Some New Family Members
Last night, Jennifer decided that for her birthday celebration (or cell-uh-bray-shee-ahhhn as they say on "King of Queens") she wanted to go take the family to Build-A-Bear.
Yeah, we're wild, party hard people for sure.
So we all hopped in the SUV and drove up to the Pinnacle Promenade for some quality family time and fun. I've never personally been to a BAB but Kaitlyn & Jennifer both have and our neighbor's brought Jake home a Spiderman Bear they'd built at the BAB location in Tulsa. So, I was fairly familiar with how the whole process was to go down and when Jennifer suggested we all go do it, it sounded like a cool thing for us all to go do together.
Jake and Kate were excited and beat us both out of the truck and into the shop. In fact, Kaitlyn already knew how to go find a bear, it's stuffing, clothes and accessories so she was raring to go. Jake was a little overwhelmed by all the choices but finally decided on who his bear was going to become. Jennifer & I found our bears but right before they began to stuff my animal, I changed my mind and replaced the bear with a spotted cow.
I don't know why but I've always loved black & white spotted cows. Perhaps it's my affinity for Chick-Fil-A or watching cows gallop across the fields when I was living in my apartment in Fayetteville. Maybe it was the way they were portrayed by Gary Larson and his "Far Side" cartoons but whatever the & white cows rule!!!
So, I got a cow and everyone else got bears.
And now, without further delay, I present to you our newest family members...

Buzz Lightbear...12 oz and 16 inches tall, perfect for taking Jake to adventures in space, to infinity and beyond!

Daniela...10 oz and 16 inches tall, ready to cheer us all on to a brighter day!! Go team!!

Jenny...15 oz and 18 inches and full of frilly, lady-bear fun.

and finally, I present Duff Heifernan, who came in weighing 11.6 oz and standing 18 inches tall. I told my wife this cow is a lot like me since I apparently also have 5 stomachs. As you may be able to tell, I did a play on "King of Queens" which I thought was pretty clever but didn't get much response from anyone other than my sister who, when I told her all of this over the phone, laughingly replied "you're such a dork."
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