Prom 2006
As promised, although a couple days late, here are the pics we took when we went to a "musical" (The Awesome 80's Prom) that was a recreation of a 1989 prom. This "musical" has been all over the country to rave reviews, including New York and Chicago. It's cast is a 1989 high school senior class, complete with every kind of student you can imagine:
A nerd, a nerdette, a jock QB, a stoner (think Judd Neslon from the Breakfast Club), a quiet and unassuming Japanese exchange student (boy), the cheerleader and her gang of 2 mimics, the big oaf football player, the brainy yet brown-nosey student class president, his prim & proper girlfriend who I don't think has ever been kissed, a Boy George wanna be (ugh) and the principal.
Now, think of every 80's fashion, trend, musical group and fad and it was either mentioned or seen. Posters adorned the room of Michael Jackson, Wham, Duran Duran, Van Halen, Lionel Richie, Top Gun, Footloose, the A-Team, Rubick's cube, Knight Rider, the Dukes of get the idea.
Patrons were encouraged to come dressed as their own 1989 prom, which my wife was eager to do. Thankfully, we saw that a few other couples took it to the extent we did too. However, we got a LOT of stares. Perhaps it was because of my wife's "southern belle" charm & smile. Maybe it was the loud and outlandish green dress and tie we wore. Maybe it was the poofy hair Jennifer had teased. That's the one thing I could never be sure of...were people reacting to us legitimately or as their character?
Here's some interesting tidbits about our attire that night:
1. The clothes you see us wearing are the same ones we wore on Prom Night 1989. Jennifer's dress is the actual one she wore that night. My tux is not but the cummerbund and tie are the exact color and config as the ones I had. Judging by the difficulty I had in finding a tie & cummerbund that matched her dress exactly, I think it's safe to say green lame' is not coming back anytime soon.
2. Our hair. My wife's hair is almost just as poofy as it was back in the day. Me? Let's just say I'm about to become a stockholder in Rogaine.
3. I still don't like to dance, especially to anything off "Footloose".
4. I still get the urge to airguitar to Van Halen's "Jump". Sad.
Here are the pics. Enjoy and laugh at my expense. My wife already has.
Prom 1989:

Prom 2006:

See much change? BESIDES my larger mid-section? Nah...I don't either...except my wife is even more HAWT than she was back in the day!!!
Sadly, we didn't win "Best Dressed Couple" nor did we win "King / Queen" of the prom. We did have another couple (one that paid to be in the audience with us) ask if they could take our picture because my wife & I "were so cute".
Awwww...I feel all plump & warm inside. Kinda like an apple pie.
Speaking of desserts though, to drown out our sorrow for not winning any door prizes, we retired to our room rather early (around 10:30p) and endulged in some incredible cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.
Even that $4.00 bottle of sparkling water tasted pretty good. it buddy. I know you're the tough guy and all that but if you keep eyein' up my girl, I may just have to do something about it...
Me: "Excuse me sir but that's my girl you're trying to make time with. Would you please---
Tough Guy: "Shaddup you or you'll be wearin' that punch bowl for a skirt, Sally!"
Me: "But my name isn't Sal--"
Tough Guy: "I said 'shuttee uppee'. Now get us some soda pop while we get a little more comfy."
Me: "Yes sir, Mr. Tough Guy sir."
Me: (thinking to myself) "Why didn't I invest in one of those Charles Atlas body builder kits on the back of my comic books? That way, I would be the one kicking sand in his face AND getting the girl. Sigh."
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