When The Time Comes
Perhaps you are reading this today and you are going through an extremely difficult, low point in your life.
Maybe you are leaping for joy over receiving some incredible news or some dynamic event is just on the horizon.
Maybe you are just curiously checking this out today and while you're not low, you're not as high as you could be.
You're just kind of...there.
Maybe you are filled with all kinds of questions.
Why? How? When? Where? Who?
Uncertainty is gripping your life right now and it appears that the walls are closing in from all sides.
If I could offer you some encouragement today, may I tell you about my Lord?
His name is Jesus Christ and He is my absolute best friend! I have been where ever you may be standing today, whether it is in the lowest valley or on the highest mountain. Yet, through it all, He has always been there with me. Even when I don't feel like there is anyone around who could possibly understand what I'm going through or how I'm feeling, He has faithfully and continuously proven that He does as He says He will do...
to never leave or forsake me.
I have just recently come out of a somewhat dark time in my life. Spiritually, I was just going through the motions, hoping that one day I'd eventually get out of whatever rut I was in and things would get back to normal. I was reading my Bible, although not as often or consistent as I ought nor with the same passion for seeking His voice. I was going to church but had somehow picked up a pair of judgmental, critical glasses that seemed real good at finding faults with others yet caused me to view myself as a victim, a martyr of sorts and innocent of any sin or crime.
And yet, there was not any kind of refreshing upon my soul. It seemed as if the heavens had shut themselves up and I was wandering alone out in some barren wasteland...spiritually speaking.
However, this past weekend, praise the Lord, He opened my eyes to show me my own sinful, prideful nature and how I had to admit that I shouldn't be so worried about anyone else but me.
What was I doing to get closer to Him? Was I confessing my sins and turning away from my fleshly desires? Was I seeking Him with all that I had? Was I making genuine, serious time to spend with Him? After all, if I am telling people that my best friend was Jesus, why wasn't I treating Him like a friend?
Why wasn't I treating Him as so much more than that? The King of all kings, Lord of all lords, ruler of Heaven and Earth, the Author and Finisher of my faith? The One who paid that ultimate price for my sins and gave His life in my place? The One who's blood not only washes but cleanses me from all my sin and shame?
That same Jesus who loved me so much back then to leave His home in Heaven to come to earth only to die upon a desolate, rugged cross?
That very same Jesus who STILL loves me this very moment and wants so very much to have that personal, intimate relationship with me...with all of us...despite the valleys I'm going through or moutains I'm climbing?
The truth of who He is became so very clear to me again and it was as vibrant and fresh as the first time I realized it!
Jesus loves me, regardless of who I am, what I do, where I live and the sins I've committed. His love never stops and it's always there. For me, as a child of His, I am like a sheep as the Bible says "who knows the voice of it's shepherd". In fact, He loves each of us so much that as a powerful parable states, He will leave the flock of 99 to go seek and find the 1 who is lost.
"When he has found it, he JOYFULLY puts it on his shoulders, and coming home, he calls to his friends and neighbors together, saying to them 'rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep!'" Luke 15:5-6
This is exactly how Christ feels when He brings us home! He rejoices and carries us home to be with Him and to me, there is no better feeling (or knowledge) of the realization that He loves us so much, He is willing to leave the flock to find the one. And did you read the scripture? It didn't say He takes his crook and beats us over the head and ties us to a tree behind the shed or feeds us thistles and briars.
It says "he JOYFULLY puts it on his shoulders". In fact, that parable goes on to say that "there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don't need repentance."
There is a song by Avalon called "When The Time Comes" that speaks of this love. It's a song that has really brought such encouragement and hope back into mylife. It talks about how we all go through the times I've mentioned above...how when we get so wrapped up in our own lives, will we be ready to seek Him when we need Him most? It says:
"For every soul there is a dawning
When we see there's more to life than we believed
Faith is that one road that's left to travel
But it means we have to start to trust what we can't see
Then at last
We chose to take that first step
When the time comes
And the games are finally over
There's no more pretending
All charades are done
And the time comes
When the soul is finally ready
You know the truth and
This time you don't run
God is waiting there, you'll find
When the time comes
He'll rush
He'll reach
He'll run
He'll do
Anything to get to you..."
I don't know about you, but that brings such joy into my life!!! To know that wherever I am, He'll rush, reach, run and do anything He needs to do to get to us!!
Wherever you might be today, know this my friend.
This love, this relationship, this security and peace can be had by anyone. All you need to do is seek Him, cry out to Him and believe.
Trust Him. He is there, just waiting for you to call.
Will you be ready when the time comes? Are you ready now?
Jesus is and He loves you and wants to be with you this very moment. Please...don't let this time pass you by.
Seek Him while He may be found for He may be so much closer than you think.