Glendora has had for a very long time. Perhaps it was a ring she got in high school...maybe it's a wedding or anniversary band. Whatever it is, by today's standards it probably isn't worth much.

But to that sweet precious lady, it meant the world to her.

And that's why she gave it to Ms. Jeana to give to Pastor for the Special Treasures.

For those who were there and saw the interaction between Glendora, Pastor and his wife, it was described simply as the modern day "widow's mite".

This parable is explained by Christ one day when He observed the Pharacees going into the temple to give their offerings in a most profound way. Yet behind all the pomp and circumstance of those men, a tiny elderly woman approached to give her offering. It paled in comparison to the lofty gifts of the Pharacees yet Christ observed this all and responded to His disciples that this woman's gift was worth far more than the Pharacees because she gave all she had willingly and from her heart while everyone else gave out of duty.

This was the kind of gift given by Glendora. It was all she had and the value of it, to her, because of it's sentimental reasons, was priceless. Yet, she gave it all willingly to the Lord for His purposes.

Pastor began to pray about it and asked God what should be done with the ring. He felt that God was about to do something miraculous with it but what?

He brought it to one of the meetings with a small group and he told the story of how Glendora gave it for Special Treasures. He gave the illustration of the biblical widow's mite and compared it to Glendora's gift and how priceless this ring was to God's kingdom. Pastor Floyd said he'd been led to offer the ring up for sale for the price of $10,000 but if the buyer wouldn't mine, would he give it back to the church?

Soon thereafter, that opening price for the ring was agreed upon by someone and the ring was given back because, as Pastor put it, he "didn't think God was finished with it yet."

A couple nights later, he took that ring to another small group meeting and explained the story of the ring, of Glendora and how someone had already purchased it for $10,000 but had given it back. So, being led of God, Pastor said the new sale price was $20,000, double the intial bid.

Yet again, another call and check came in, claiming the ring for $20,000 and yet again, the ring was given back to the church.

Something was beginning to brew here. In about 2 weeks, God had brought in $30,000 for this ring and each time, the ring was given back. Was there more to this ring than met the human eye or comprehension?

Another meeting took place and the price of the ring rose to $40,000. As if God Himself were in the audience of that group, that price was met and once again, the ring returned to the church.

Could it be the ring was intended to bring in $70,000, a miraculous amount already or perhaps...

was there more God wanted to do with it?

The ring was again listed for $80,000.

Bought...sold...and returned.

One more time the ring was being offered up to the church for $160,000. Surely, by this point, God had shown Himself as a mighty provider but there probably wouldn't be anyone who'd want to buy it for that price.

Oh, that's the amazing thing about God Almighty!! Only HE knows when He's completed His plan...and He wasn't!! The ring was bought, purchased and returned BACK to the church for an astonishing $160,000!!

Added to the already mind-blowing amount that'd already been given for the ring's purchase (around $170,000) this tiny ring, worth hardly anything to mankind but priceless in the eyes of God, had brought in over $350,000!!

But that little voice spoke up again and wondered aloud "would someone buy the ring again for $320,000, double the last price it was sold for?"

That number floated out there for someone to consider buying but no one ever did. Yet God was to be praised for what He had shown this body of believers through the example of this tiny lady's belief in Him.


I was blessed and extremely fortunate to be involved with telling this story to our church and people across the world in a DVD our media department had put together. It is still to this day one of my all-time favorite projects for me to have been a part of...not because of anything I had done to help out but because of the actual, real-life continuing story that was unfolding right before our very eyes.

As I finished reading a script telling about the grand total of over $350,000 being given to Special Treasures through this ring, I was humbled and in awe of God's faithfulness to His people. We finished up the DVD and it's story and prepared for Sunday's service. I believe it was late Thursday or Friday afternoon when I got a call to come up to the church quickly for an immediate revision of the story.

I raced up to the church's soundbooth to look the script over and was met by Anita Stewart, the assistant to our worship ministry and pastor, who told me there had been a huge development to the story of the Ring.

It hadn't sold for $360,000...

but it HAD sold for $1 million, 43-thousand dollars, bringing the grand total of the ring's contributions to over $1.3 million dollars.

I had an extremely hard time keeping the tears from my eyes and reading the script without blubbering but give HIM all the glory and praise...

He is faithful and true, He is mighty & righteous, He is holy and exalted, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords...and HE is worthy of all the praise!

God had yet again stepped in when it seemed His miracle had ended, only to show us He wasn't quite finished yet.

So, as we believe He's got bigger plans still in store, the ring is being listed at our church's office for $2.6 million in case you know of anyone who might be interested in buying a supernaturally gifted ring. And if you do, would you mind asking them if they'd please give the ring back because you never know...

God may not be through with it yet.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Walking By Faith

This past weekend, my pastor, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, delivered yet another message that has had a profound impact on my life and is very well moving me into a position of action rather than sitting by. He spoke a message he entitled "What Kind Of Church Does Northwest Arkansas Need?" It's based from the scriptures found in Joshua 3, verses 1-5. In this passage, Joshua is about to lead the Israelites across the Jordan river into the land God had promised them. As the Lord said in Joshua 1:3-6...

"I have given you every place where the sole of your foot treads, just as I promised Moses. Your territory will be from the wilderness and Lebannon to the great Euphrates River...all the land of the Hittites...and west to the Mediterranean Sea. No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. I will be with you, just as I was with Moses. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous for you will distribue the land I swore to their fathers to give them as an inheritance."

So in the third chapter, Joshua was beginning to rally Israel to cross the Jordan and prepare to take the land God had promised them.

The lessons Pastor Floyd was teaching us that day started in Chapter 3, verse 1 where it states that "Joshua started early the next morning and left Acacia Grove with all the Israelites." In this verse, it shows that ALL of Israel was going to cross over into the unknown and in doing so, would have to maximize ALL their human abilities to get there. That was Pastor's first response into what kind of church is needed in this region as well as the world.

1. One that maximizes ALL it's human ability.

Ask yourself...are you going as far as you possibly can with your potential and in your spiritual walk? Assuredly, most of us don't even live up to our fullest human potential in life, let alone our spiritual side. Why is that? Are we too complacent or lax in our daily activities that we're just content to "get by"? Do we not believe God when He says "He will never leave nor forsake us" and therefore, whatever trials we face, we know He will be there to sustain us?

Pastor Floyd continued with reading Joshua 3:4 that has God saying "But keep a distance of about 1000 yards between yourselves and the ark (God's referring to the ark of the covenant). Don't go near it, so that you can see the way to go, for you haven't traveled this way before."

2. A church is needed that is willing to enter unfamiliar territory.

Now remember, the church is not brick and mortar. The church is the body of Christ and that body is made up of you and me and all believers. We are called to serve and use our talents & abilities to further the kingdom and please the Lord. God was saying "Hey gang...let ME lead the way, follow Me and I will lead you to safety because where we are going is a place none of you have ever been before." Therefore, He was calling them to act on their F-A-I-T-H. If they say they believe in Him then it's time to put that faith and belief into action. Allow the Lord to lead and follow Him, trusting that He will keep you on dry, safe, secure ground.

Pastor said 2 great things during this segment that I absolutely loved. First off, because the church is so content to stay where we are (ie: let's stay where it's familiar for us and we know what to expect), the world "yawns" at us because we're not out there doing anything unique or different. We need to trust God as we step out into the unknown. And that was the second thing that impacted me...

FAITH calls us to get into that river of unfamiliarity.

Look at Israel. Before them was a literal river, the Jordan River, and God was calling them BY FAITH to step into it and cross it. See, God knew what He was going to do because He's mighty and omnipotent. He knows all and He sees all, even that which we cannot. Do you know what happened to the Israelites?

I'll tell you in a moment.

3. Count the cost of what you do. Verse 5 of chapter 3 says that Joshua commaned them to "consecrate yourselves because the Lord will do wonders among you tomorrow."

First off, count the cost or consecrate yourselves means, in it's most simplest terms...give yourself completely. Something my dad used to always tell me was to be "thourough" or as he said it "thur-uh". Do a job well, do it right the first time and do it completely. Same principle applies here. If you're going to commit to something, commit all the way. Whether it's your marriage or raising your kids or getting up and exercising of a morning, you can't do it half-heartedly. It's all the way or it won't work.

The church, you and I, have 3 ways to fully give ourselves to God: spiritually, practically and financially. Give all that we have, regardless of how WE view it's size or stature, and let God become God with it. That means no matter how small our gifts or talents are, if we do them with an honest heart and with our entire efforts, God can use them exponentially.

There's a story about a ring I want to share with you very soon that exemplifies this to a T.

4. Experience wonders tomorrow by living out your faith today. That's the second part of Verse 5 that Joshua told the people. Walk by faith today and see the blessings of God appear tomorrow. It all starts with that initial obedience to Him. A lot of us live on what "yesterday" meant rather than focusing on a more bountiful tomorrow with God. I think that's why you see the church many times become stagnant, delapidated and extremely ineffective...

They lose their relevancy because we're content to just keep things as they are.

Think about it though....if God decided to just keep things as they were and never send His Son to die for our sins, would we today have the promise of eternal life? No. See, it's not that God couldn't do what He said He could or would do, it's that WE wouldn't do what He asked us to do. Mankind is doomed to being lost and going to hell. Yet, it's through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that we can have that hope of a life more abundant!! We can walk unashamedly and unabashed in our faith in Him because, as God said earlier "I will never leave nor forsake you."

So what's preventing you from stepping into that river of unfamiliarity today? Whatever the issue might be, friend, know that God is there with you and has promised to lead you on your way. All you have to do is step out on faith, believe in Him and He'll carry you through.

Oh yeah...what happened to the Israelites and the crossing of the Jordan? As the priests went before the people carrying the ark of the covenant, the waters of the Jordan separated.

"The water flowing downstream stood still, rising up in a mass that extended as far as Adam, a city next to Zarethan. The water flowing downstream into the Sea of the Arabah (the Dead Sea) was completely cut off and the people crossed opposite Jericho. The priests carrying the ark of the Lord's covenant stood firmly on dry ground in the middle fo the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground until the entire nation had finished crossing the Jordan." Joshua 3:16-17

God instructed, the people followed and God lead and protected...just as He said He would.

Are you ready to step out into that river?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

President Bush Comes To NWA

Yesterday, I was extremely fortunate to get to see President George W. Bush in person at the NWA Airport. He was doing some last minute stumping for Republican candidates here in Arkansas who are seeking election today.

I had heard about him coming through the area early in the weekend and tried to get all the info I could for Monday's appearance. I called the local Republican office here in Fayetteville and stopped by to get a ticket and driving directions to the exact spot to park for the rally.

XNA, the airport, is about a 25-35 minute drive from our home. I knew the doors for the rally would open around 1:30p and they'd quit letting people in around 3:30p. So, I tried to get out there as close to 1:30 as I could. On the way, I realized it was only about 1pm and I was only about 10 miles from the airport.

Hey, I told myself, I've got some time to stop by the golf shop and look around a bit.


No I didn't. By the time I got out to the airport, which happened to be right at 1:30, there was already a line waiting to park as well as a line of people waiting to catch a shuttle from the parking lot to the hangar. I guessed it was already about 300+ people just standing in line. by the time I got on the bus, the line had grown to probably 500+.

Eventually I made it up to the hangar and through security. I let them look at my camera and cell phone then tried to squeeze in to a spot where I had a good shot to get some pictures. I actually ended up right along the edge of the hangar, which looked out onto the runway...a perfect spot to see Air Force 1 as well as the President when he got off the plane.

By the way, I have to comment on the way our church was represented there at the rally. First off, our pastor and a couple of Jennifer & my good friends were there on stage with the President. Off to the side of the stage was the entire Shiloh Christian band, who not only sounded great but got numerous rousing ovations. Also, one of the praise singers from the Church at Pinnacle Hills, Angela Stansbury, was chosen to sing the Star Spangled Banner and she did an absolutely fantastic & beautiful job.

The Drum Corps from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff treated the crowd to several drum cadences and dance routines as we continued to wait for the arrival of Air Force 1. Talk about talented, rhythmic and loud!!! I imagine this was kind of like watching a performance of "Stomp" except the UAPB drum corps only used drums & cymbals.

Many of us noticed security taking their positions in and around the hangars, most notably, the sharpshooters, who were setting up a perimeter on some tractor trailers about 300 yards away from where the plane would land. The anticipation began to grow as we noticed people beginning to scurry around and speak into their walkie talkies. I had a great view of any plane that made it's decent into XNA when finally we got the word from the stage at about the exact moment I saw it.

"Ladies & gentlemen, look out to your right in a few moments as we see the arrival of a very special visitor."

And none of us were disappointed.

The size and magnitude of AF1 is incredible!! Easily one of the largest planes I've ever seen yet one of the most graceful too. It landed and approached the hangar as the crowd burst into cheers & applause, especially when the President and First Lady walked down the tarmac.

They were as graceful and as poised as anyone I've ever seen. Yet, they come off as extremely personable and approachable...friendly and very warm. President and Mrs. Bush waved at people, shook hands and hugged many on stage. Flags waved, signs shook and flashbulbs were going off at a record pace...what a sight to see and for me, what a thing to witness.

Here, mere yards in front of me, was the President of the United States of America.

He spoke to the crowd for about 25 minutes or so (I actually lost track of time) but he kept everyone's interest and attention. Finally when it was all said & done, he waved to the crowd and went down into the people to meet them, shake some hands and pose for some pics. I had several incredible shots lined up but my camera's delay missed a few of them. Instead of me gettting him waving directly at me, which he did a few times, I got him as he was walking away.

Finally, after a quick meet & greet with a select few from the stage, including our Pastor, he and Mrs. Bush gave us one last wave and boarded Air Force 1. The crowd continued to cheer and wave and never made an attempt to leave until after the plane was long gone.

What a day and what an experience I'll never forget!!!

You know, regardless of what your opinion is of President Bush and the job he's doing, it's still an incredible thing to see someone so larger than life in person, only to realize he puts his pants on the same way I do. He goes through an enormous amount of stress & pressure in his life and he, like so many of our leaders, locally and nationally, need our prayers & support.

Keep ALL our representatives, senators, congressmen & women, officials and our President in your prayers today. None of us will ever make it without the wisdom, discernment and guidance of our loving Father.

God bless our President and may God bless America!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Reflections From Romans

For the past 50 days, our church has been involved in a period of daily prayer and supplication, asking God for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We've been praying for this revival for not only us as a church body but also for our community, nation and world. I believe that we are all in a desperate need of annointing from God's Holy Spirit, to help us take off the spiritual scales that blind our eyes and constrict our hearts. Each and every day, we hear how God and His authority for our lives is not only challenged but removed. Look at the issues that are "hot points" for the upcoming elections. See how lines are being drawn in the sand and sides are being taken.

Could you ever imagine a day where the things that lead political and social discussions today are so prominent and pervasive when only 15-20 years ago, no one would even dare bring them up?

Just look all around us and see how immoral America has become. How can any of us in good faith (and I use that term "faith" loosely because it seems so many of us refuse to have any) even dare to ask God for anything when we refuse to do what He asks from us? We cry and wail and moan because of things like school shootings, terrorist attacks, murders, wars, crime, injustice, over taxation. We're extremely quick to blame God for allowing these things to occur but when it comes to keeping Him in the forefront of our minds, hearts and lives, forget it.

We're too smart to believe in an all-powerful etheral being who supposedly created the world and all life within it. We've become too intellectual to believe in the same principles and values our country was founded upon. We've even gotten to become psychic in our deliberations because now, not only are these "old fashioned values" irrelevant to us, we can now boast that these values and morals were never what our forefathers intended.


Hmmm. Seems a bit contradictory to me that a room full of men over 200 years ago came to a complete and unified understanding that our country was going to be founded on the precepts of belief in a supreme being. In fact, this "supreme being" is mentioned at the very beginning of the Declaration of Independence.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Unfortunately, many have distorted this into fitting into a particular or personal agenda. In fact, something contained within the first few lines of the Declaration caught my attention.

"...and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..."

The "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God". Again, there is mention and acknowledgement of a God of nature who governs a set of laws of which all people live by. These are laws and behaviors that come about by a more superior design and structure. Just think about it.

The sun rising and setting each day. The grass and flowers growing in and out of season. The miracle of life and the ability to recreate it...naturally. The laws of physics. For example, if you release a ball from the top of a building, it will always fall to the ground. That's the law of gravity. You cannot see it, you cannot touch it but you cannot deny it's existence or it's effects.

Why, then, is it so hard to believe in God, whom we cannot see, yet we would never doubt gravity, that which is also invisible? Because we can see the immediate effects (ie: gravity) instead of waiting to see the long-term ones (ie: God's blessings and existence)?

I have recently started another website on and I'm utterly shocked and disturbed at what I see. I never could have imagined how many people are witches, atheists, homosexual, bi-sexual, pan-sexual, vampires, sociopaths, open drug abusers, sexual voyeurs and exhibitionists, anti-Christ, anti-establishment and anti-authority.

How and where did all this come about? What caused all these issues to suddenly reach epidemic proportions? How did these "ideals" spread so rampantly?

I'll tell you how.

Because we've turned our backs on God. We've gone above and beyond to remove Him and His influence upon our lives. We've become self-reliant on ourselves and our own abilities instead of becoming submissive to His will for us. Perhaps there's always been a contingent in human populus who've chosen to rebel in any way they can but it just seems like instead of people encouraging and supporting each other, we're all out to destroy and degrade anything we can.

Traditional morals and values.
Traditional families.
Traditional celebrations and holidays.
Traditional life.

And because of this, we all live in the times we do. We can't point our fingers at God anymore for "allowing things to happen" when we are content to just sit by to watch them happen. They say history has a way of repeating itself and I've found that to be true. In fact, what we see going on in modern America today also happened back in the time of the apostle Paul. He even wrote about these events, warning anyone who read his letters to turn back from their immoral ways.

Romans 1:20-35 (New International Version)

"20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

32 Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

Does any of this sound anything even remotely like America today?

We are in a desperate need of spiritual revival and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We so desperately need to submit to the Lord, beg for His forgiveness from our evil ways, repent of these sins and commit our lives unto Him. Pray with us today and ask Him to forgive us and save us from the snares of sin.

May God have mercy on us all.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Saturday Musings

Kind of a drab, cool and rainy Saturday afternoon as we're waiting for the kickoff of the Razorback/South Carolina game. I was sitting around just sort of observing, laughing and watching numerous things around me...

1. The plaid is back. Golfers are back to wearing very loud plaid pants and I have to admit, they don't look nearly as bad as I remember. Still, with the size I am now, I'd look more like a large bay window in the Governor's Mansion than a stylish, 21st century golf dude.

2. Rainy days and Saturdays always get me down. OK, so I'm not Karen Carpenter but the way the kids have been today, especially the boy, I'm about to put them outside IN THE RAIN and let them burn off some of this energy and orneriness. I'm not sure how to spell it but I know you parents know what I'm trying to say.

3. You ever see those Time Life infomercials trying to sell you on their various music collections? Tonight, I was "blessed" to stumble across their "Classic Soft Rock" collection, featuring everyone from Air Supply to Exile to the Doobie Bros (w/Michael McDonald). It was instantly 1979 as I heard some of those brief exerpts. What was amusing about it was Air Supply (the two main guys) were the spokesmen for the collection. They were aged (gracefully?) and sitting in a plush, comfortable living room yet still felt compelled to have their shirts unbuttoned down to their mid-abdomen. Flash to a quick video clip of them singing "Lost In Love" and wouldn't you know it...they had their shirts unbuttoned down to their mid-abdomen.


4. Kaitlyn decided to write a short story for kicks this afternoon and it had me in stitches. Here it is for your enjoyment.

A Little Selfish Girl

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Nellie. She loved Japanese food, especially at Shoguns. She hasn't gone there in a long time because her parents said it's too expensive to go there.

So, she ran away to a billionaire's housle. So now she can go where ever she wants to go, even to Shoguns. But the police found out about this situation. Well the billionaire was with Nellie so he went to jail. Now the little girl doesn't get her way. Now she is grounded for one whole year.

Isn't that funny? Her explanations about why Nellie couldn't go to Shogun's sound a little familiar to the reasons WE give her. Hmmmm...I better see if she knows any billionaires.

Friday, November 03, 2006

One Game At A Time

Big weekend ahead for our Razorbacks!! We travel to Columbia South Carolina to take on Steve Spurrier and the Gamecocks in what is the first of 4 very crucial SEC games.

As it stands right now, Arkansas is undefeated in conference play and has only one loss overall.

Who could forget that humiliating blowout to USC (Southern Cal) the first game of the year? I tell you felt like after that game, the Razorback faithful were either going to start leaping off the nearest bridge or storm the university ala the angry mob in all those old black & white Frankenstein movies.

However, winning the rest of the games from that point on has not only helped us nurse our wounds but we're acutally looking forward to the "bowl season". And for a change, it doesn't look like we're headed to some minor, insignificant one either. I'm hearing Cotton or maybe Sugar Bowl for the Hogs this year.

Of course, if we win out and sweep all four of our remaining games AND happen to win the SEC Championship, some are whispering of a "on the edge of the solar system" outside chance of a BCS berth.

Read: a National Championship

That's extremely unlikely to happen due to a number of factors but all that aside, it's a great time to be a Razorback football fanatic!!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What A Rush!!!

A sugar rush, that is....

Has everyone recovered from all the Trick or Treaters and the onslaught of Hershey's, Reese's and Sweet Tarts? We had a bunch of kids come through for about 2 hours last night and I got chosen to have "door duty" as Mommy & Jake went out together. Kaitlyn scampered out for about 2 hours with some of her girlfriends from the neighborhood and both kids has a rousing night of successful candy retrieval.

To no one's surprise, the sugar high caused us all to get hyper and wound up for about a 3 hour window (5-8p). Yet, once everyone got home and had one last piece before bedtime, I was surprised how quickly the little ones crashed. I guess they were more worn out than I thought.

I was hoping to wrap it up today with a few pics of the kids in their costumes but for whatever reason (again), is not doing a good job of uploading pics. Maybe later I can get some of those pictures posted.

Hope you all have a great day and if you get time, you can swing by my new myspace site. It's still a work in progress but you can see a few pics of the family and hear that new song from Michael Sweet I have been telling you about for a while.