Thursday, March 09, 2006

Let's Have Church!!

Each Sunday morning before our choir leaves the choir room, we all yell this as sort of a rallying cry but also as a way to sort of prepare our hearts for worship. It's a good way to all of us get on the same page as well as each of us individually start thinking about our role in leading the service. There have been numerous times as we've been singing various songs that I've felt the presence of God descend on the sanctuary and it's one of those moments you can't explain except that it's not of anything we have done. When these moments happen, it's a true joy to leave the service and know we've all communed with God. There's a real inner peace and glow to my life after I've been in one of those services.

However, those emotions aren't always limited to just Sunday mornings.

We "had church" last night at choir practice. Yes, we were there to rehearse and go over music so we don't sound off key or off rhythm, but one of the things I truly love about Buster Pray and his leadership as worship minister, is that he's VERY sensitive to making sure the choir does not ever go out to "perform". We're not there to "perform" for anyone.

We are there to lead others in worship of God. Whether it's inward or outwardly expressive, our hope is that each person in attendance takes the time to quiet their lives and focus on the reason why we're worship Him. Last night, as I mentioned, we all came together to worship as we rehearsed and it was evident to me God was there.

The messages of each song we practiced varied from our thanksgiving, reliance and dependance on Him to the awesomeness of who He is. Whether the songs were upbeat or more expressive, the Spirit was there and I was blessed because of it. He IS a Mighty Fortress!!

What made this day very special for me was the "church" didn't end last night. God showed up again today during my quiet time...and again...and again...and again. I can't say that there is some magic formula you must do to ensure God shows up...that's all part of His plan and on His timetable. All I can say is that in several different instances today, God blessed me. I'll share with you tomorrow about one specific instance where God began speaking to me on Sunday and things came together today around 11am. It was extremely exciting and invigorating to see Him leading me through Scripture, the testimony of others and the promise that He will draw near to us if we draw near to Him.

Maybe there are some of my old radio friends reading this and wondering what happened to me. Is this the same guy who loved to blast Van Halen at the radio station? Yes, it's me...but there's been a major change in my life. Something incredible!!

God spoke and I (finally) listened! I finally realized there was nothing I could do to better my life. There was nothing this world could offer me that could fill up that emptiness I had inside. I saw how none of the things radio had to offer me really mattered. But what God offered me...that meant something and it continues to mean something to this very day!

One of these days, I'll share my story about who I once was and how God got my attention.

I have to run get the boy from school but keep these thoughts fresh on your mind.

1. Seek Him today while He may be found. He's closer than you think.

2. Check out Revelation 3:20. Look at this verse and really consider what it says. It wraps up what I want to share tomorrow.


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