A Great Day!
You ever get one of those head colds where you feel like you've been drop kicked by a mule? Oh man...that's how I feel today. I don't know if it's because of all the junk in the air or my recent painting the bathroom excursion on Monday (it's a lovely shade of yellow...officially known as "lemon parfait"...and who doesn't love a parfait, right?) but my head, eyes and nose are hurtin' bad.

There's a song by the Old Friends Quartet (which featured the late Jake Hess and George Younce) called "Great Day". Awesome old time gospel song that talks about a great day coming where the church is called home to be with the Lord. One line in particular says "Gabriel will warn you, some early morn you will hear his horn, rooty tootin' " and my son Jake probably thought he heard Gabriel's horn tootin' here this morning.
No, just his dad blowin' his nose and scaring the birds off the yard. Hey, if it's good to make the boy laugh, it's gotta be worth it.
Some exciting times coming up very soon!
First off, as I've mentioned before, our church (FBC Springdale) is in it's second week of the "Three Days" presentation. It is three consectutive Sunday portrayals of the life of Jesus and the impact His life had on all of us. This week will be a powerful depiction and again, let me invite you to join us if at all possible. Last night was our dress rehearsal and even in costume, many of us had been through this scene several times yet STILL...we felt the emotion of the moment. The members of the choir who hadn't seen the portrayal yet were also moved, some to the point of tears. I'll share more of what I've seen after we've completed "Day 2" later...I don't want to ruin the impact of what everyone will see, hear and experience. All I can say is God can move mightily, even during an Easter pageant rehearsal. Please make an effort to be there if you can.
If you can't attend any of the remaining 2 Sundays, keep looking for the DVD of the entire "Three Days" enactment. I'll let you know more about it's release when I learn more.
Second, if you go over to www.betweensundays.com, our Pastor, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, is in the midst of completing a 5 part series on the upcoming movie "The DaVinci Code". I'm not completely familiar with it's premise (the movie, that is) but from what I've heard from Christian leaders opinions I trust implicitly, there's not a lot that's scriptural about it. I'm excited to hear Pastor Floyd's series on this book/movie and what the Christian response needs to be. Pastor really opens himself to God's calling upon his life and is obedient to speak what He calls him to say. In fact last fall, Pastor Floyd did an extensive, in-depth series on the book of Revelation that totally opened my eyes to this incredible, yet ominous and often difficult to understand, book of the Bible. I can HIGHLY recommend this series if you'd like to learn more. Go to the bookstore section of FBC Springdale's website (www.fbcs.net) to purchase it. I know your life will be enriched after hearing it.
I hope you all have a great day today! Seek the Lord and spend some quality quiet time with Him. You never know what He might say to you. It could just change your life and the lives of those around you!
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