A Good Time Of The Year
I suppose I need to get back in the swing of things and start writing on here more often but with spring getting closer & closer each day, it's becoming harder to focus on posting new blogs and staying inside. We've been very fortunate to have had some incredible weather here in NWA, considering it's still about 3-4 weeks until spring officially arrives. I only know this because my birthday is the first day of spring (March 20 for those of you marking your calendars).
I've been able to get out and start playing some more golf as well as begin some early POSSIBLE home projects like painting a couple rooms, rearranging furniture and planning what to do with the yard. Plus, with the weather getting nicer, the kids are getting more frisky when they get home after being pent up in school all day. I think with all the restlessness going on, some would say we've all got a bad case of "spring fever"!!
This year, we're all going down to Kris & Dave's house for spring break and to say we're all excited about going is an understatement. The kids are hyped about going to swim at Ryan & Thomas' house, Jennifer is excited to see her sis and I'm excited to get the kids to bed at night so Dave & I can once again prove our superiority over the women in Spades and Sequence, a cool game combining checkers and cards. Most times, we hold our own but the last few, the men have been beaten soundly by the ladies and we've still not heard the last of it. LOL
Last night, Jake was in heaven because the highly promoted and highly anticipated new season

Kaitlyn is doing great with her new cheerleading/tumbling classes and has nearly mastered the skill of doing round-off back handsprings and numerous jumps. It's hard to see her doing all of this, watching her jump & flip around as her body contorts into various positions when I still can see her wrapped up in a hospital blanket in my arms, only a few minutes old. Ahhh, the old man is getting wistful about his baby girl and unfortunately for me, she's not waiting for my approval on growing up. She's such a beautiful girl, much like her Momma, and we are so proud of her accomplishments. It's a good thing that she's also enjoying and still doing well in school, which is a far cry from her Dad's attitude when he was in 3rd grade. LOL
Well, if you're reading this today, I hope you have a great day and that God is working in your life. He shows up when I least expect it yet He always reveals something amazing to me when He does. I'm so grateful that in spite of my weakness and my failures, our Heavenly Father continues to love us, bless us and long for that intimate relationship with us. As the seasons change and new life is beginning to be seen in nature, it reminds me how when God comes into our lives, He brings new life to us as well. He drives away the old and replaces it with the new, making us new, alive and created in Him!!
Thank you Lord for loving each of us that much and for showing Yourself to us today!!