We Survived...Barely
Although I'm a few days late with the post-birthday celebrations, I'm glad things are starting to get back to normal. Jake turned 4 and Kaitlyn turned 8 this past week. Jake had a "superhero" party, in which all the kids who showed up got Superman capes my wife had made them plus all kinds of superhero stuff hagning around (literally). We had the upstairs playroom converted to a super hideout with Batman, Spiderman and Superman posters, action figures and cars all over the place. We topped it off with over 50 Superman cupcakes and pizza, sending the kids home that night full of sugar & carbs. Good thing was that with as hard as they all played that day, jumping around on the trampoline, smacking our Spiderman pinata and racing through the house with their capes billowing, I'm sure each child summarily collapsed by 8:30p.

I know our's did.
By the way, here's a look at our "super" family that day. It was way too hot for Mommy & Daddy to wear an actual costume so we took the easy way out & wore our "Incredibles" t-shirts instead. MUCH cooler considering the 94+ degree heat.
Kaitlyn had over 8 girls come over for a sleep-over on Friday night. 9 girls, 8 years and above, ALL jammed upstairs in the playroom to watch movies and fight over who Jake would get to sit by. Yes, they were fighting over the boy. Man, he's going to get the big head, isn't he? As you can imagine, it was a late night. A VERY late night that lasted until about 2am Saturday morning. I think that even last night (7/17) we were all still dragging a bit but things are slowly getting back to normal. The good thing about doing the mondo-sleepover this year is that we realized...
we WON'T do one next year. HAHA!!
A BIG tip of the hat to my wife for organizing so many of the activities for both parties. If it were left up to me, I'd have probably put on some DVD's for all the kids, gave them a cupcake & some punch and told them not to make a mess. Hey, that's fun sounding, right?
A party coordinator I'm not.
So, now that the kids are one year older, Jake is officially in "Power Ranger" mode and Kaitlyn has moved onto "pre-teen makeup" mode. Me and the wife?
We're gliding into the gray haired mode.
Well, one of us is...and it ain't me!!!
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