Monday, August 21, 2006

How Great Is Our God!!

I've got plenty of reasons today to be giving God all the glory!!

1. First and foremost, I thank my God for giving His one and only Son to give up His life for MY sins and the sins of the world. It dawned on me this morning during my quiet time / reading in the book of Psalms that God is indeed great, God is indeed holy and God is good. He provides for us at all times and remains closer to us than a brother. His word says that He will cast our sins as far away from us "as the east is from the west and remember them no more." I don' t know about you but I've got a few doozies I'd just as soon never remember but thank God, He has forgiven me of those sins and has washed me, cleansed me in the precious blood of Jesus.

2. A great friend of mine is pastor of another church in our area and yesterday they celebrated their One Year anniversary!! Over 500 people packed into that church and heard the Word of God preached as hearts & hands were lifted towards Heaven, giving praise, glory & honor where it is so righteously our God. As well, they sang the song that has been their theme for this past year, an incredible song that simply says:

"How great is our God
Sing with me how great is our God
And all will see how great,
How great is our God!"

Look this song up online and give it a listen. I know a few people have recorded it, one of whom is Chris Tomlinson. He does a great job of really raising his voice in praise & adoration to the God of all gods and the King of all kings.

I rejoice today with Larry and his congregation in their One Year anniversary as it reflects ever more that God is STILL working, reaching and saving lost souls. Praise God for His mercy and His faithfulness!!

3. On a personal note, I am giving God glory today for:
a) helping me re-connect to an old friend who I hadn't heard from in years
b) putting me in touch with my bro-in-law who helped me update this blog (finally)
c) the kids going back to school today. Do I hear mothers & dads screaming for joy at this? LOL

Kaitlyn started 3rd Grade today and in all seriousness, as somewhat eager as I was to see her get back into school (and she's just as eager), it's sobering to sit and think of how this child was not so long ago wrapped up in a warm blanket, looking up at me with giant brown eyes that reflected the Father's love for all of us. Now, here she is...eight years old, in third grade and really beginning to mature and grow up.

Then...there's the boy. LOL

After a weekend of fits, fights, fists and falls (he threw fits, he had several fights with all of us, he balled up his fists into my gullet...playfully, of course, and he fell out of bed last night, ending up with a tiny bloody nose) he's back at school as well. Yet, God still shows me how He loves me by helping me realize how much I love my kids.

That's only one reason why I so love God. Even in the midst of when you feel like you're at your furthest away from His favor, He draws you close to Him and gives you that reassurance you need to always know He is our Father. He knows our every need. He cares for us at all times and He desires to be with us.

Yes great, how great is our God!!!


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