Friday, February 02, 2007

With The Snow Comes The...


OK, maybe not "knocking on death's door" sick but enough of a head cold to feel like my head's been drop kicked by a mule. I noticed it starting up last night around 7pm. The urge to start sneezing, the gradual clogging of one side of my head, the dull thud of winter aches and I knew I'd be looking for the Vicks Vapo-rub very soon.

Out of courtesy for my wife, since she was on call and needed to get a few winks before the hospital woke her up again, I whispered to her that I'd stay up in the guest room. You know, to let her sleep peacefully.Actually, by the time I'd made it to bed she'd already taken up both spots on the matress so I kinda didn't have any other option. However, I knew she was tired and I wanted her to get some rest.

After all, I'd have plenty of time today to get some rest, especially as the wild kids in our home got hopped up on blueberry muffins and orange juice. Yep...plenty of quiet, restful recuperation time here. LOL

Of course, I'm not the only one who's clogged up today. Jake sounds even worse than I do but after giving him a Flintstones vitamin and some orange juice, he's suddenly impervious to any mild cold or discomfort and he's ready to do some pounding...on my head.

Thank you Power Rangers.

The roads are still icy and it's very cold out this morning. Gotta be in the 20's with a wind chill even colder so we'll be inside quite a bit today with the fire going and if I can wear these kids out today and even skip the nap, it'll be an early evening for me and the missus. We love sitting on the couch together with the fire going, watching some King of Queens DVD's and a couple cups of hot tea.

Yeah, it's a simple life but we love it.

I hope you have a great weekend and you stay warm, well and with family.


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