President Bush Comes To NWA
Yesterday, I was extremely fortunate to get to see President George W. Bush in person at the NWA Airport. He was doing some last minute stumping for Republican candidates here in Arkansas who are seeking election today.
I had heard about him coming through the area early in the weekend and tried to get all the info I could for Monday's appearance. I called the local Republican office here in Fayetteville and stopped by to get a ticket and driving directions to the exact spot to park for the rally.
XNA, the airport, is about a 25-35 minute drive from our home. I knew the doors for the rally would open around 1:30p and they'd quit letting people in around 3:30p. So, I tried to get out there as close to 1:30 as I could. On the way, I realized it was only about 1pm and I was only about 10 miles from the airport.
Hey, I told myself, I've got some time to stop by the golf shop and look around a bit.

No I didn't. By the time I got out to the airport, which happened to be right at 1:30, there was already a line waiting to park as well as a line of people waiting to catch a shuttle from the parking lot to the hangar. I guessed it was already about 300+ people just standing in line. by the time I got on the bus, the line had grown to probably 500+.
Eventually I made it up to the hangar and through security. I let them look at my camera and cell phone then tried to squeeze in to a spot where I had a good shot to get some pictures. I actually ended up right along the edge of the hangar, which looked out onto the runway...a perfect spot to see Air Force 1 as well as the President when he got off the plane.

The Drum Corps from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff treated the crowd to

Many of us noticed security taking their positions in and around the hangars, most notably, the sharpshooters, who were setting up a perimeter on some tractor trailers about 300 yards away

"Ladies & gentlemen, look out to your right in a few moments as we see the arrival of a very special visitor."

The size and magnitude of AF1 is incredible!! Easily one of the largest planes I've ever seen yet one of the most graceful too. It landed and approached the hangar as the crowd burst into cheers & applause, especially when the President and First Lady walked down the tarmac.

Here, mere yards in front of me, was the President of the United States of America.

He spoke to the crowd for about 25 minutes or so (I actually lost track of time) but he kept everyone's interest and attention. Finally when it was all said & done, he waved to the crowd and went down into the people to meet them, shake some hands and pose for some pics. I had several incredible shots lined up but my camera's delay missed a few of them. Instead of me gettting him waving directly at me, which he did a few times, I got him as he was walking away.

Finally, after a quick meet & greet with a select few from the stage, including our Pastor, he and Mrs. Bush gave us one last wave and boarded Air Force 1. The crowd continued to cheer and wave and never made an attempt to leave until after the plane was long gone.
What a day and what an experience I'll never forget!!!
You know, regardless of what your opinion is of President Bush and the job he's doing, it's still an incredible thing to see someone so larger than life in person, only to realize he puts his pants on the same way I do. He goes through an enormous amount of stress & pressure in his life and he, like so many of our leaders, locally and nationally, need our prayers & support.
Keep ALL our representatives, senators, congressmen & women, officials and our President in your prayers today. None of us will ever make it without the wisdom, discernment and guidance of our loving Father.
God bless our President and may God bless America!

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