A Pictorial Review
As I was going back and finding all kinds of photos to share on here, I found a few (hundred) that I thought you all might enjoy seeing. Some are VERY young pictures of Jennifer and me when we were dating, some are pics of Kaitlyn as a tiny baby and a couple are real "character" pictures. You'll understand why I loved working in radio and some of the cool things I got to do once in a while.
By the way, the last picture is...well, how should I put this? Gross? Disgusting? Embarrassing? Repulsive? Yeah, those are pretty good descriptions but I'll let you be the judge. Please feel free to comment and poke fun at that pic...Jennifer already has. What's a few more insults and good-natured self-depricating humor gonna hurt?
Look at those legs! Yowza! When you have someone like this cheering for you, even if you WERE sitting on the bench (uh-oh...I'm sensing more therapy for me), you know life is gooood! You can see why I was so smitten with my beloved, having no chance to escape her web of seduction! LOL
Ah yes...there are all kinds of songs I could use as a caption here. Choose your favorite.
"Can You Feel The Love Tonight?"
"And They Called It Puppy Love"
"I Can See The Heaven In Your Eyes"
"Beauty and the Beast"
Yes, I do realize how lucky I am. Just look at how haawwwwwtt she is! She could have said 'yes' to anyone but she said it to me. I say this with all seriousness...I really DO love that girl!
Here is that bib I wrote about a few blogs ago. See the "I love my daddy"?? Awww...she was so cute.
This is a time when I got my face painted professionally to look like Darth Maul, the bad guy from Star Wars: Episode 1. As you can see, Kaitlyn isn't nearly as frightened as I thought she'd be. In fact, most of the time I was in Jedi Garb, she was laughing and gigging as I was chasing her around the house. She was relieved to see it was me as I picked her up from daycare that day. The other children, however, weren't nearly as "comfortable" around me. I think the daycare staff wasn't too impressed with my grand entrance, especially as I caused (unintentionally) a bunch of the kids to burst out in tears. Whoops.
OK, here it comes. An ugly picture that I'm warning you...it MAY cause you to spit Cheerios out your nose after viewing it. Remember...you've been warned.
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