Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mom's Day, Dirty Deliveries and the Weatherman

Wow. Has it been a week since I last wrote something on here? I remember someone telling me that there is a large percentage of people who once they start blogging they eventually quit. Hope that doesn't happen to me. However, you know how busy "life" can get.

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I had wanted to get on here and write something up on Mother's Day itself but with church, dinner, saying good bye to my grandparents and all the afternoon activities with the kids, it was difficult to find a few peaceful moments of solitude to get away and collect my thoughts. But, I am proud of myself for not only getting time to get gifts for my wife & grandmother, who were both here on Mother's Day, I actually sent my own mother an actual card w/pics inside and not some e-card. This is something she can keep and have propped up when we come see her for her wedding in June.

One of the things I'd gotten my wife was an mp3 player. She'd made a comment a few weeks ago about wanting something like this for her work, during her "down" hours of not being bombarded with CT's, MRI's and x-rays to read. So, being the kind & considerate hubby I am, I went out & got her one. Yet I knew the moment she opened up the box and saw it inside, she hadn't been all that serious about wanting one.

"It's uhhhh...nice" she forced herself to say with a half grin.

Oh boy, I thought to myself. She looks like she wants this as much as she wants me to put her on the ground and shave her long brown locks off her head. GI Jane anyone?

"You don't like it do you" I replied. I'm telling you...I'm real intuitive that way. A neon sign couldn't have been more obvious to me.

"Well..." she trailed off "it's OK but I don't know how much I'll use it. But thanks anyway."

I realized that it'd be best to just take it back and get our money returned. To be honest, it wasn't like this was her heart's desire so I wasn't too upset about it. We later agreed that we could use that money to finish up our landscaping in the front yard, courtesy of Jimmy's Landscape Design. That means my wife is putting me to work for NO PAY. I save $1300 on labor costs for an entire crew of people to come in and do it by moving it myself.

I think I'll submit a bill to my wife for services rendered (for about $1300) in which she can pay me with a new flat screen HDTV. I'm thinking at least 42". Yeah, that's the ticket.

Good golly am I sore today though. We had a huge pile of dirt dumped on our driveway last night that I had to shovel and move over to it's new home...10 feet away. The driver of the truck was afraid the weight of the dirt + the truck would crack the sidewalk so he got it as close as he could but I had to finish it up. By 8:45pm last night, I crawled into the house, tired, sweaty, dirty and achy, muttering the words every macho man utters after a long period of hard, exhaustive work.

"Honey, can I use your bubble bath to soothe my sore muscles? I'd like to use some rose petals too."

Come on!! I hear a bunch of you guys out there laughing and mocking me! Don't you do the same thing? There's got to be someone out there of the male persuasion who likes a good bubble bath...

BUT IT AIN'T ME!! Da-ha!! Gotcha!! Now who's the guy who raised his hand and said something about lighting a candle by the tub too?

Hey Lyle...Mike said it was you and that you like to listen to Yanni as well. I tend to believe him.

OK, OK...I'll settle down now. Let's regain some order in here or I'll clear this place out.

So, I've got a new, raised bed of dirt for some new trees & bushes I need to fill up. I guess I know what I'll be doing later this week.

Add a trip to the dentist later this afternoon (oh boy...maybe if I'm lucky, he'll forget to use the novacaine) and taking the kids to the local TV station to meet the weatherman (Jake's new hero) and it's going to be a fun, busy week.


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