Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Religion in the Clubhouse

According to Colin Cowherd, ESPN Radio personality, this morning's USA Today had a feature on "Religion in the Clubhouse", focusing a great deal on the Colorado Rockies and the Christian ethics and morals they display in their dugouts, clubhouses and organization.

From what the USA Today article mentioned, there are no copies of Playboy, Penthouse or even Maxim magaizine around, there are scriptures painted on the walls of the weight room and the Rockies even host weekly chapel and prayer services, all of which are well attended. Rockies' GM Daniel O'Dowd cites the recent success of the team due to God's blessing and favor.

"You look at things that have happened to us this year" O'Dowd says. "You look at some of the moves we made and didn't make. You look at some of the games we're winning. Those aren't just a coincidence. God has definitely had a hand in this."

As I continued to listen to Cowherd's semi-tirade about how religion doesn't belong in sports, I decided I'd try to call in to ESPN Radio, a phone call I've tried to make numerous times before but always...I mean a busy signal.

This time though...I immediately got in.

The call screener asked my name, where I was calling from and what I wanted to say then put me on hold. happened.

I was back on the air. LOL

Seriously though, Colin greeted me and I asked him if there had been any players who felt like the Christian influence and/or prayer meetings were being "forced" on them. I said if so many people were being forced into going, why haven't we heard about it more often? He liked the question and then answered MY question with HIS question.

Typical talk show host tactic. Never commit to any ONE answer. His last name befits him well.

Anyway, he said "if you were opposed to this way of thinking, would you be standing up and making a scene?"

I said if I felt strongly enough about it, I might.

"But" I added "let me clear up a very common misconception. You are correct when you say 'God doesn't root for the Rockies and pull against the Cardinals.' However, I DO believe, as a Christian myself, that God gives His favor at various times in a person's life and PERHAPS this was the time that Daniel O'Dowd and the Rockies were experiencing some of those blessings."

I then said that I would NEVER claim to know the way God thinks and how He processes things but I do believe that as He raises some up at one time, He uses other experiences to grow others.

"Well, what about the '86 Mets? They won the World Series but were full of drug users, cheaters, and all kinds of guys. Do you think the Rockies are going to win the Series this year?"

"No" I replied. "But again, and I'm not claiming to know what God thinks, but perhaps He was using the '86 Mets for one purpose and then..."


Time's up.

I didn't get to hear Cowherd's rebuttal or how/if he made me look like a simpleton. But that's OK. There were several other callers who felt the same way I do/did and were phoning in to express their opinions. I really could've and would've like to have made a few more points to Colin but I do realize it's not my radio show and he's got to keep things moving.

As far as the filthy music and magazines go, the Rockies are a PRIVATE ownership and can therefore conduct themselves as they see fit. O'Dowd signs the checks, it's his team and if he wants to have Biblical scriptures on the walls of the weight room, that's his right. I don't know how many times I've heard people on talk shows and in newspapers saying "it's my this or that and I can do whatever I want with it." So then, why now is it an issue that the Rockies want to have a Christian influence all over their organization?

Could it be because it might...gasp...'offend' someone??

Quick, Mr. President!! We need to get you to Air Force One!!

(I shake my head in frustration)

I'm so sick of hearing about offending people and wondering about nonsense like that. It's much more offensive to be in a locker room full of filthy language and posters of naked women on the walls than someone feeling like their inner child is being hurt.

Excuse me sir, but I think your inner child needs a spanking and a dose of reality and personal responsibility.

There were so many fallacies talked about this morning and of course, the show slanted the article to sounding either like Christians are obnoxious, hypocritical lunatics or these values & morals were being forced on everyone.

Check out the article for yourself in today's edition of USA Today. I think Daniel O'Dowd is very sensitive to the feelings of non-believers but as GM, he does have the right to conduct his clubhouse as HE sees fit, not some radio talk show host in Connecticuit. I applaud O'Dowd and the Rockies organization for being bold enough to stand up and draw that line in the sand by not allowing such decadent influences permeate their team but also for being bold (yet loving) in their faith, belief and trust in God Almighty.

We need more good people like that who are willing to take that risk, stand up for what is right and ignore the insults and slanderous remarks of those who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Everybody Dance Now!

It's midway through the Memorial Day weekend and we had decided that we'd go see our neighbor girls' dance recital this afternoon. Now, I'd kinda had an idea of what to expect as far as the "high class" folk coming in for a relaxing afternoon of tranquil dance movements and watching their daughters perform to light, polite patters of applause. I was expecting the kids (mine) to be a little expressive and restless at times but I was hoping they'd make it through the afternoon without me having to remove one (or both) of them to accompany me to the car for the remainder of the performance.

However, Jake had other ideas.

No sooner had we gotten to our seats in the auditorium than he decided to start seat hopping, going from one seat to another, and watching the cusions fold up automatically.

"Oh boy" I thought. "This is already getting old."

I noticed a few of the parents and grandparents giving me "the eye", wondering why I hadn't corraled that boy into submission yet. I kind of wondered the same thing. My wife & I pleaded with him to sit still and wait for Lauren & Jane (the 2 girls for our neighborhood) to come on and dance and he tried to comply.

Finally (and mercifully) the lights went down, only 15 minutes late, and the show started...

with ballet.

Ugh. Someone pull my brain out through my ears. Yank my toenails off with pliers. Sure, it was cute watching 3 year old girls prance about and look confused and bewildered, but flutes that trill and oboes that shrill are not my preference for music.

Obviously, they aren't Jake's either. He was trying to sit on my lap and watch the girls dance but began to lose interest. He then decided he'd rather sit and contort himself in such a way that he let me know he was ready to wrestle and let me tickle him.

He does this by raising his arm over his head, leaning backwards and exposing under his neck, all the while, giggling in anticipation of me pouncing on him. Yet I knew in that particular setting, with the social elite there for a bit of culturizing, there was no way any of them would find my zerberting the child humorous in any way.

"Tickle me" he dared me under his breath. "Daddy, come on...get me."

Knowing full well the ramifications of me "getting him" in that setting, I began to stifle my own giggles and said "no...Daddy can't get you right now. We have to be quiet."

Now, he raised both arms, revealing 2 helpless and vulnerable armpits.

"Dad...get me!"

The little imp was tempting me, daring me, challenging me to a duel and I couldn't do a blessed thing about it.

As I began to giggle under my breath, I felt the light yet deliberate "touch" of my wife's hand. A touch that said "knock it off, boys or you're BOTH gonna get a whippin'!"

"But he's-" I tried to respond but got the eye and a finger to the mouth in a shushing manner.

"Argh" I grumbled inside.

Mercifully, the first act came to an end and I suggested to Jake that he and I go outside to watch a movie in the SUV. He began to protest then I waved a fruit snack in front of him and we were off to the races.

Thank goodness for DVD's in SUV's because that was my saving grace this afternoon. I took him up the road a few minutes before it all ended to get some soda for a BBQ after the recital and bribed him with the possiblity to get a Hot Wheel car (about .93...well worth his compliance).

So we trot into a local grocery store where I come to realize they don't have any kind of car worth buying the boy. It's time for some creative parenting as I tell him we're going to another store and if he's good, we can all go through a car wash on the way home.

Hey, we have simple pleasures here.

Triumphantly he struts out of Harp's, boldly telling the manager "bye dad says we're going to the other Wal-Mart!"

Where is a hole to fall in when you really need one?

Flash ahead about 45 minutes...the toy car has been found and bought, soda has been purchased and the wife & daughter picked up from the recital. It's time to head home...but first, a little stop by the car wash. I pull up to the pay screen, select my desired car wash, insert my cash, pull forward, hear an ungodly clank and see the car wash attendant slink forward and inform me that "the chain is caught on sumthin' and I can't get ya goin' just yet."

"You mean we're stuck?" I asked almost laughing?

"Yep, but don't worry. My manager is on his way and will be here in a few minutes"

Wow. That's a new one. Stuck in a car wash. So I call our friends to tell them we're going to be a little late to the BBQ because we're stuck in a car wash. Rather than sympathy, we got laughter and more laughter...both on the phone and from the kids in the backseat.

I'm glad we can bring so much joy & laughter to the lives of all our friends and families. It actually was pretty funny...I can't imagine anyone making up an excuse like getting stuck in a car wash before. No doubt, the way I know Mike, this one's going to come back and bite me one day.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Heading Into The Weekend

Actually, the weekend (proper) is already here but I guess I'm OK since it's a 3 day holiday weekend. Be safe and watch out for all the idiots out there on the water & highways. I always tell my wife she should charge more to those people who come in during holidays or overnights for tests due to "idiot injuries". You know the type...diving off a roof when you've had 7-8 longneck bottles of Bud, deciding to change all the lightbulbs in your house during the middle of the night and falling off a ladder, feeling you're invincible at closing time at the local watering hole and challenging the head bouncer to prove his "manhood".

You know, injuries like that.

Real quick reviews on a couple things:

X-Men 3: AWESOME!! If you're a fan of the comic book and/or just looking for a good action superhero movie, this is it! Not only was the movie great but the previews were hot too! New Ghost Rider flick coming out in Feb 2007 and the new Pirates of the Caribbean in July looks great. Not to mention, "Superman Returns" is just a few weeks away, as is "Cars"...both are highly anticipated around the hacienda.

iPod: My life was so empty before I found this device. OK, so I'm pathetic...yeah, I won't argue that point at all. But not only is this thing (I've got the 30 gb version) cool with what it offers and how much it can store, I love I-Tunes and the fact that I was able to download the entire second season of "Lost" and be caught up in time for the new season this fall. Not to mention, it makes me look a lot smarter to the wife as well.

Hope you all have a great weekend. We started it off with a jaunt to the doughnut shop where Jake decided to inform the ladies behind the counter that not only do I like those Hummer SUV's but my wife was not going to let me get one. Laughter ensued as I walked out the door like the beaten man I was. I think they put extra sugar on the boy's donut for him being so cute and outing his dad the way he did. Ugh...turncoat.

It's time to amp the chillins up with sugar and popcorn and a trip to see "Over The Hedge" Monday afternoon since both kids are out of school. I don't look for it to be anywhere near as entertaining (for me) as X-Men was but as long as it keeps the kids entertained and out of the hot sun for a couple hours, mission will be accomplished.

My wife had the gall to make a suggestion we "should get a pool" as we sat on the deck this afternoon. Immedately, all 3 children (yes, I'm including myself in that grouping) leapt to their feet and made for the Sequoia. She then tried to put the brakes on things by saying "well, we're not getting one today but I was just-"

No more words, my dear. Just grab your purse and a thermos of tea and let's be off. Jake mentioned something about going to the pool in our yard soon and I told him "no son, don't get your heart set and raise your expectations then throw a fit when we don't get a pool today...that's my job."

So, a rather long drive that really amounts to a very short pool, not a word with the salespeople (apparently there was only 1 legitimate pool salesman in the room and he was hip deep in business) and no brochures to consider. But I think the time will be here soon when I will be found in the backyard, sunning my rolls of white blubber in the privacy of my own home, next to our brand new oasis, without fear of scarring the mindsets of innocent children across our neighborhood.

Have a great weekend. I'm off to see if the girls can beat me at Scrabble.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The Soul Patrol

Well, unless you've been hiding out in a cave for the past few months or absolutely didn't get hit by the American Idol train, you've heard that the new AI winner for Season 5 is Taylor Hicks, the gray haired 29 year old who's age (real and alleged) was a subject of slight controversy early on. Regardless, he put on a great show/set Tuesday and Wednesday nights, besting fellow contestant Katharine McPhee, a 22 year old brunette bombshell from the Los Angeles region.

Throughout the comepetition, Taylor relied upon older blues/rock songs by artists like Joe Cocker, Otis Redding, Stevie Wonder and the Boss, Bruce Springsteen. He's definitely got one of those more notable voices that may possibly take him to a new level of success but as a cover singer with a good amount of raspiness to him, he's awesome. Sure, he dances goofy but then again...what white guy doesn't? But the way he moves intertwined with the way he all fits.

Overall, I'd say the best person won last night but I'm also sure we haven't seen the last of Kat McPhee by a long shot. While I'm not a fan of people coming in and updating classic songs from yesteryear, I think her version of "Over The Rainbow" was very moving and will probably see some sort of airplay very soon.

I'd go on to guess that this past season of AI has had some of the more memorable singers and personalities out of all the AI's together. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see a majority of Season 5 contestants show up in real, legitimate entertainment venues very soon.

What I saw last night was the absolute best of the 5 American Idol's finale shows...period. I was amazed at the amount of talent on that stage and the quality of special guests who showed up. There was Dionne Warwick, Burt Bacharach, Mary J. Blige, Toni Braxton, Al Jarreau, Carrie Underwood (last year's AI winner and THIS year's ACM winner of 2 awards...Single of the Year and Top Female VOX) and a surprise appearance by someone known as Prince.

Pretty good company, IMO...even with a few of the American Idol rejects featured in some rather un-funny skits.

So, the hoopla is over and thousands of young vocalists with dreams of aspiring to the American Idol stage have started forming as plans for Season 6 and auditions begin to take shape.

One of the contestants really caught my ear though. Mandisa Hundley, the powerful vocalist who judge Simon Cowell quipped about having to build a bigger stage due to her weight problem, had one of the best stage presences and voices to come out of the American Idol race in a long time. I do feel though that she was penalized to an extent due to her very public witness for Jesus Christ. If you just look at her profile on the AI website, you'll see the name of Jesus mentioned at least 4-5 times. I remember an evening though where Simon accused her of being "self-indulgent" for singing a contemporary Christian song one night instead of something secular. Within 2 weeks after that comment, Mandisa was gone. Coincidence? Perhaps...but this isn't about conspiracy theories.

It's about people using their immediate opportunites to reach others for Christ and to live an outward expression of His love living in them. I appreciate her being obedient to doing such a thing and I believe God will one day reward her for her willingness. Whether it's here on earth or when she gets to Heaven, I think He will tell her "well done, My good & faithful servant".

One of the big catch phrases to come out of AI this year is Taylor's pet name for all his fans.

The Soul Patrol.

I got to thinking about this today and wondered how it could be applied to a believer's life. Then it hit me. While we are not called to judge people into account for all they've done, we are called to be salt and light in a dying world. We are to look out for those who need to find Jesus for themselves and I guess, in that way, we as believers in the life-changing power of Christ are on our own "soul patrol".

Searching for souls who may be lost and showing them, sharing with them the truth that can only come from a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. It's not about all these self-help books and do-it-yourself quick remedies.

It's about trusting and believing on Him. It's about sharing this truth with others as often as we can. It's about standing up for what you believe, having compassion on others who may oppose your views, learning patience and praying to God to witness to our friends & family in a way that He wants us to, not according to our own will.

There are plenty of attacks and offenses against Christianity and it's beliefs today. Yet, even though I'm human and my first instinct is to fight back as hard as I can, I need to pause, reflect, remove myself from that situation for a moment and remember that the Bible says the battle is not our's but His.

And the cool thing to realize?

This fight's already been fought and Jesus has already won. But until He returns to call His children home, we need to be aware that there are countless others out there who are lost and in need of rescue. Only Christ can save but we can show them His light in us.

So, it's time to start seeking others out. Time to start sharing His gospel. Time to begin our "soul patrol".

Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's Late And I Need a Favor...

I'll try to put something up later Monday (today) but before I retire for the evening, I need to implore anyone who might could help with this...

My wife & I are new fans of the show "Lost". We just finished Season 1 boxset and we know that Season 2 is about to wind up on normal TV but we want to view what we've missed thus far.

If anyone can point us in the right direction as to where we can d'load this past season and catch up before it's released on DVD in October (I know you can get Season 1 from itunes) we'd be mucho appreciative!!

Blasted shows that get you hooked then leave you hanging unmercifully...the nerve.

OK. Enough from me. It's late and I be tired. Hopefully I'll be able to log on later with something a little more meaningful.

Good night, John Boy.

(harmonica sounder)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Unshakeable Faith

What do you believe and why do you believe it?

For weeks now, the phrase "seek the truth" has been uttered and bantered back & forth in anticipation of the release of Ron Howard's latest film "The DaVinci Code". The film opens this weekend and is drawing mixed reviews, probably to the chagrin of the movie's producers, directors and actors, including Tom Hanks. It's been heralded in some circles, panned in yet others. Evangelical Christians stongly disagree with the movie's (and book's) premise that Jesus Christ was not divine, was elected to His "position of deity" by a committee and not only had a physical relationship with Mary Magdalene but also had children by her.

By referring to the Bible, there is never any mention of ANY of these assertions. In fact, for every premise (whether it's a fictional characterization or not) described in Dan Brown's best selling book, the Bible takes a nearly 180 degree turn in opposition against these "theories".

The Bible states Jesus Christ was the one and ONLY Son of God.
The Bible states that Jesus Christ is One of the Three aspects of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
The Bible NEVER indicates, implies or otherwise that Jesus had a relationship with Mary Magdalene other than He cared for her as He did everyone else. There are no passages indicative of "secret winks", subdued nudges & grins between the two or some underlying secret affair. Why some people think they need to create these deceptive and divisive theories is beyond me but I can tell you it's not just for ficticious purposes.

There is a bold movement going on today to totally discredit Jesus Christ and all He represents. I can think of no other person today who is so openly mocked, poorly portrayed, criticized and ridiculed than Jesus.

Why is this?

I received an email yesterday from the American Family Association stating that a student run newspaper (the Insurgent) at the University of Oregon ran graphics portraying Jesus Christ as a homosexual.

All in name of journalistic editorializing and freedom of expression, right? Please...

Although there was a link posted to view these dispicable and highly offensive pictures, two of which showed Jesus in a full state of "arousal" and in one, embracing another man, I was so revolted by the descriptions that I refuse to even look at them. Considering what I might even begin to see makes me nauseous and causes my blood to boil. When asked for a full apology for these deplorable pictures and for causing such an offense against Christians everywhere, the Insurgent's response was blunt and to the point.

"There are no grounds for demanding an apology from Insurgent." The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) went on to defend the publication saying that the newspaper contributes "to the cultural and physical development of the university community." Knowing full well that people were bothered and offended by these pictures, read what the newspaper's student editor, Jessica Brown, wrote.

"I have to say it is really fun to offend people. It is fun to break the rules. If it pi--es people off…good that's the point!!! It has here in this office. So read, get pi--ed and talk about it."

Utterly outrageous and deplorable. I don't think words can effectively describe the anger and hurt that I'm feeling right now. I'm sure countless other Christians are feeling just as upset and apparently, that's been the main objective of the Insurgent.

To hurt and offend just for the sake of doing so.

These are just two in a wide assortment of efforts set to slander and drag the person of Jesus Christ through the mud. A movie (and book) that seeks to create doubt and confusion as to the holiness of who He is and a liberal-based college newspaper trying to create a name for itself by whatever means necessary, regardless of who it offends.

Again, I ask...why?

Why are there so many who seek to dispell who Christ is and what He did for us? Why is it so difficult for such "educated" people to come to grips with the fact that there is indeed a Higher Power who sits and watches these things take place. Is it because we can't physically reach out and touch God? Is it because we can't call Him up on the phone and speak with Him and hear His voice? Is it because we can't drive over to His home and visit Him in person?

What so many detractors of Christianity can't come to terms with is that our beliefs & how we live our lives revolve around one thing that can't be physically contained, seen or touched.


Webster's Dictionary defines faith as "belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust; something that is believed especially with strong conviction".

Hmmm. What does that third line say?

"Firm belief in something for which there is no proof".

See, this is where they can't grasp the obvious. Yes, we cannot physically reach out and touch God but it is by our faith that we believe in Him and on Him. Let's break it down a couple ways.

1. Most of us have no problem putting our "faith" in our car starting. We go out each morning, insert the key into the ignition, turn the switch and starting the process of electrical charges that ignite the gasses and whatever else happens to make our engines turn over. This all happens in a split second. Yet, while none of us see this happen or even really consider the process it takes for it to happen, we have faith that it WILL happen and thus, believe. End result? The car starts and we're able to be on our way.

2. We would never refute the law of gravity even though we cannot tangibly touch, feel, see or hear it. Yet, in the end, we can see the results of gravity and how it works. Now, taking the approach of many disbelievers in Christianity, I can say "There is no such thing as gravity because what YOU say is gravity isn't always what I say it is. And because I can't see gravity, can't touch gravity, can't hear gravity and can't interact personally with gravity, it does not exist." However, if I'm foolish enough to believe this premise and I step off the top of a 10 story building, I'll find out real quick that gravity does indeed exist.

3. The Declaration of Independence. Unless one of us has perfected the art of time travel, none of us were there to see any of those men sign that historical document. None of us were there as the United States fought for it's independence and bonded together in unity under this declaration as well as the set of laws we use for continual guidance called the Constituion. Yet, again, we take it at face value that these pieces of parchment are not only legitimate but also profitable for our existence. So then, by that logic, why is it that the Bible cannot be verified and exemplified for it's authenticity? Why can't the stories and rules within it be followed and adhered to as profitable for our lives like the Constituion? Is it because much of this belief requires that bit of faith again that many of us don't (or won't) subscribe to?

I wonder...

I was reminded in the Bible during my quiet time yesterday that as frustrated and angry as I get when I see these attempts to discredit that which I hold dearest to my heart, God is in control. As the Psalms say:

"For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods."

"The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed, enveloped in strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be shaken. Your throne has been established from teh beginning; You are from eternity."

"The Lord will not forsake His people or abandon His heritage, for justice will again be righteous and all the upright in heart will follow it."

"But the Lord is my refuge; my God is the rock of my protection. He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. The Lord our God will destroy them."

I realize that the battle is not mine, but God's...and through the life, death and resurrection of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, that battle has been fought and won! Death and Hell have been defeated and Life has won! Our God reigns victorious!!

As the days and weeks ahead seem to get bleaker for us who believe, may we ground ourselves deeper in the faith we have in our God, may we ask Him for guidance and discernment when dealing with issues like the ones listed above and may we ask Him to replace our anger and hurt with compassion and love for those who would seek to destroy what we believe.

For how long ago was it that you and I were there, among the "intellects", trying to secure our own salvation through our own reasonings?

For as the Word says:

"For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift— not from works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:7-9)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

And That's Been A Look At The Weather

Yesterday, I took the kids up to one of our television stations, KNWA, to meet up with local meteorologist Rick Katzfey for a nickel tour of the studios. Jake especially is a HUGE fan of weather related issues and loves to watch any kind of color weather radar on the tube, especially during storms. When the boy walks into his pre-school each day, I'd venture to say at least 2 people ask him what the weather is going to do that day. In fact, last week on his daily progress report, it said that on that particular day, Jake had discussed the weather in class as well as where do cowboys sleep at night.

He's definitely got a mind of his own.

So we got up to the station and were greeted by "Mr. Rick". He took us through the newsroom and sports area where we were able to meet a few of the reporters and anchors. We then proceeded over to his work area where he had at least 8 televisions & monitors to use to get weather updates and watch real-time radar pics of the entire planet.

He then took each of the kids over to the "blue screen" to let them stand and pretend like they were doing the forecast on the air. The "blue screen" is literally that...a piece of blue fabric that the weathermen stand in front of where you see all the computer generated images of your local region, home town, nation and other weather locales. They look off to the side of the screen to see an actual monitor facing them to gauge where to point their hands. It's difficult to try the first few times but once you get it down, it's like second nature.

It reminded me a lot of my early days in college at Arkansas State when I took broadcast televison classes and had to do faux weather reports. Oh, the hilarity...

Anyway, both kids got up there and I was able to snap a few pics of them on monitors. They were both real excited about doing this and talked about it to Mommy later last night when she got home. Who knows? Perhaps one of them will have a career in televison or broadcasting in general. I hope not because I know all about the politics of working in a radio / TV station and all the salary issues and egoes you have to deal with. It's not always a very fun place to be.

I do want to thank Rick for taking the time to show us around. I can remember having to give tours of the radio stations I worked for back in the day and while it was fun seeing the faces of our visitors light up, it could also be a bit of an inconvenience. So we are very appreciative of Rick's willingness to give us a tour.

One of the things I like about him is not only is he quick witted and possesses a dry humor like myself, he's also a brother in Christ. It's not too often in this day & age where your local (or national) news people profess their witness for the Lord. Not Rick though. He's on fire for God and wants to tell everyone about it. We see each other a lot at church and usually take a few minutes out to catch up on things and hopefully we can be an encourager to each other as we all continue our walks with God.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mom's Day, Dirty Deliveries and the Weatherman

Wow. Has it been a week since I last wrote something on here? I remember someone telling me that there is a large percentage of people who once they start blogging they eventually quit. Hope that doesn't happen to me. However, you know how busy "life" can get.

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I had wanted to get on here and write something up on Mother's Day itself but with church, dinner, saying good bye to my grandparents and all the afternoon activities with the kids, it was difficult to find a few peaceful moments of solitude to get away and collect my thoughts. But, I am proud of myself for not only getting time to get gifts for my wife & grandmother, who were both here on Mother's Day, I actually sent my own mother an actual card w/pics inside and not some e-card. This is something she can keep and have propped up when we come see her for her wedding in June.

One of the things I'd gotten my wife was an mp3 player. She'd made a comment a few weeks ago about wanting something like this for her work, during her "down" hours of not being bombarded with CT's, MRI's and x-rays to read. So, being the kind & considerate hubby I am, I went out & got her one. Yet I knew the moment she opened up the box and saw it inside, she hadn't been all that serious about wanting one.

"It's uhhhh...nice" she forced herself to say with a half grin.

Oh boy, I thought to myself. She looks like she wants this as much as she wants me to put her on the ground and shave her long brown locks off her head. GI Jane anyone?

"You don't like it do you" I replied. I'm telling you...I'm real intuitive that way. A neon sign couldn't have been more obvious to me.

"Well..." she trailed off "it's OK but I don't know how much I'll use it. But thanks anyway."

I realized that it'd be best to just take it back and get our money returned. To be honest, it wasn't like this was her heart's desire so I wasn't too upset about it. We later agreed that we could use that money to finish up our landscaping in the front yard, courtesy of Jimmy's Landscape Design. That means my wife is putting me to work for NO PAY. I save $1300 on labor costs for an entire crew of people to come in and do it by moving it myself.

I think I'll submit a bill to my wife for services rendered (for about $1300) in which she can pay me with a new flat screen HDTV. I'm thinking at least 42". Yeah, that's the ticket.

Good golly am I sore today though. We had a huge pile of dirt dumped on our driveway last night that I had to shovel and move over to it's new home...10 feet away. The driver of the truck was afraid the weight of the dirt + the truck would crack the sidewalk so he got it as close as he could but I had to finish it up. By 8:45pm last night, I crawled into the house, tired, sweaty, dirty and achy, muttering the words every macho man utters after a long period of hard, exhaustive work.

"Honey, can I use your bubble bath to soothe my sore muscles? I'd like to use some rose petals too."

Come on!! I hear a bunch of you guys out there laughing and mocking me! Don't you do the same thing? There's got to be someone out there of the male persuasion who likes a good bubble bath...

BUT IT AIN'T ME!! Da-ha!! Gotcha!! Now who's the guy who raised his hand and said something about lighting a candle by the tub too?

Hey Lyle...Mike said it was you and that you like to listen to Yanni as well. I tend to believe him.

OK, OK...I'll settle down now. Let's regain some order in here or I'll clear this place out.

So, I've got a new, raised bed of dirt for some new trees & bushes I need to fill up. I guess I know what I'll be doing later this week.

Add a trip to the dentist later this afternoon (oh boy...maybe if I'm lucky, he'll forget to use the novacaine) and taking the kids to the local TV station to meet the weatherman (Jake's new hero) and it's going to be a fun, busy week.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

It's GO Time!

Thanks to everyone who responded to my APB on "the bad guy" a couple days ago. He was apprehended in our home, underwear taken off his head (which was apparently being used as a 'disguise'...and not a very good one at that), put on the ground and "mashed" (as GG says) into fits of laughter.

Nothing warms my heart more than hearing my kids laughing a good, hearty belly laugh. Both Kate & Jake have great spirits and their laughter makes this spirit infectious throughout the home.

Now when they start whining on the other hand...that's not so infections.

Speaking of APB's...have you seen this man?

He was spotted last night at the Texas Rangers game in Arlington. Not only was he heard heckling the hot dog guy, he was also calling long distance to someone back in Fayetteville, taunting this person because he was at the game and the person in Fayetteville was not. Then he offered up a devious fit of laughter, causing said Fayettevillian untold amounts of anguish and envy.

However, I...I mean, the person in over it. As long as this guy brings me back a cap, all will be right with the world. If not...

(Cue dramatic music)

Just kidding about this guy being on the loose. I don't want anyone deciding to head up a posse and show up at his home tonight. It's just a jokey okey.

Drama continues at the house today. We've got a few uninvited guests lurking around the kitchen. A few thousand to be more precise.


Both the wife and I (as well as the kids to some extent) have adopted a "Rambo-esque" attitude toward these tiny pests. We laugh in the most sinister voice we can as we lay ant traps throughout the kitchen as all kinds of lame 80's movie references fill our minds.

"Dead meat"

"Go ahead punk...make my day"

"You're going down"

"Luke, I am your father"

OK...maybe that last one doesn't fit, but you get the idea. If we'd have had ant grenades, the kids would've been in the midst of it all, launching these pineapples of destruction at these foul swarms. They were yelling and screaming "DAD!! There are more ants over here" as I'd run over with a bottle of Clorox cleaner w/bleach ready to discharge my own "showers of blessing."

We all then celebrated our brief victory with an impromptu dance to C&C Music Factory's "Gonna Make You Sweat". It was a real dance party for sure. You could've called it the "Soul(less) Train" because we couldn't dance a lick. Jake & Kaitlyn, though, were breakin' it down real good. Awww yeah. Much better than their mommy & daddy.

Especially their Mommy 'cause Daddy's got some moves on him, I'm tellin' you what. In fact, when the music stops and the dancing ceases, Daddy's mid-section is still jigglin', whether he wants to or not.

The exterminators are coming to finish the job later today. Let's hope they can find the source of this infestation and clean it up before my grandparents come in for the weekend.


The exterminator came, he saw, he sprayed and I paid. BIG money. Now, I get to inhale those aromatic noxious fumes the rest of the night. As Jake would say "Shew! Sumpin' stinks!!"

Monday, May 08, 2006

Late, Lost and a Lookout

I can't believe it's been almost an entire week since my last entry but it's not been without trying. I had a whole blog up and ready to be posted and as I hit the "submit" button, I got a warning window pop up and say something to the effect of "your connection with has been lost...please try again later." Of course, when I did try, my text and pictures were gone and I didn't want to have to sit down and recreate everything.

Laziness? Eeeehh, maybe. More like recharging the batteries to keep my (near) daily posts fresh. So let's get into it for today, a bleak and bleary Monday here in NWA.

OK...I admit. My wife and I have to be the last people on the Earth who haven't been pulled into the web of being "Lost". We recently picked up the first season's box set and were instantly hooked. We're only on episode 4 but we are already picking out our favorite characters (mine is Hurley, thus far) and can't wait to get back to watching it later today. Since we are not able to sit down at night and watch much TV between 7-9p due to baths, laundry, drinks of water and overall chaotic bedtime routines, we've begun investing in some of these boxsets. We've already been through 4 seasons of "King of Queens" (absolutely LOVE that show) and are delighted to see "Season 5" is coming out within a month or so. I also picked up a coupled seasons of "Frasier" as well as invested in a DVR / Tivo box from our local cable company. We've only got a few shows we really like to watch so we're hoping the shows we miss at their normal times will be recorded and then viewed whenever we want.

Top shows for us are (in no particular order):

"Law & Order SVU"
"King of Queens"
"Frasier" (occasionally when nothing else is on)
and sometimes we like to watch "Hogan Knows Best"

Oh man...did I just admit that??? Someone must've slipped some truth serum in my coffee.

Be on the lookout for a dastardly evil fugitive who was last seen running the hallways of homes here in Fayetteville...most notably, our's. He's about 3' 5", just over 40 lbs and has the cutest little smile that'll melt your heart. He's currently calling himself, simply, "the bad guy". He barged into our bathroom yesterday as we were gettting ready for church and told us who he was.

"I'm the bad guy" he yelled in an authoritative manner.

He then roared at us. Yes, I said "roared".

Quickly in an effort to make his hasty getaway, he swatted his mother's behind and bolted for the door, his evil, impish giggles permeating the morning air. Home security cameras caught these 2 images of him.

Approach him with love and compassion and be sure to mash the daylights outta him. That's what GG always says seems to work.

Have a great day and give thanks to God above for all His blessings and faithfulness. I thank Him today for revealing Himself to me through His Word. I also thank Him for blessing me with an incredible wife and 2 awesome kids, affectionately known as "Ms. Mayhem and Captain Chaos". They help keep me young...and my body bruised with all the rough-housing.

Anyone have any Motrin?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

These Quiet Moments...

It's shortly after 11am as I begin to write this and I can assuredly say the presence of God is here with me right now.

To some, that may sound like an odd statement or perhaps it may be one you're unfamiliar with. But there is a stillness here in our home that just breathes of God. I am here, sitting in this presence now, not wanting it to end, just enjoying being near Him. This happens every once in a while and it's an amazing thing to me, personally and spiritually.

I'm a member of a group at our church called "Warriors on the Wall". We are each assigned a specific hour of the week where we turn everything off, don't answer phones and just go before God with our prayers and intercessions. Mine is each Tuesday from 10-11am. Now I will admit before each and every one of you...there are times when I get "busy" or "distracted" and I am strongly tempted to disregard this time to do my own thing. Go play golf. Get groceries. Mow the yard. Paint the bathroom. Whatever...

But there is always a still, small voice that speaks to me and says "I want to spend some time with you". I've found that when I listen to that voice and totally block out everything around me, I can truly hear it...I can sense it's presence...I can feel it.

And it's often overwhelming.

As the Bible says in James, when we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. (James 4:8) I stand on this promise today and claim it as true! When I humble myself and quiet myself before Him, especially during this prayer time, there is a Spirit of peace and everlasting joy that falls upon our home. Today, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of getting the kids to school and controlling my blood sugar and all the other "stuff" I need to do today, I put everything aside and asked God to draw near to speak to me and to fill me with His Holy Spirit.

I have to say that after I've been with God in an intimate time of prayer and worship, I'm filled with a power that can't be described!! It's not anything that I want to improve my standing or what people think of me either that gives me such a boost of energy and life. I want all who see me and interact with me to see the love and light of Jesus Christ shining brighter than any star in the sky.

In fact, I've told many people that the reason I wanted to do this blog was so that I could (hopefully) reach others for Christ. Seeing as how I'm no longer on the radio, I tend to not really have much contact with a lot of people in the workplace. But I know that many people surf the 'net and I pray that they'll find this blog and be encouraged by what they read, not for my benefit, but for the glory and honor of our Heavenly Father.

There is a dynamic, powerful song called "The Prayer". There are several versions of it out there. A couple at our church in Rogers, Josh & Angela Stanbury, sang it at the recent cross raising at the Church at Pinnacle Hills. If you could imagine them singing this hymn as the top of this massive cross was lifted slowly and deliberately into the Northwest Arkansas sky that Good Friday morning, wow. It was truly one of the most poignant moments in my life. Realizing what the cross stands for and how it's gift is ready and available for ALL people...

I'm having church here as I write this. LOL

My sister Angela and her husband Greg sing this song as well and it gives me chills. I'm of course proud to hear my baby sister singing this song so beautifully but couple that with it's essence and there's a definite blessing right there.

The song has really encouraged and touched me in the past couple days. I hope if you have a chance to listen it, you'll truly hear the words and make them your prayer today.

"I pray You'll be our eyes,
and watch us where we go
Help us to be wise
In times when we don't know.
Let this be our prayer
when we lose our way,
Lead us to a place,
guide us with Your grace,
to a place where we'll be safe."

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Future And A Hope

I had an idea of what to write here today and will probably use it either tomorrow or later this week. But after I got back from dropping the boy off at school, I was pouring myself my 3rd cup of coffee when a story came on ESPN that made everything around me come to a complete stop.

It was the story of the East Greenbush New York Devils. They are members of the Pop Warner Challenger League, a sort of "flag football" league for disabled children. With every child in this league suffering from such diblitating conditions like down's syndrome to cerbral palsy, this is an opportunity for these precious children to get to play and enjoy the game of football in a way that is special to them, their families and anyone in attendance.

"The mission of the Challenger League is to bring the Pop Warner Little Scholars experience to those special needs individuals that would normally not be given that chance. The Challenger program is non-competitive and no score will be kept. The games, however, model after a regular game with warm ups, a coin toss and singing of the National Anthem, etc. "

I began to watch these children and their "partners", often a parent or sibling, run down the field carrying a football in their lap as their "partner" pushed them. Everyone on the field, rather than try to stop the ball runner, was instead running along side them, cheering and pumping their fists in the air though they themselves were about to score. I remember specifically one older boy with down's syndrome. He was probably in his mid to late teens and he was running along side a younger child in a wheelchair. This young man had a fierce look of determination on his face...not to try and prevent the boy in the wheelchair from crossing the goalline, but to make sure no one got in his way from doing so.

His arms pumping like a sprinter's in a heated relay, a steely-eyed glare on his brow and his legs carrying him as fast as they could, he ran beside his younger friend in the wheelchair, whooping and hollering as they ran. When they finally crossed the goalline, the crowd stood and jumped and cheered. The faces of the two boys, along with the younger boy's partner, were beaming with an almost spiritual glow. Smiles a mile and a half wide.

Memories made that would last a lifetime.

I tried to hold back the tears as I watched this scene of exhuberance and sheer elation but I couldn't. I cried for these kids, knowing they would probably never be able to lace up a pair of Nikes and run themselves into the endzone during their high school homecoming. I cried for the fact that many of these kids will not even make it to their 15th birthday. I cried for the parents who knew these facts all too well. I cried for all of us who take our lives and the lives of our children for granted.

I realized our kids may live "normal" lives and be able to walk, talk, play and run like others. Our kids don't live with the fear of whether or not the next seizure they have might be their last. We look at our kids and think how we're going to get him out in the yard and push him to be the best running back in town and he's not even in kindergarten yet. We wonder if we can mold our daughters into world class gymnasts, performing for all to see on the Olympic stage.

Yet we don't stop to think about how each of these families involved with the Challenger League have taken the dreams and hopes they once had and have now had to create new ones. Dreams that certainly don't waste time on whether or not Bobby was the fastest kid on the field or Susie scored a perfect 10 on the balance beam.

No. I'd bet these dreams are focused on their children living happy, pain-free lives. I bet these parents, even as stressed as they probably get, cherish each moment they have with their kids. They've come to realize the importance and value of a concept so many of us disregard.

Time with your kids.

How selfish we can be at times...never wanting to look around at those who may not have as much as we do. Never wanting to acknowledge how fortunate we are to have the lives we do without considering those who pursue life by making the most of each moment. Never wanting to give our own kids the time they deserve, not investing in their lives, asking them about their day at school or even stopping what we're doing that very moment to head out in the yard to play trucks with them in the dirt.

Why don't we do Thank God Almighty for the life He has blessed you with and be thankful for ALL He has given you. I am so thankful for a God of love and mercy whose Spirit of love and compassion has revealed itself in the essence of this football league. There is such joy and celebration on the field...such encouragement, respect and love for each other.

And there is one other thing very evident in the eyes of everyone on that field:


Jeremiah 29:11 says it beautifully.

"For I know the plans I have for you...plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

God is so good.