Saturday, May 27, 2006

Heading Into The Weekend

Actually, the weekend (proper) is already here but I guess I'm OK since it's a 3 day holiday weekend. Be safe and watch out for all the idiots out there on the water & highways. I always tell my wife she should charge more to those people who come in during holidays or overnights for tests due to "idiot injuries". You know the type...diving off a roof when you've had 7-8 longneck bottles of Bud, deciding to change all the lightbulbs in your house during the middle of the night and falling off a ladder, feeling you're invincible at closing time at the local watering hole and challenging the head bouncer to prove his "manhood".

You know, injuries like that.

Real quick reviews on a couple things:

X-Men 3: AWESOME!! If you're a fan of the comic book and/or just looking for a good action superhero movie, this is it! Not only was the movie great but the previews were hot too! New Ghost Rider flick coming out in Feb 2007 and the new Pirates of the Caribbean in July looks great. Not to mention, "Superman Returns" is just a few weeks away, as is "Cars"...both are highly anticipated around the hacienda.

iPod: My life was so empty before I found this device. OK, so I'm pathetic...yeah, I won't argue that point at all. But not only is this thing (I've got the 30 gb version) cool with what it offers and how much it can store, I love I-Tunes and the fact that I was able to download the entire second season of "Lost" and be caught up in time for the new season this fall. Not to mention, it makes me look a lot smarter to the wife as well.

Hope you all have a great weekend. We started it off with a jaunt to the doughnut shop where Jake decided to inform the ladies behind the counter that not only do I like those Hummer SUV's but my wife was not going to let me get one. Laughter ensued as I walked out the door like the beaten man I was. I think they put extra sugar on the boy's donut for him being so cute and outing his dad the way he did. Ugh...turncoat.

It's time to amp the chillins up with sugar and popcorn and a trip to see "Over The Hedge" Monday afternoon since both kids are out of school. I don't look for it to be anywhere near as entertaining (for me) as X-Men was but as long as it keeps the kids entertained and out of the hot sun for a couple hours, mission will be accomplished.

My wife had the gall to make a suggestion we "should get a pool" as we sat on the deck this afternoon. Immedately, all 3 children (yes, I'm including myself in that grouping) leapt to their feet and made for the Sequoia. She then tried to put the brakes on things by saying "well, we're not getting one today but I was just-"

No more words, my dear. Just grab your purse and a thermos of tea and let's be off. Jake mentioned something about going to the pool in our yard soon and I told him "no son, don't get your heart set and raise your expectations then throw a fit when we don't get a pool today...that's my job."

So, a rather long drive that really amounts to a very short pool, not a word with the salespeople (apparently there was only 1 legitimate pool salesman in the room and he was hip deep in business) and no brochures to consider. But I think the time will be here soon when I will be found in the backyard, sunning my rolls of white blubber in the privacy of my own home, next to our brand new oasis, without fear of scarring the mindsets of innocent children across our neighborhood.

Have a great weekend. I'm off to see if the girls can beat me at Scrabble.


At 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay granny, Jim & Jenn are going to put in a korncrete swimmin pond. yow weeee. Ill gets the tubes out of the John Deere tracter for a floot'en, my stl cards cap,our cutoff's and wee's be a goin. I's can be a shown Jake and Kate sum kneets stufs. Youse a pax up sum vittles, and ols houler [ our hund dawg] an wee's be a goen to Fayit'sville see's you'en alls soom loves you'en all's Dad


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