Saturday, May 20, 2006

Unshakeable Faith

What do you believe and why do you believe it?

For weeks now, the phrase "seek the truth" has been uttered and bantered back & forth in anticipation of the release of Ron Howard's latest film "The DaVinci Code". The film opens this weekend and is drawing mixed reviews, probably to the chagrin of the movie's producers, directors and actors, including Tom Hanks. It's been heralded in some circles, panned in yet others. Evangelical Christians stongly disagree with the movie's (and book's) premise that Jesus Christ was not divine, was elected to His "position of deity" by a committee and not only had a physical relationship with Mary Magdalene but also had children by her.

By referring to the Bible, there is never any mention of ANY of these assertions. In fact, for every premise (whether it's a fictional characterization or not) described in Dan Brown's best selling book, the Bible takes a nearly 180 degree turn in opposition against these "theories".

The Bible states Jesus Christ was the one and ONLY Son of God.
The Bible states that Jesus Christ is One of the Three aspects of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
The Bible NEVER indicates, implies or otherwise that Jesus had a relationship with Mary Magdalene other than He cared for her as He did everyone else. There are no passages indicative of "secret winks", subdued nudges & grins between the two or some underlying secret affair. Why some people think they need to create these deceptive and divisive theories is beyond me but I can tell you it's not just for ficticious purposes.

There is a bold movement going on today to totally discredit Jesus Christ and all He represents. I can think of no other person today who is so openly mocked, poorly portrayed, criticized and ridiculed than Jesus.

Why is this?

I received an email yesterday from the American Family Association stating that a student run newspaper (the Insurgent) at the University of Oregon ran graphics portraying Jesus Christ as a homosexual.

All in name of journalistic editorializing and freedom of expression, right? Please...

Although there was a link posted to view these dispicable and highly offensive pictures, two of which showed Jesus in a full state of "arousal" and in one, embracing another man, I was so revolted by the descriptions that I refuse to even look at them. Considering what I might even begin to see makes me nauseous and causes my blood to boil. When asked for a full apology for these deplorable pictures and for causing such an offense against Christians everywhere, the Insurgent's response was blunt and to the point.

"There are no grounds for demanding an apology from Insurgent." The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) went on to defend the publication saying that the newspaper contributes "to the cultural and physical development of the university community." Knowing full well that people were bothered and offended by these pictures, read what the newspaper's student editor, Jessica Brown, wrote.

"I have to say it is really fun to offend people. It is fun to break the rules. If it pi--es people off…good that's the point!!! It has here in this office. So read, get pi--ed and talk about it."

Utterly outrageous and deplorable. I don't think words can effectively describe the anger and hurt that I'm feeling right now. I'm sure countless other Christians are feeling just as upset and apparently, that's been the main objective of the Insurgent.

To hurt and offend just for the sake of doing so.

These are just two in a wide assortment of efforts set to slander and drag the person of Jesus Christ through the mud. A movie (and book) that seeks to create doubt and confusion as to the holiness of who He is and a liberal-based college newspaper trying to create a name for itself by whatever means necessary, regardless of who it offends.

Again, I ask...why?

Why are there so many who seek to dispell who Christ is and what He did for us? Why is it so difficult for such "educated" people to come to grips with the fact that there is indeed a Higher Power who sits and watches these things take place. Is it because we can't physically reach out and touch God? Is it because we can't call Him up on the phone and speak with Him and hear His voice? Is it because we can't drive over to His home and visit Him in person?

What so many detractors of Christianity can't come to terms with is that our beliefs & how we live our lives revolve around one thing that can't be physically contained, seen or touched.


Webster's Dictionary defines faith as "belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion; firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust; something that is believed especially with strong conviction".

Hmmm. What does that third line say?

"Firm belief in something for which there is no proof".

See, this is where they can't grasp the obvious. Yes, we cannot physically reach out and touch God but it is by our faith that we believe in Him and on Him. Let's break it down a couple ways.

1. Most of us have no problem putting our "faith" in our car starting. We go out each morning, insert the key into the ignition, turn the switch and starting the process of electrical charges that ignite the gasses and whatever else happens to make our engines turn over. This all happens in a split second. Yet, while none of us see this happen or even really consider the process it takes for it to happen, we have faith that it WILL happen and thus, believe. End result? The car starts and we're able to be on our way.

2. We would never refute the law of gravity even though we cannot tangibly touch, feel, see or hear it. Yet, in the end, we can see the results of gravity and how it works. Now, taking the approach of many disbelievers in Christianity, I can say "There is no such thing as gravity because what YOU say is gravity isn't always what I say it is. And because I can't see gravity, can't touch gravity, can't hear gravity and can't interact personally with gravity, it does not exist." However, if I'm foolish enough to believe this premise and I step off the top of a 10 story building, I'll find out real quick that gravity does indeed exist.

3. The Declaration of Independence. Unless one of us has perfected the art of time travel, none of us were there to see any of those men sign that historical document. None of us were there as the United States fought for it's independence and bonded together in unity under this declaration as well as the set of laws we use for continual guidance called the Constituion. Yet, again, we take it at face value that these pieces of parchment are not only legitimate but also profitable for our existence. So then, by that logic, why is it that the Bible cannot be verified and exemplified for it's authenticity? Why can't the stories and rules within it be followed and adhered to as profitable for our lives like the Constituion? Is it because much of this belief requires that bit of faith again that many of us don't (or won't) subscribe to?

I wonder...

I was reminded in the Bible during my quiet time yesterday that as frustrated and angry as I get when I see these attempts to discredit that which I hold dearest to my heart, God is in control. As the Psalms say:

"For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods."

"The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed, enveloped in strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be shaken. Your throne has been established from teh beginning; You are from eternity."

"The Lord will not forsake His people or abandon His heritage, for justice will again be righteous and all the upright in heart will follow it."

"But the Lord is my refuge; my God is the rock of my protection. He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. The Lord our God will destroy them."

I realize that the battle is not mine, but God's...and through the life, death and resurrection of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, that battle has been fought and won! Death and Hell have been defeated and Life has won! Our God reigns victorious!!

As the days and weeks ahead seem to get bleaker for us who believe, may we ground ourselves deeper in the faith we have in our God, may we ask Him for guidance and discernment when dealing with issues like the ones listed above and may we ask Him to replace our anger and hurt with compassion and love for those who would seek to destroy what we believe.

For how long ago was it that you and I were there, among the "intellects", trying to secure our own salvation through our own reasonings?

For as the Word says:

"For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift— not from works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:7-9)


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