Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Tomorrow

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there!!

I know this time of year can be so busy and hectic...our lives are no different than any of your's so I know not only are we thinking of the incredible meal tomorrow (as well as the football all weekend long!) but the beginning of the Christmas season. Unfortunately, the focus seems to be less and less on the birth of our Lord and more & more on the materialized "gotta have it" mentality of buying everything under the sun. I know...I've been there myself. Does this sound familiar?

Maxxed out credit cards? Waiting 'til the last minute to buy things? Hitting a mental block on what to get for people? How many people to buy for? How much to spend on friends and family?

We get so caught up in the "holiday spirit" that we forget what this season is all about. Don't let those who are offended by this season get you is about Christ.

We celebrate His birth because we realize had He never come, we would never have that hope of spending eternity with Him in Heaven. Without the selfless sacrifice of His body & blood, we could never hope to approach anywhere near God or even be remotely acceptable in His sight. Yet, through this gift of love...the shedding of His blood and the forgiveness of our sins...we have that hope and opportunity to thank Him, follow Him, worship Him and live for Him.

That's what I'm thankful for this season.

That over 2000 years ago, God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to die for all our sins...that whoever would believe in Him will not perish or die but has the gift of eternal life! An eternity to spend praising and worshipping the Creator of the universe and the Lamb who is worthy of all our thanksgiving!!

To end it today, I'll just say...

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts...praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen and amen!!"

Happy Thanksgiving!


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