Meet The Teachers
Well, we can't stop it now.
The boy is OFFICIALLY on his way to kindergarten.
Monday will be a day of tears. Tears of sorrow and tears of joy. It will all depend on who you ask as to which particular tears are being shed. I'm sure there will be a few sniffles and eye wipes from Mommy as she sees her little man strut down the hallway into the big kindergarten room. Who knows? Daddy might all of a sudden remember a poignant scene from Magnum PI and sniffle a bit too.
Last night was the official "Meet Your Teacher" night at the kids' school. They posted which teacher had your child around 1pm yesterday to avoid anal mothers from calling up and requesting that Susie be in the same class as Sally or that Tammy not be in Tommy's class or even Muffy not be in Miss Brown's class.
Believe me, it happens a lot more than we may realize.
Anyway, we found out which teachers the kids are going to have this year. Jake is going into the big "K" and Kaitlyn is beginning 4th grade. I am still in shock at times our kids are growing up so quickly.
We woke the kids up around 4pm from a well-deserved nap after about 2 hours at the pool. When you're outside in this wretched heat doing any kind of physical activity, it's going to take it out of you. Believe me, when we got home, there was plenty inside Jake that needed to be "taken out" but I allowed cooler heads to prevail and he escaped with a nap instead. LOL
However, when both kids got up from their naps, had a snack and got dressed, it became VERY apparent to Daddy that his babies were growing up. Just look at how big they both are. Sniff...sniff. Does someone have Magnum PI on somewhere 'cause I'm getting a little misty-eyed.
So, we all pile into the Sequoia and head a mile or so up the road to school. Already, you've got about 400 SUV's driving across the school property to find as close a spot to the front door as they can. It's important that Susie's mommy not sweat off her new facial and hairdo she just had done at the salon 2 hours earlier.
Oh...and what is it with some of these moms wearing low cut v-neck summer blouses that don't do a very good job of covering what they're supposed to cover? It's absurd and cruel to do that to all those pre-teen boys. We actually know of a mom here in our neighborhood who confronted one of these "moms" and told her that "grade school functions aren't where you need to be exposing yourself like that."
Bravo to you, ma'am.
Anyway, we all hit the door and wade through the humanity of people. Kaitlyn saw about 4 of her best friends within 45 seconds and she was all smiles. She was already excited to realize she and a few of her absolute best friends are in the same class too! I give it about 2 weeks until the desks are separated and there's a note coming home telling us how "well Kate communicates with her girlfriends."
Like mother, like daughter. LOL
We took Kate to meet her teacher first...Mrs. Barnett. Oddly enough, that is also Grandma's name, who was also a teacher so we're already off to a good start. Mrs. Barnett is a bit older
Then, it was time to go meet Jake's kindergarten teacher. Of course, she has a very loving, warm nature and a soft-spokenness that would make any child at ease. Jake was no exception. As you can see in this picture, he was all smiles for Ms. Vann, strutting around and putting on the dog. However, we feel not nearly as stressed after meeting her. Hopefully she'll be able to handle the boy and I won't be called into the office too many times for his "personality and character".
I guess there's a reason people call him a "small version of me". I'm just praying he keeps the "me" down to a minimum at school.
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