Let's Go Fishin'
There's a new song out that the kids & I love to sing. It's by the Gaither Vocal Band and it's called "I Catch 'Em, God Cleans 'Em" and it's a real upbeat, catchy tune. It's so cool to hear your kids sing a song that while it's simplistic in it's melody & lyrics, there's such power & truth in what it says.
"I catch 'em, God cleans 'em

I bait the hook with the love of the Kingdom
I've been called to be a 'fisher of men'
I catch 'em, God cleans 'em
Heaven knows He saves every soul that believes Him
I reel them in and He washes away their sin."
The song is based on Matthew 4:19 where Jesus says to Peter & Andrew:
"Come, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."
You know, the main reason I started doing this blog is that I really wanted to share my faith with as many people who would come and read it. I was hoping so much that all my radio friends, my family members, church friends and whomever else I could get to read this would not only see what God is doing in my life but that God would then begin to do a work in their lives as a result.
Since I'm no longer on the radio, I wanted a way for my voice to still be heard. I figured a blog like this would be a great start. The only question I wonder about is:
a) is anyone reading this
b) is anyone being AFFECTED by what they read and seeking the Lord because of it
No one will really know until we reach the other side of Heaven. But as I've tried to maintain over these past months, my heart's desire is to share what incredible things God is doing within me, not to make myself appear pious or "holier-than-thou" but to make all who read this aware that they too can have the very same joy & peace I have, knowing that Christ is Lord & Savior of our lives.
As it is when you go fishing, you cast your bait out in the water and then you wait. Sometimes you wait a very long time but hopefully, eventually, a fish will come up and give you a nibble, checking out to see if your bait is something he wants to chomp onto. If he likes it, he'll hit it and cinch that hook in deep & firm and we reel 'em in, anxious to see how big a fish we caught.
In a spiritual sense though, it doesn't matter how big the fish is you catch. What matters is that you cast something out into the water, giving people something to consider and (hopefully) become hungry for.
Of course, it's not because of anything WE do as believers that saves anyone or redeems them. However, the way we act, the way we talk and the way we love can be all the bait someone needs to get a little closer to you for you to share the wonder of Christ's perfect love for them.
There's always room for one more at the table. Maybe you're hungry & tired of all the rat-race this life offers you today. Why not stop by and take a bite of this thing called "the Gospel" and see how much it'll satisfy your longing. See how it fills the emptiness of your life. Watch how it gives you the peace & joy you've searched for all your life.
Forget about all your preconceived notions about televangelists,

Check it out at it's source today: the Bible. I promise you...you'll be so blessed and encouraged by what you read, you'll be delighted to hear that at this table, this is no one course meal.
It's all you can eat!!
What do you say? Let's go fishin'!!
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