Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Today happens to be my mother's birthday and to preserve the chance that I'll get something for Christmas this year, I won't reveal her age.

I know that there will be all kinds of celebrations for her this weekend from various friends and my sister but unfortunately I won't be able to be there for any of them. Living 12 hours away will do that for family birthdays. But, she will have a wonderful time with her new husband, Aubrey, whom we all love and welcome to the family like he's been here for years. I absolutely am thrilled that they got together because my mom deserves some happiness and together-time in her life. Every time I talk to her, she says how much she and Aubrey have been laughing, joking with each other and AT each other (Aubrey, check your pants...the nurses have been watching). It's been a very long time since I've seen her so happy and I give thanks to God for bringing two wonderful people together.

My hope for her today and for the rest of her life is that God will bless their marriage and their lives together. I pray that He will bring them happiness, contentment, stability and a lifetime of incredible memories and laughs. That's one thing our family loves to do when we're together...laugh. Whether it's because of me or the kids or my mom, grandmother & aunt getting into what I call "the silent gasps of hilarity", there is never a shortage of laughter when we're all together. Now that Aubrey is in her life, there is even more laughter, much of it as his least that's how my mom tells the story.

I give thanks today for a godly mother and the influence and life lessons she taught me throughout my life. She has been a guiding light to me and someone I could call to talk to about anything at anytime. My teenage years were somewhat tumultuous living with my step-dad. Although he may have meant well, life was pretty stressful during that time. Yet as bad as things got (and let's face it...I was a typical teenage boy going through typical teenage boy antics) I knew that I could always count on Mom's support and encouragement in my life.

I believe that a large part of how I've learned patience and compassion for others was from watching how she reacted to things. Sure, we all have our mini-meltdowns from time to time and we all engage with personalities with whom we might clash. But she showed me how to navigate around those stormy waters as best as we can and maintain a level of poise, grace and understanding.

Even though I fought time & time again from going to church everytime the doors were open, I feel that where I am today in my spiritual walk can be traced back to my upbringing. I think my being aware of God's voice in my life was instilled within me at a young age and my mother's influence there plays a very large part. While I didn't rely upon the Lord throughout my teenage and 20-something years, I do now and I believe it all started from that very first time my mom took me to hear about Jesus.

My mom was there with me the day I found out I was diabetic. I remember the shock and fear that I had about learning I had to take shots for the rest of my life. I remember crying at the doctor's office at the news. I remember her calling my grandparents and telling them "I have a sweet little boy", their code way of saying I was diabetic. I don't remember seeing her cry at the news but I know she did and I know she was heartbroken when she talked to my grandparents. She was like that in a lot of hurt as she may have been inside, she was an enormously strong woman and didn't break down in front of me, although it'd have been perfectly fine if she had.

As strong as she was on the inside, she still was able to maintain a pretty good right hook across my backside. Now I know this will come as a shock to everyone reading this but yes...every once in a while, I deserved (and received) a right good whippin'.

Ahh yes...good times, good times. One of many jumps out at me right now. It was when I was 11 or so and we were at JCPenney and I was "whining" (yeah...I never whined but for the sake of the story, let's just say I did) and complained about my legs hurting.

My mother had started with the "early warning signs" of telling me to straighten up and we were almost through. Funny, I find myself using those signals to my kids as well. Anyway, after what seemed like an hour later, it was time to FINALLY check out. It was at that moment when I'd had enough of this silly walking when I noticed a large display of oversized pillows stacked on top of each other.

Hmmm...pillows + tired legs = instant comfort.

Math was NEVER a strong subject of mine.

I decided enough of this business...I'm sitting down now. So, I strutted over to the pillows and sat my 110+ lbs down on that display (which, in retrospect, who in their right minds sets giant cushy pillows on glass shelves??). A viscious chain reaction ensued which you can well imagine. A huge crashing sound and a shower of glass cascading to the ground, with pillows and a whiny 11 year old within the melee.

The nerve I had at that moment to actually look shocked at what I'd done. Apparently, I didn't quite factor into account something as simple as "weight limits" and how I exceeded those set forth on the glass shelves. I also didn't factor in the thrashing I was to receive for acting like such a twit but that's what's good about my mom. She brought me from unawareness to complete understanding within mere seconds. She's good, I'm telling you.

Oh Mom? One final in keeping with our tradition of gift and card exchanges for the holidays, your card is on the island and should be sent out today. Hopefully a birthday card a few days late will be OK. Otherwise, I can always hang onto the cards until Lincoln's Birthday because you know, we just don't make that day a big enough celebration, do we? HA!!

I love you Mom!! Happy Birthday!!


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