Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Leaving A Legacy

Today as we all begin our day, we read that we've lost 2 very special people.

Kirby Puckett, 45, star outfielder for the Minnesota Twins, died yesterday after he suffered a stroke on Sunday. Many baseball fans remember his remarkable play and leadership in the 1991 World Series when he almost literally took his team, put them on his back in game 6 and carried them to an eventual world championship. It was sparked, in part, to his incredible catch he made against the center field wall, robbing the Atlanta Braves of some almost guaranteed momentum that would've carried them to a victory. However, Puckett had other ideas and after not only proving his defensive skills in the outfield, he then showed he was pretty good offensively as well by hitting the game winning home run, beating the Braves 4-3.

Unfotunately, time caught up to Kirby and he was forced to retire years later when he developed glaucoma in his right eye. Yet many of us remember this man, small in stature yet large in heart, as someone who was extremely popular with the fans and played with an incredible amount of intensity. That's one of the reasons I really liked Puckett. He was only 5' 8" and had a very unique body. Very stocky and not at all fashioned after today's "Hollywood stud" athlete. That's the kind of body like mine. Yet Kirby showed us all that even someone who's 5' 8", slightly overweight and just like everyone else can compete and WIN with determination and hard work. It's always hard to see generational personalities pass away because it reminds us all of our own mortality.

Then, this morning, I read that Dana Reeves, the widow of the late actor Christopher Reeves, had succumbed to lung cancer at the age of 44. Now although I didn't know her as much as I did her super-hero husband, I did know she was a rock in their marriage and loved, supported and sustained him throughout the entire time he was so tragically confined to a wheelchair and respirator. I recall several interviews where Chris would speak, as best he could, through machines and ventilators of how much he loved his wife and how strong she was for both of them as well as their children. You could just see the love and admiration they had for each other.

I couldn't imagine the grief and sorrow she must have felt as she said goodbye to her husband for the last time in 2004...for the life that was gone and the life that was to be missed. Yet she persevered and began charities in his memory to help raise support for spinal-cord paralysis cures. I know that many who felt the pain of seeing Superman suffer as he did and then eventually pass away are grieving for the loss of Dana with as much, if not more, pain and sorrow.

Yet both Christopher and Dana, along with Kirby, leave behind legacies of which we will remmeber them by. Legacies that will not be tarnished by each person's humanity, character flaws and stumbles. No, these 3 people brought a lot of joy and hope to a lot of people and that's what we'll remember them for.

What about you? What kind of legacy are you leaving today? How will people remember you?

I was wanting to write about this topic within the next few weeks and didn't quite know how to present my thoughts on it. Today, it seems pretty easy to do.

My pastor, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, a very gifted and annointed man of God, led a series of messages dealing with this very topic...leaving a legacy. This was a message that really made an impact in my life and made me stop to think about what I'm doing with my life to influence my family and those around me. Is what I'm doing making a difference? Will it have an impact on their lives?

Then Pastor Floyd broke it down even further and said "will your life leave a kingdom legacy for others to look toward".

"A kingdom legacy" I thought. "What's that?"

Pastor Floyd described it like this.

A Kingdom Legacy is when the power of God rules over your life and the legacy you leave behind. It's the realm over you where God's will is first, dominant and fulfilled.

Look at what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:20.

"For the Kingdom of God is not in talk but in power."

God's power ruling over our lives and us allowing that power to work through us. God's character shining over every aspect of who we are. In fact, Pastor Floyd went on to say that the principles of a Kingdom Legacy are based from 2 separate scriptures:

2 Corinthinans 9:6-7 (giving and receiving)

"the person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and the person who sows generously will reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart-not out of regret or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver."

and Philippians 4:15-19 (expansion and supply)

Verse 19 says "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

If you have time today to look at these verses, take a moment and read them, reflecting on how they can make an impact on others. This topic has made a huge impact on my life and has really become one of my heart's desires. I can remember where I came from and what motivated me then versus where I am headed and the prize that I see waiting before me now.

"...forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead."

As I continue on this journey, I want my legacy to reflect this. I want others to see God first in my life and the changes He's brought to me. I want my wife & kids to see the husband and father who loved them so very much and did all he could to keep Christ the Head of our home. I want my family and friends to see the man God intended me to be, one who was obedient and willing to do His will and put my own will aside. I want everyone to see that Christ lives in me and has the power to change lives, just like He did in me. I want my legacy to be about Him.

How about you? What will be your legacy?

(Thanks Pastor Floyd...for speaking this message that made a difference in my life.)


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