Thursday, September 28, 2006

No More Night

For whatever reason, I've been led to the book of Revelation for reading during my quiet time. Ever since our pastor led a 14 week series on end times prophecies and Revelation, I've totally changed my view of this powerful yet somewhat confusing book.

Before I became radically saved, I'd always hesitated to read this book because of it's utter doom & gloom prophecies. See, when I was about 11 or 12 years old, our church had a film night where they showed one of those tribulation films where people are raptured away and non-believers are left behind. As scary as this thought was, this particular film followed a female character (who, oddly enough, happens to be the real life cousin of one of our best friends...who knew??) who is on the run from this one world government but is eventually captured and then faces the guillotine for refusing to take the mark of the beast.

This is talked about (the mark) in Revelation 13:16-18.

Anyway, the film ends as the woman is laid under the guillotine and all you see is the blade falling away. Nothing was shown but you can well imagine what the end result was. Now, couple that with the vivid imagination and impressionability of a young 11 year old boy and you've got a recipe for sheer terror...

which is what I felt.

Consequently, even after I was at the altar sobbing in utter fear, although I had my grandfather's supportive hands and arms around me, I don't believe my parents made me watch part 3 the following week. Thus, from that experience plus what I assumed the book talked about, I stayed away from Revelation. Who wanted to read about all that death and horror?

Yet, after Pastor Floyd described the events of this seven year tribulation, I felt like this was more of a book of hope for the believer...a light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, there are some horrific things that are going to come about in these last days but what excites me now as I read Revelation is the promise and description of Christ coming to earth (literally), defeating Satan and the Anti-Christ and then giving His rewards to His chosen people. His kingdom and reign begins for a thousand year period and the descriptions of the beauty & majesty of this reign are talked about in the latter part of Revelation.

I suppose fininshing up the Left Behind series has also given me a more literal, real-life sense of what could happen. Either way, I am so excited for Jesus to return with all His saints, taking care of evil and giving us the hope & peace He's promised in His word.

I woke up this morning with a song that sings about this awesome peace.

It's called "No More Night".

In Revelation 7:14-17, the Bible talks about those who are saved by the blood of Christ and who have their robes washed and made white through His blood. The Bible says:

"No longer will they hunger; no longer will they thirst, no longer will the sun strike them or any heat. Because the Lame who is at the center of the throne will shepherd them; He will guide them to springs of living waters and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Are you going through pain and sorrow today? Do you feel like no one cares or listens to you? Does your life feel like it's out in the middle of the ocean, being tossed about by the trials and tribulations we face? If so, my friend, if you come to know Christ as your Lord today, you can be assured that you too will be reunited with Him in Heaven one day. You can look forward to that time when we can worship Him face to face. We all can look to the future with great anticipation when we can live in those new homes He has gone to build for each of us.

See over there, there's a mansion that's prepared, just for me
Where I will live with my Savior eternally

And there will be no more night
No more pain,
No more tears,
Never crying again!

And praises to the great I AM,
We will live in the light

Can you just imagine that? A place where no pain, no sorrow, no grief will ever exist or be allowed!!! A place where utter joy and worship will rule, love will be our bond and we can rest in the presence of the One, the true and living God!!

(I'm getting blessed here at Panera as I write this. I'd start singing this song at the top of my lungs if I could but I don't want to cause small animals damage to their ears. Ha!)

Hey, I hope you have a great day and will just take some time to thank God, worshipping Him in your heart today. God bless you all!!


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