Friday, March 31, 2006

Getting A Grip

Have you ever thought about the many things in our lives where we are constantly striving for a better understanding? How many of us have felt overwhelmed at times where we just can't seem to get a "handle" on anything? We do all we can to "get a grip" on life.

I think about the things in my life where "getting a grip" comes into play.

My golf game. Anyone who plays golf knows all about "the grip" and how to hold/swing your club. It's not just any grip either. It's one specific to the game that (supposedly) when properly achieved, can help your overall swing, make the proper contact and help you hold your head up high out on the fairways...instead of ducking behind a clump of trees, much like I do. I thought this "grip" wouldn't make much of a difference and when I first started learning how to play, I instinctively held the clubs like I did a baseball bat. I even caught myself lifting my left leg up as I began to swing. All of these are "no no's" in golf. I've become painfully aware that to play this accursed game the right way, I need to adapt my "grip".

I read about this theme this morning during my quiet time with God. One of the books I'm reading, "Building Dynamic Faith" by Dr. Jerry Falwell, spoke about how we can "get a grip" on what God is trying to say to us while we read the Bible. It's a five step plan that was brilliantly illustrated in a story he told of young man speaking to his Bible class early in his pastoral training. This young man reiterated (or introduced) Dr. Falwell to these 5 steps by standing in front of the class and challenging another student sitting in the front row to try and take his Bible from his grip. The student was told to use only his thumb and forefinger while the speaker held on with a full 5-fingered grip. Of course, the volunteer couldn't do it because the speaker had a firm hold on the Bible. This point was reinforced by saying that the 5 fingers he used to hold onto the Bible represent the 5 things we need to do to better understand what God is saying through His Word.

1. Hear the Word.
2. Read the Word.
3. Study the Word.
4. Memorize the Word.
5. Meditate on the Word.

By applying these 5 principles to your life as you read through the Bible, God's Word and statutes will become much clearer than if you just read it in a leisurely manner. Here are a few Scriptures Dr. Falwell gave that will hopefully encourage you as they did me.

Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night."

Psalm 119:11 "Your word I have hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you."

Acts 17:11 "These (believers in Berea) were more that they received the Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

Proverbs 23:7 "...for as he thinks within himself, so is he."

Psalm 119:14 "I rejoice in the way revealed by Your decrees, as much as in all riches."

That last one especially impacted me. The ways of the Lord (His teachings and instructions for our lives) are even more valuable than all the riches (materially) I could obtain.

What's also incredible about this is God's timing. I had prayed before I even opened the Bible or Dr. Falwell's book this morning that God would give me more insight to know Him through His Word and His plan for my life. I opened Falwell's book and saw the title of today's chapter (Grasping God's Word) and I KNEW instantly God had heard my prayer and was going to reveal more of Himself to me. As I began to read Dr. Falwell's book then delve into my own personal Bible time, I came across Psalm 117. Talk about power in the Word!

"Praise the Lord all nations, glorify Him all peoples for great is His faithful love to us; the Lord's faithfulness endures forever. Hallelujah!"

How awesome is that!! God is faithful and His love endures forever!

Before I wrap this up, I wanted to share one more thing...

As you have read in the past couple of days, I've been listening a lot to Casting Crowns' newest CD "Lifesong". Today, I really listened to a song called "Love Them Like Jesus". I hope these words will minister life, hope and encouragment to you this very day as they did me.

"Love them like Jesus, carry them to Him,
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves them and stay by their side
Love them like Jesus."

If you know someone today who's going through a hardship and is down, maybe it is you, remember to stand beside them today, encourage and support them, love them the way He loves them and let His light (and love) shine through you.

Have a great weekend!


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