Friday, March 17, 2006

Wrap-up Before Destin

Spring Break is 6 hours away from officially being here and we've decided to make the most of it. We're taking the kids to Destin for some time on the beach and adventures in buryng Daddy in the sand. You can feel the enthusiasm I have for that, can't you?

I feel this trip is more of a "wife" thing that she's justifying as a "let's take the kids to the ocean" reason. Now I have no problem going away on a vacation to the beach but when we used to do that, we had a truck full of scuba gear accompanying us instead of 2 young kids who will invariablly either need to take potty stops every 30 minutes, getting stir-crazy from sitting in the Sequoia for 8+ hours (we're only going to Mississippi tonight) and who will be fighting over what movie to watch in the DVD player.

Barney, the Wiggles or Hilary Duff?

Oh Calgon...take me away.'s going to be a great time and we're all seriously looking forward to the trip. We're going to meet up with our friends Mike & Sandy and Lyle & Kelly (whom we had no idea initally were all going to be there at the same time) PLUS I'm putting in a call to our neighbor from Columbia who relocated to the Florida panhandle a couple years ago to see if he wants to meet up. Then, this is the greatest part...

Since Monday is my birthday, my loving, devoted and giving wife is INSISTING I bring my golf clubs to go play some of those famed Destin courses.

Excuse me a moment...I'm beginning to choke up with emotion.

Now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to post while we're gone for the week but we'll bring the laptop and hope for an internet connection. But if there's no update for about a week, you'll understand why.

Therefore, as an early birthday gift to you, I'm going to put a couple of pics up for you to either admire or mock. I'm good either way.

First one is the crepe I made for my wife's book club meeting on Wednesday. Other than a slightly singed milk taste to the pastry cream that went between each layer (18 of them), I think it turned out OK. Jennifer's sister Kristin was my "go to guy" when I got stumbled on ingredients and/or preparation. It was her idea to go with the powdered sugar and the fresh strawberries. Maybe I'll post the recipe for this next week.

Bob, show 'em what's behind Door #1.


OK. Comedy time.

This cat turns 37 on Monday. Please no comments on the fashion. I think my family wanted to see if I could break a balloon by laying on it. Of course, being about 1 year old, this wouldn't have been one of the more enjoyable memories I had and may explain my fear of balloons today. My family has a cruel, twisted sense of humor.

"Hey...let's watch Jimmy get scared by the balloon popping underneath him!!"

(laughter from the adults)

Go ahead Bob. Show 'em the pic.

Please. Stop laughing. As you can see by the enormous flash that was used, not only was I blinded for about 3 weeks, the flash also took my nose off. Probably worked out better for me due to the "gift" I left the family later on for making me the brunt of their whims.

Well, have a great day and a safe Spring Break! I'll hope to get some updates from Destin next week but just a word of caution...

There will be no shirtless pics of me on the sand...and no "beached whale" jokes please. It's an insult to the whales.


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