The Wrap Up
Since Jake's birth, I've embarked on a new "career" of sorts. Being a "stay-at-home dad" is one of those things that most people will look at you and smile and say "oh that's great you get to be home with the kids so much" but I can tell deep down, a lot of them are saying "you're a what? You're letting your wife go out and make the money while you go out and play golf?"
Well, it's not quite all that simple but...yes. My wife has had an incredible opportunity given to her and did an exceptional job preparing herself to enter the medical field. With 4 years of high school, 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school and 5 years of residency, she's obviously put in the time and effort to achieve her dream of being a doctor.
Not to mention...being married to me. Who wouldn't want that dream? LOL
Although it may not be the "typical" situation of who works and who stays home, it's a deal that works very well for us. No longer do we have to draw straws to see who's going to stay home with sick kids or make arrangements for someone else to be there to welcome the kids home from school. Plus, if you want to just look at the overall income of a doctor vs. the overall income of a radio disc jockey, wouldn't you do the same? While I may not be "alpha male" guy who goes out to work every day and comes home with the daily stress of the office on my shoulders, I've learned that my "job" is just as important as Jennifer's...and vice versa.
We don't ever take this "situation" for granted, knowing full well that we've been blessed to have the kind of life we do. God is gracious, merciful and has presented us with more opportunities than we could've ever dreamed. I would've told you how crazy you were if 6 years ago you'd have said I'd be a stay at home dad today, forsaking my precious Van Halen and radio career and focusing on my faith and my family.
God has been so good to us the past few years. He's blessed us with all kinds of "stuff" but the things I treasure and praise Him the most for is:
1. Saving me completely from a life filled with sin, emptiness and temptation and gave me one built on hope, love, faith and peace in Him.
2. An absolutely beautiful wife who I thank God for each and every day. I know it's me who's the lucky one in this duo. As my pastor says "I definitely punted out of my own coverage".
3. Two beautiful and spirited children. I cannot imagine how empty our lives would be if we had not had these kids. They bring us such joy (and at least a few gray/white hairs have started to appear on one of our heads...guess who's head it is? Here's a hint...SHE'S got a lot more hair than I do) and we realize that God has indeed blessed our lives because of them.
4. Our extened family. My grandparents, our parents, sisters, cousins, aunts & uncles...they've all played a major role in enhancing our lives.
I've taken you on a brief journey as to who I was, where I came from, what I was like to who I am today, where I am (mentally and spiritually) and Who I want to be like. Jennifer and I have definitely had our up's and down's, experiencing births as well as passings, joys and sorrows and we've watched our marriage grow into what it is today.
I give thanks to our God for His mercies and the blessings He's bestowed on us all. Regardless of whatever season or valley we've traveled through, He's always proven Himself to be faithful, guiding and protecting us along the way. He's shown us His love for us...for ALL of so many ways. Praise Him for His goodness and mercy! My prayer for you all tonight is that if you know Him at this very moment, you'll strive to go deeper into an intimate, personal relationship with Him. He has so much more in store for all of us.
If you don't know Him yet and would like to, He's just beyond where you can see Him. All God is waiting for is for you to open the door and allow Him to come into you, change you and mold you into what HE wants you to be. Submit your lives, your families, your everything over to Him! I promise'll be not only the beginning of an incredible lifelong journey, it'll be the absolute best thing you'll ever do! Trust and believe on Him.
Quick note too...I just got home from choir tonight and want to acknowledge our Lord and Savior tonight for His mercy and His provision!! Without going into any details but just know that God is good, I lift up my friends, the Pray family, and give God glory on their behalf!! There seems to always be a song to represent an exact emotion or situation we're all going through. As I thank God for His goodness to us all tonight, I'm reminded of a song I've recently heard choirs from Prestonwood in Dallas TX as well as the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing.
It's called "Thou O Lord" and each time I hear it, it's message of hope & praise hit me dead center in my heart. I hope and pray the words of it's chorus (which you can also find amid the numerous Psalms) bring light and encouragement to you this very night.
"For thou oh Lord are a shield for me, the glory and the lifter of my head.
Thou oh Lord, are a shield for me...the glory and the lifter of my head.
I cried unto the Lord with my voice and He heard me out of His holy hill.
I laid me down and slept and awakenend for the Lord sustained...the Lord sustained me!"
Thank you Lord for Your faithfulness and Your everlasting power to cleanse us, heal us and restore us!!
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