Blue Friday...Sort Of
As I sit here and begin to type this out, I've got a slight bug of sadness today 'cause it was at this time exactly last week that Jennifer and I were in Chicago, prepping to see some of my best buds.
However, as I realize that it was only a week ago that I was looking for my nearly 7 ft tall buddy Chuck at our high school football game, it's kind of sad to think that we all have our own lives to lead and the times we have together to visit are (sadly) few and far between.
Perhaps it's realizing that I missed out on my senior year with Chuck, Scott and Eric.
Maybe it's recognizing that I had an incredible time with Chuck, Scott and several others last weekend and yet who knows when we'll all get to hang together again.
Maybe there's even a small part of me that, as an alpha-male, wants to have that constant interaction with other guys at work, at the game and on the golf course.'s just another realization that we've ALL grown up, gotten married, had kids and are now leading lives many of us never thought we'd lead.
That could be it...or even a combination of all 4.
Regardless, it's great to sit back and remember all that we did last weekend:
The close friendships that were renewed and a few new friendships that were started.
The laughter (and a LOT of it), the memories and the expectations of more reunions soon.
The pictures and subsequent text messages, phone calls and emails.
Yeah, those were some great memories of only a week ago.
But the thing I keep telling myself is it's a lot easier to keep in touch with my buds today than it may have been 20+ years ago. As slightly down as I may be tonight, I know that there are already plans being bantered around about maybe flying up to Minnesota or Illinois for a quick weekend or 2 within the next year.
OK...maybe I haven't shared my "plans" with Jennifer yet but I'm going to. Yeah...that's the ticket. :)
I don't know if any of my friends are going to see this but if you guys do, know that I had an absolute blast seeing you all and you've got a lifelong friend here in Arkansas. this where I decide whether to start the sappy harp string sad music or the Randy Newman-esque "You've Got A Friend In Me" with Buzz Lightyear and Sheriff Woody high fiving each other?
I think I'll go with Toy Story, Alex.

By the way, if you stood me next to either Scott or Chuck, you'd see that the difference between Woody & Buzz is not unlike the the height differential between me and the other guys. LOL
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