Thursday, March 30, 2006

You're Kidding Me, Right?

MLB's investigation into steroid abuse (ie: Let's Make It Appear We're Trying To Thwart Barry Bonds and His Steroid Denials). Now, first off, I'm by no means a Bonds apologist. In fact, the day he leaves the game for good will be a joyous day for me. Not that he's ever done anything to me personally...he's just one of those athletes who likes to thumb his nose at everyone. Fans, officials, teammates, other players, the media, the public in know, everyone. What I actually don't like about this investigation is that, as it was pointed out this morning on ESPN Radio with Colin Cowherd, there's already been a conclusive investigation done on Bonds and his steroid abuse. It's a book called "Game of Shadows", one that a lot of professional sports people have been talking about and oddly enough, Bonds has not come out to deny it's allegations. This book containst over 200 separate sources, numerous files and documents all confirming what even a blind man could see...

Bonds is on the juice.

Yet, I guess because it (the book) wasn't a "sanctioned" investigation, MLB feels like it has to conduct one of it's own and come up with the same conclusions. Actually, MLB (read: Bud Selig) is starting this investigation to try and determine the rampant use of steroid and performance enhancing drugs. They have to say this so their efforts to nail Bonds don't come off looking like a witch hunt. Some are claiming this investigation needs to go back and include Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, among others. However, it's been noted before that since 1980, most MLB players have been aware of steroid abuse (and easy availability) and one would also then conclude if players know about it, owners and officials would've also had to have known about it.

So why start now? Because Bonds is less than 50 HR's away from breaking Hank Aaron's record and this hallowed feat can't be surpassed with such a cloud of controversy hanging over it. So, what to do with Bonds in the meantime? Do you let him play until this "investigation" ends (if it ever does) or do you suspend him in the interim? Even if you hate Bonds and all he represents, you have to admit the timing of this is indeed suspect and looks to me like MLB is trying (horribly) to start some damage control for keeping their heads in the sand for so long.

Can you say "waste of time"?

Another realm of professional sports that's got me a bit disgusted is one of the new rules put in place by NFL: no excessive celebration after a touchdown.

I guess it's all in how you look at it. Is it bad sportsmanship or is it entertainment for everyone watching? Would I want to see a high school kid doing CPR on a football after he ran one in? No way. Would I want to see the Hogs congregate in the endzone and do a choreographed dance after Mitch Mustain lit one up to Damian Williams for 7? Hmmm...are we playing Texas? Just kidding...

No, really...I came to enjoy and wonder what guys like Chad Johnson would do the next time he scored. When you have a guy doing a "Riverdance" around a solitary ball in the endzone or even run over to a Bengals' cheerleader and "propose" to her in marriage...THAT'S funny.

T.O. stamping the ball on the center of the star in Dallas...not funny. T.O. getting blindsided for stamping the ball on the center of the star in Dallas...justice. T.O. now playing for the 'Boys this year, in the very stadium that's home to that star...irony.

Think about those great endzone phenomenons we've seen in the past 15-20 years. (I'm sure I'll forget some good ones so please hit the "comment" button below to remind me).

The Ickey Shuffle
Tony Gonzales slamming the ball over the goalpost.
The Lambeau Leap.
T.O. and the Sharpie.
Joe Horn and the hidden cellphone.
The Funky Chicken.
The Washington Redskins' "Fun Bunch".

Ahhh yes...good times. Good for you if you were a fan of the team "celebrating". Bad if you were watching Deion strut down the sideline after a 55 yard return against your team.

Bigger issues are out there for officials in both leagues to try & tackle. But to me, some of their methods, timing and reasonings make little sense.


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