Back From Chicago
Well, quite an eventful time in Chicago for me and the wife!! Where do I start though?

We left Thursday morning at 5:30am for the airport and their recommended 2 hour check in. We were fortunate to get right in, get the bags checked through and even bumped into one of our friends from church. I was extremely surprised to see how many people filter through XNA at 6am but I guess with all the Wal-Mart, P&G and Tyson business travel, it's to be expected.
The flight up there was smooth as buttah. No turbulence, no profusely sweaty palms and only an hour or so flight instead of the projected 90 minute ride.
Here's where the "culture shock" set in.
I won't belabor this point but oh my word...I was totally unprepared for how ridiculously expensive things are in downtown Chicago. You apparently have to tip everyone you see at the hotels. Seriously.

"Good morning sir. How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you."
"Ahem..." (as the bellman holds his hand out)
It was almost that asinine.
And the prices at the downtown stores like Bloomingdale's, Macy's and Sak's?? Oh man...I thought paying $90 for a tie at the local Dillard's was ridiculous. How does $100 for 1 ratty, worn-out, see-through mens' t-shirt sound? They weren't any famously trendy designed shirts either. These things were worn out, flimsy and about as thin as a handkerchief. If I was that desperate to look and dress in that style, I could just reach in the bottom of my dresser and pull out something that would match what they were trying to sell me.

How does $800 for a jacket I can buy here at JCP or Dillard's for under $100 sound? Unbelievable? Yeah, me too...and I even let out my astonishment out loud a few times.
Of course, I got that persimmon sneer from Kristopf across the aisle. I thought it'd have been funny if I'd have broken out in a heavily thick Ar-kan-saw accent and really made him squirm & sneer but I had some slacks and dress shirt on and my faux dialect probably wouldn't have come off as too authentic.
I realized from this trip how cheap I'm really as in frugal. Wouldn't my parents be so proud of me now?
We got to eat lunch with a good friend of mine who I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years and for me, that was my highlight. We sat and talked at this great restaurant for nearly 2 hours until he had to go back to work. It was great catching up on old times and all our adventures as adults, husbands and dads.

This story is based on what might have happened in their younger days and is loosely structured on the actual Wizard of Oz storyline. It was pretty cool with all the stage effects and singing and makeup. Of course, there was a tender moment where I heard some women (and men if you know what I mean) sniffling at the love story going on on stage between Elphaba and one of the main guys.
I laughed at Jennifer for this sniffling. Who wouldn't? LOL
The next day, we went to go see the King Tut exhibit at the Field Museum. Once I got past the little munchkins who were running around unsupervised (all the school kids on a field trip) I was able to recognize and appreciate the beauty, the detail and the importance of these ancient artifacts. Such detail went into everything they made back in those days. Such precision in what they made and how they made things. Everything from toy boxes to childrens' chairs to coffins and chests, knives and swords...utterly amazing.
They had Tut's CT films up on the wall and of course Jennifer was there reading them and found several fractures. As it turned out, because of these new studies, his death of being struck on the head is being ruled out. They think he may have suffered an injury to his knee and a deadly infection set in, ultimately killing him. Of course, I was puffing like a proud daddy for my wife being able to see the various fractures and sprains on those X-rays. She's so smart & pretty...and she is my wife!!
Hooray me!!
If you're not able to see the Tut exhibit anytime soon, I highly recommend you checking out a DVD from Best Buy or on the Nat'l Geographic channel and seeing all the splendor of all these treasures. It is such a thing to behold and see first hand. Just to imagine all those items, made of pure gold and the intricate detail that went into their's just amazing.
I'll finish up tomorrow with accounts of our "prom night" on Saturday, which was an experience to say the least.
Bottom line, it's great to be back home with the kids, in our own bed, on our own pillows and back into our normal way of life.
Oh yeah...almost forgot...

#17 in the AP Poll!! Way to go Razorbacks and your colossal upset of Auburn!!
Wooo Pig Sooie!!
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