Thursday, February 23, 2006

Through The Eyes Of A Child

As a former radio manager used to tell me all the time, "perception is everything". Now whether that's an accurate statement or not remains to be seen. However, it is a fact that how we look and perceive things to be determines how we continue to respond to them. Consider the way a child looks at things vs. how we as adults view them. Remember that show with Bill Cosby a few years ago called "Kids Say The Darndest Things"? It was so funny to hear how a child could come up with all kinds of outlandish conclusions about the simplest of things.

My son, Jacob, who's 3 1/2 going on 16, has a very funny wit about him already (how many times have I heard from friends and family that "yep...he's your son alright"). My grandparents have encouraged me for years to write down all the things my kids have said and couple them with my "editorial comments". We've all had a few good laughs about these over the years. In fact, just this past Sunday, Jake and I got into a discussion about Jesus.

He looked at me seriously and said "Daddy, my teacher told me that Jesus died".

Now this was after he'd come home from Sunday School and I'm assuming the lesson dealt with what Jesus did for all of us. This is one of the aspects Jake had remembered.

"Yes" I said. "Jesus did die a long time ago. But you know what's exciting? He came back to life and went to Heaven to be with God."

"He did?" Jake's eyes began to get bigger at this point.

"Yes He did," I replied. "In fact, Jesus is there in Heaven right now making a place for you, Kaitlyn, Mommy & Daddy to go live one day. He's excited about us all going to live with Him and He's waiting for us right now!"

By this point, the excitement was building inside Jake. His fists began to shake, his eyes grew to half-dollar size and even the veins on the side of his neck started protruding in anticipation.

"AAAWWWWWW" he yelled gleefully. "Cool!"

Then he added, in typical 3 year old fashion "...and when I see Jesus, He's going to have snacks for me...and maybe (his voice lowered for a bit)...maybe He'll get me some toys from Target!!"

I started laughing out loud as Jake began running and jumping throughout the room. He was so thrilled to consider the fact that one day, he would be rewarded with the things he loved and considered precious to him.

But then I thought about how each of us go about each day and live our lives. What do I think about actually going to Heaven? Am I that excited about it (like Jake was) so much that I'd clap my hands, laugh hilariously & skip around the room like an innocent child or do I live my life according to my own plan, thinking I'll go to Heaven when I'm ready but right now I've got too much living to do?

So many of the things we have today, whether it be material things or job title or our place in society...none of it really belongs to us. I've gotten bogged down thinking that all the "stuff" we have we own, we've "earned" or even worse, we "deserve".

No. Not at all. It all comes from Him and because of this, it all belongs to Him.

God has blessed me and my family abundantly. I am so thankful for His saving grace and the new mercies He provides each and every day. I'm so thankful for the gift He gave all of us over 2000 years ago...His Son...who came and took all of our sin with Him to the cross. Christ willingly poured Himself out for you and me and because of that, it's by His precious shed blood that we are FREE!

One of the things I'm learning as I spend intimate time with Him is that the things of this world shall one day all pass away but the things of God will never fade away. What we have, where we live, all our "stuff" has come from Him. He has a plan for our lives and He is to be praised for all He's done and is going to do.

I'm reminded of the verse in Jeremiah 29:11 where God says "For I know the plans I have for you...plans for your welfare, not for diaster, to give you a future and a hope."

When I keep this thought in mind, I can become that child who's thrilled beyond his wildest dreams & running around the room at break-neck speed, knowing that one day, I will go to Heaven, one day, I will receive the treasures He has for me and one day...

I will see Jesus.


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