A Change In Plans
This morning, as we were all rushing about trying to get the kids out the door and to school on time, I mentioned to my wife in passing I knew what I wanted to write about today. I made an 18 layer crepe yesterday for her book club meeting and it turned out pretty good, IMO. I had a picture taken of it and even had a title of the blog I was going to use...
"BAM!" Yeah, I was going to allude to Emeril's catch phrase and expound on the crepe and my finishing touch of hitting the crepe with a bunch of powdered sugar.
But as Jake and I were leaving, I put a CD by Casting Crowns in called "Lifesong". The title track of this CD is extremely powerful and uplifting to my life. I even have it as the ringtone on my cellphone.
As we drove away and I began to reflect on this song's message, I heard a tiny voice behind me begin to sing the chorus. Softly, childlike yet in his own way, full of confidence. I looked back at him and saw him smile his patented grin, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling with life. I heard this chorus come from his mouth...

"Let my lifesong sing to you, let my lifesong sing to you, I want to sign your name to the end of this day, knowing that my heart was true, let my lifesong sing to you."
I knew that this precious 3 year old had no idea what these lyrics really meant or the impact he was having on my life right then, but it was a special moment. I saw God reveal to me the impact I was having on my son and daughter, the impact I was having on my wife and family. I realized the impact the Lord was having on me and the work He was continuing through me.
I felt a song of praise begin to rise up inside me. The tears began to well up in my eyes as I felt the presence of the true and living God visit me right there in my SUV, speaking words of love and support, drawing near to me. I realized that all I do has an impact on those around me, especially those in my inner circle. I've written about "impact" and "legacy" numerous times and I'm starting to see God has stamped this theme firmly and deeply on the pages of my life. How I act, what I say, what I do...especially when it comes to raising my kids, I need to make sure I point them toward the cross.
I've already spent some quiet time with Him this morning, digging through 2 Corninthians and was blessed at what I read. If you have time today, go read 2 Corinthians 4-7 for some incredible words of encouragement!! Awesome is our God!!
As I walked Jake into daycare, he was still giddy from singing this song. He will probably never know or understand how much he's blessed his Daddy this morning. I love my kids SO much and want them to come to know the blessings God has for them if they commit their lives to Him.
This song that began to well up within me...it has no particular melody. There is no specific note arrangement or time signature.
It's my life and it's my praise to the Almighty for all that He's done for me. Whether it's from what I have or who I know, all of it pales in comparison to the ultimate gift He's given each and every one of us.
His only beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
He who took on the form of a man to come to this lost world to take OUR sins and OUR punishment so that through His shed blood, we can come to accept Him and know Him intimately! We are saved because of His sacrificial death on Calvary and it's through His brokenness we are made whole!
Luke 19:40 came to mind as I left Jake at school this morning.
"I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out!"
I can't keep silent anymore! God is real, He loves us all and wants each of us to know Him as Lord & Savior! I thank Him for His blessings and the mercies He gives me each day. I thank Him for my wife and kids and how much I love them. I thank Him for each and every member of my family. I thank Him for the people He's put in my life who are making an impact for the kingdom and pointing ME toward the cross. I've mentioned several of them on this blog through the past weeks:
my grandparents, Pastor Ronnie Floyd, Buster Pray, Randy Nichols, Jordan Cox, Darin Gray, Mike Yates, Julio Echegoyen, my wife and children and countless others...
Oh, I could go on and on giving thanks to Him here on this website but there's not enough bandwidth out there in cyberspace for me to tell of all the things He's done.
Instead, I will live my life in a manner that gives praise and glory and honor to the One who saved me.
I will leave an impact that will hopefully point people toward Christ.
I will do as Philippians 1:27 says..."live my life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
I will look to 2 Corinthians 5:9 for inspiration: "Therefore, whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to be pleasing to Him."
I will not look back but I will reach forward, remembering 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away and look, new things have come!"
Lord, let my 'lifesong' indeed sing to you!
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