The Attacks Continue
I was in Best Buy yesterday returning some software when I noticed they had their "new releases" set out on a table near the front of the store. I'm always into music, although not much of the secular stuff, but I thought there might be something there that I might like. I'd been specifically looking for Michael Sweet's (the lead singer for the Christian band Stryper) new CD called "Him", a praise and worship collection that are actually old classics re-done with a modern flare. I've heard 2 of the songs thus far, "Take My Life" and "At Calvary", and have been very impressed by the musicianship on it but moreso, the never-changing message that has remained true for all these years.
"Take My Life" is an especially great song, quiet and reflective, with only Michael and an acoustic guitar. While the melody is slightly different, it gives the song a brand new life and really takes on the worship theme he was going for.
Here's the link to his "myspace" website. The song loads itself automatically. Check it out if you've got a few moments to just sit back, be still, reflect and worship the Lord from your heart.
However, back to my story, I didn't find Sweet's new CD on the table. What I did find made me literally sick. Nauseous. Even disgusted and then that vile repulsion turned to anger. There, in front of me in plain view of any man, woman or child was the new CD by the Satanic metal band Slayer called "Christ Illusion". I won't post an image to it's album cover but it is extremely offensive, showing a limbless, bloody and bruised Jesus standing in a cesspool of decapitated heads, looking despondant and helpless.
I was astounded that something that vile and repungnant would be allowed to be shown with such disregard. In fact, quite the opposite. They (Best Buy as well as other record outlets) were proudly promoting the CD!! How in the world can people be filled with such hate and contempt and apathy that something like this doesn't bother them? Doesn't anyone have any morals, values, respect or even consideration for others? Are we so blinded by our greed that we willingly promote such vile and blasphemous images like these, all for the almighty dollar? Worse still, do we do this in outward rebellion to the true & living God, content to believe the lies that our lives are what WE make them?
The anger and repulsion began to boil within me. I actually began to get slightly white-knuckled holding the CD as I considered smashing each one and turning over the display table in a fit of rage.
But then, something happened within that caused my anger to turn to literal sadness. In fact, I began to feel tears well up within as I thought of how hurt and sad (an understatement) Christ must feel to see people desecrate and mock Him and what He did for ALL of us nearly 2000 years ago. I thought of how God must look down on mankind and ache for us to return to Him but allows us to choose these paths. I thought of how it must break His heart to see CD's like this and thousands more mock Him, despise Him and outwardly curse & challenge Him.
I looked at that depiction of Christ and felt a wave of sorrow come over me. There was the person I love with all my heart being portrayed in such a heinous manner. I know how upset and outraged I'd be if someone had made a picture like this of a family member. How much more was I that it was Christ my Savior being mocked?
I put the CD down and began to breathe a prayer that God would take away my anger and rage, replacing them with love & compassion, and that He would send His Holy Spirit to fall upon each and every member of these bands to open their eyes, ears & hearts, to realize what they were doing, to repent of their sins and to submit their lives to Him.
Only God will know if any of these rockstars will ever turn from their evil ways. Only He knows the future and only He can execute judgment. I had to remind myself it's not up to me to judge and condemn. I have to love these people, just as Christ loved us when He was on the earth. I have to imitate Christ in all things and that means showing love & compassion, remaining in prayer for ALL mankind and ultimately realizing that God's will will be done.
God is STILL in control. No matter how bleak or dark things may appear around us, we can take heart that He loves us all, not wanting that any of us should perish and that no matter what may be going on around us, whether at home, at work, in our cities or in this crazy world, He will NEVER leave nor forsake us.
As these attacks continue, and they will continue and intensify until He comes back for His own, we need to remind ourselves that the battle is not our's.
It's His.
Yet, the good news about this is...
He's already won.
May God be with you, protect you and reveal Himself to you this very day.
I'm always encouraged when I read your blog. You are always so uplifting and have a great story to tell. I pray that God would continue to use your blog to reach others for Him. God bless you and your family. You are loved!
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