Another Tuesday Blog...
Seems weird that whenever I get inspired to write something on here, it's a Tuesday. Perhaps I'm subconsciously wishing to repay someone for something on this great day, ala Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons. Ha!
OK...time to play a little catch up before I retire for the night.
First off, my weight loss challenge to myself is going great! As of today, I've lost anywhere between 10-12 lbs, depending on a few factors:
a) time of day
b) how much I've eaten
c) how much I'm wearing
d) what scale I'm standing on
My dad said I should ALWAYS trust the scale that makes you lighter. Call me crazy but that sounds like great logic and motivation for me! LOL! So, we'll do that and say I've lost 12+ pounds since I started this program back in May. I have been really trying hard to watch my overall caloric intake each day in addition to getting some sort of extended cardio work in (ex: walking around the block, getting my 10K steps in each day, riding a stationary bike, etc) plus I'm doing weight training every Mon, Wed and Fri. My strength is increasing, my weight is decreasing and my pants are slowly beginning to look baggy on me.
Yes, it shan't be long until my wife is giddy about me yet again!!
I'm hoping by Sept 15 I'll be in real good shape, just in time for my wife to parade me around like her prized male trophy husband, in front of all my friends for my 20th high school reunion in the Chicago 'burbs.
Father's Day was great around the hacienda. We all woke up Sunday morning with great expectations for the day yet I woke up feeling like a mule had kicked me in the head. I slowly crawled from the bed, realizing we were late for church but Sunday School was very probable, and eeked my way into the shower. I let the steam and hot water fall over my head and it miraculously began to clear things up so that I felt much better 30 mintues later as we all left the house for church. We ate at a great place called Mimi's Cafe (it's fast become one of our favorites) and then rushed back to Fayetteville to get to the movies on time.
Jennifer took Kaitlyn to see "Nancy Drew" and I took the boy to see "Fantastic Four 2". I was a little scared of what he might see or hear in the movie but was pleasantly surprised to see the mild overall content of the movie. It wasn't much different than what he'd see on a Saturday morning cartoon show.
Well, except for Jessica Alba. He's seen pretty girls before but he didn't say or react much to the very few scenes of her wearing something tight & sexy.

He DID react as all boys would when he saw the Silver Surfer and the Human Torch racing through the skies, fighting and shooting energy rays & flames at each other.
Heck, I was even pretty excited about that!!
Still, once the movies were over and we all made it home, it was a great night to just sit & listen to the pitter patter of the rain outside and the pitter patter of the action inside. It was a fierce game of "Duck, Duck, Goose" and the old man got the worst of it.
Such is life, I guess.
I hope you're all having a great week and I'll try to get on here a little more often.
Right now though...I hear the bed calling me and the alarm (which is set for 5:25am).
Is it time to make the donuts already?
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