It's GO Time!
Thanks to everyone who responded to my APB on "the bad guy" a couple days ago. He was apprehended in our home, underwear taken off his head (which was apparently being used as a 'disguise'...and not a very good one at that), put on the ground and "mashed" (as GG says) into fits of laughter.
Nothing warms my heart more than hearing my kids laughing a good, hearty belly laugh. Both Kate & Jake have great spirits and their laughter makes this spirit infectious throughout the home.
Now when they start whining on the other hand...that's not so infections.
Speaking of APB's...have you seen this man?

He was spotted last night at the Texas Rangers game in Arlington. Not only was he heard heckling the hot dog guy, he was also calling long distance to someone back in Fayetteville, taunting this person because he was at the game and the person in Fayetteville was not. Then he offered up a devious fit of laughter, causing said Fayettevillian untold amounts of anguish and envy.
However, I...I mean, the person in over it. As long as this guy brings me back a cap, all will be right with the world. If not...
(Cue dramatic music)
Just kidding about this guy being on the loose. I don't want anyone deciding to head up a posse and show up at his home tonight. It's just a jokey okey.
Drama continues at the house today. We've got a few uninvited guests lurking around the kitchen. A few thousand to be more precise.
Both the wife and I (as well as the kids to some extent) have adopted a "Rambo-esque" attitude toward these tiny pests. We laugh in the most sinister voice we can as we lay ant traps throughout the kitchen as all kinds of lame 80's movie references fill our minds.

"Dead meat"
"Go ahead punk...make my day"
"You're going down"
"Luke, I am your father"
OK...maybe that last one doesn't fit, but you get the idea. If we'd have had ant grenades, the kids would've been in the midst of it all, launching these pineapples of destruction at these foul swarms. They were yelling and screaming "DAD!! There are more ants over here" as I'd run over with a bottle of Clorox cleaner w/bleach ready to discharge my own "showers of blessing."
We all then celebrated our brief victory with an impromptu dance to C&C Music Factory's "Gonna Make You Sweat". It was a real dance party for sure. You could've called it the "Soul(less) Train" because we couldn't dance a lick. Jake & Kaitlyn, though, were breakin' it down real good. Awww yeah. Much better than their mommy & daddy.
Especially their Mommy 'cause Daddy's got some moves on him, I'm tellin' you what. In fact, when the music stops and the dancing ceases, Daddy's mid-section is still jigglin', whether he wants to or not.
The exterminators are coming to finish the job later today. Let's hope they can find the source of this infestation and clean it up before my grandparents come in for the weekend.
The exterminator came, he saw, he sprayed and I paid. BIG money. Now, I get to inhale those aromatic noxious fumes the rest of the night. As Jake would say "Shew! Sumpin' stinks!!"
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