A Special Couple
Yesterday, September 17th, was the 61st wedding anniversary of one of the absolute dearest couples in my life...my grandparents.
I have talked about them in the past but today, I just wanted to dedicate this entry to them completely. They are so special to me and my family and I hope that they know how much we love them.
You know, 61 years is a long time to be together, married or otherwise. When we live in a culture that seems to almost encourage "drive by weddings" or even living together in a married fashion without actually being married, it's quite a testament to my grandparents' commitment and faith. Not only to each other, but ultimately, to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
My grandparents have shown me and my family so many things, taught us so many lessons without even trying. They've shown us what "love" is. I'm not talking about "smoochy woochy, lovey dovey" love but unconditional love. The kind of love our Father shows us. The kind of love where GG & Bapa will always be there for you, no matter what the circumstance, no matter what time of day (or night), no matter where you are, no matter what your need is.
They are always there, giving us that love and encouragement we need.
They have also have taught us how to have compassion for others. They've taught me at a young age how to not look at the outside of a person but look on the inside and to love people...ALL people, the same way that God loves us.
They've taught and helped reinforce critically important Biblical ideals to me. Things like tithing, honoring your mother & father, loving one another, telling the truth, trusting in the Lord, being an encourager to others, sharing your faith without being obnoxious, standing firm for what you believe and ultimately, teaching me how to recognize God's voice and accepting Christ into my heart.
For years and years, they always told me that they love me and Jesus loves me too. From my youngest memories, I can remember my grandpa and I sharing Bible stories and hearing my grandmother singing songs of the faith in the house as she was cooking a meal. I can remember sitting in my grandfather's church as he preached the Word of God. I can also remember how they would encourage me to live for Him and turn away from the bad influences in my life.
I, however, thought I knew best and decided that I had to do my own thing. Welcome to the rebellious years of a teenager and a twenty-something. While I never went completely off the deep end, I did get caught up enough in the radio, rock & roll, party lifestyle to know, deep down, I wasn't acting the way I should.
There's a song called "Somebody's Praying Me Through" and I can attest that after hearing that song and it's lyrics, I know without a doubt my grandparents prayed me through a lot of my rebellious phase.
I think one of the reasons I became so entrenched in my heavy metal music and drinking during my radio days was because I had a somewhat strenuous and tumultuous relationship with my stepfather. Although I knew that deep down he did love me, he had a hard time showing it to me. It caused the entire family many years of hardship and made family get-togethers stressful but even though I became extremely resentful of how my home life came to be on occasion, my grandparents were always there to offer me that love, support and guidance I so desperately wanted. In fact, I would say that today, my grandfather is more like a father to me than just a grandfather.
Our's has been an extremely special relationship for all my 37 years and I cannot imagine my life without him or my grandmother. My wife's mom & dad have passed and although my grandparents already loved my wife as much as their own daughter (or granddaughter), they stepped up to give her even more love and support, knowing that while nothing could replace the actual love a parent has with a child, they were always there to lend support, give encouragement and above all else...to love.
When our kids were born, my grandparents were there. God saw fit to bless us with a home within 2 hours of GG & Bapa's house, both in Columbia and here in Fayetteville and believe me, we took (and still do to this day) advantage of it!!
But in a good way, of course. HA!
They were there when the kids were born, they were there when the kids got sick and Jennifer & I were at our wits end with work and family. They've been there for the birthdays, for the anniversaries, for the school sing-a-longs, for the church services and choir concerts. They've been there for weekend visits and for overnight stays. Holidays. Special occasions. Daily phone calls (well...almost daily.)
Each time they've come, they've given of themselves so selflessly, never asking and never taking anything. Yet each time, they've always given the one thing we know we can count on.
Do you see a common theme here yet?
Yes, it's all about love.
GG & Bapa, we love you so much today. While words as simple as these can never measure the impact or the depth of emotion we feel for you, we just say we love you...again...and we know that your rewards in Heaven will be great. You are establishing a definitive legacy of believers. Whether it be from the thousands of people you have touched through your years of ministry to the ever growing number of people in your family, from your daughters all the way down to your great-grandbabies, always remember...

You are loved and oh yes...
Jesus loves you too!!
May God continue to enrich and keep you and may His blessings fall upon you like manna from Heaven.
We love you!!
Let me also add, that after spending some quiet time with God this morning in the book of 1 Corninthians, I came across a passage that SO describes my grandparents. It comes from the version found in The Message...
"Love never gives us. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut. Doesn't have a swelled head. Doesn't force itself on others. Isn't always "me first". Doesn't fly off the handle. Doesn't keep score of teh sins of others. Doesn't revel when others grovel. Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth. Puts up with anything. Trusts God always. Always looks for the best. Never looks back. But keeps going to the end. Love never dies." (1 Cor. 3:4-7)
This perfectly describes the love my grandparents have for me, for our families and for all. Thank you both for your continued witness to His power that lives within us.
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