The Soul Patrol
Well, unless you've been hiding out in a cave for the past few months or absolutely

Throughout the comepetition, Taylor relied upon older blues/rock songs by artists like Joe Cocker, Otis Redding, Stevie Wonder and the Boss, Bruce Springsteen. He's definitely got one of those more notable voices that may possibly take him to a new level of success but as a cover singer with a good amount of raspiness to him, he's awesome. Sure, he dances goofy but then again...what white guy doesn't? But the way he moves intertwined with the way he all fits.

Overall, I'd say the best person won last night but I'm also sure we haven't seen the last of Kat McPhee by a long shot. While I'm not a fan of people coming in and updating classic songs from yesteryear, I think her version of "Over The Rainbow" was very moving and will probably see some sort of airplay very soon.
I'd go on to guess that this past season of AI has had some of the more memorable singers and personalities out of all the AI's together. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see a majority of Season 5 contestants show up in real, legitimate entertainment venues very soon.
What I saw last night was the absolute best of the 5 American Idol's finale shows...period. I was amazed at the amount of talent on that stage and the quality of special guests who showed up. There was Dionne Warwick, Burt Bacharach, Mary J. Blige, Toni Braxton, Al Jarreau, Carrie Underwood (last year's AI winner and THIS year's ACM winner of 2 awards...Single of the Year and Top Female VOX) and a surprise appearance by someone known as Prince.
Pretty good company, IMO...even with a few of the American Idol rejects featured in some rather un-funny skits.
So, the hoopla is over and thousands of young vocalists with dreams of aspiring to the American Idol stage have started forming as plans for Season 6 and auditions begin to take shape.
One of the contestants really caught my ear though. Mandisa Hundley, the powerful vocalist who judge Simon Cowell quipped about having to build a bigger stage due to her weight problem, had one of the best stage presences and voices to come out of the American Idol race in a long time. I do feel though that she was penalized to an extent due to her very public witness for Jesus Christ. If you just look at her profile on the AI website, you'll see the name of Jesus mentioned at least 4-5 times. I remember an evening though where Simon accused her of being "self-indulgent" for singing a contemporary Christian song one night instead of something secular. Within 2 weeks after that comment, Mandisa was gone. Coincidence? Perhaps...but this isn't about conspiracy theories.
It's about people using their immediate opportunites to reach others for Christ and to live an outward expression of His love living in them. I appreciate her being obedient to doing such a thing and I believe God will one day reward her for her willingness. Whether it's here on earth or when she gets to Heaven, I think He will tell her "well done, My good & faithful servant".
One of the big catch phrases to come out of AI this year is Taylor's pet name for all his fans.
The Soul Patrol.
I got to thinking about this today and wondered how it could be applied to a believer's life. Then it hit me. While we are not called to judge people into account for all they've done, we are called to be salt and light in a dying world. We are to look out for those who need to find Jesus for themselves and I guess, in that way, we as believers in the life-changing power of Christ are on our own "soul patrol".
Searching for souls who may be lost and showing them, sharing with them the truth that can only come from a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. It's not about all these self-help books and do-it-yourself quick remedies.
It's about trusting and believing on Him. It's about sharing this truth with others as often as we can. It's about standing up for what you believe, having compassion on others who may oppose your views, learning patience and praying to God to witness to our friends & family in a way that He wants us to, not according to our own will.
There are plenty of attacks and offenses against Christianity and it's beliefs today. Yet, even though I'm human and my first instinct is to fight back as hard as I can, I need to pause, reflect, remove myself from that situation for a moment and remember that the Bible says the battle is not our's but His.
And the cool thing to realize?
This fight's already been fought and Jesus has already won. But until He returns to call His children home, we need to be aware that there are countless others out there who are lost and in need of rescue. Only Christ can save but we can show them His light in us.
So, it's time to start seeking others out. Time to start sharing His gospel. Time to begin our "soul patrol".
C'mon....Elliot Yamin was awesome too....I personally think he should have been in 2nd place, but I still agree with Taylor. Now, Elliot is from Richmond, where I live, so that makes me extra proud of him! What's your opinion of him, Jimmy?
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