Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Jake!!

Well, here we are, celebrating the big 5 birthday of our son Jacob! It's so hard to believe that not only is he 5 years old today but he'll soon be starting kindergarten this fall. I don't know who's going to have a harder time with it...Mommy or me. Ha!

It's already been a busy day.

I started things off with an early morning workout at 6:15 and then a run to Panera for some bagels. Jennifer's sister and her family came in last night for a couple of days so Jake & Kaitlyn are thrilled to have their cousins here with us. So, since everyone is here, I bought enough bagels to feed a small commune. Of course, I bought too much but with everyone here, I'm sure all the bagels will be devoured soon.

Jake got his usual (ie: favorite) combo of a plain bagel and plain cream cheese for breakfast, complete with an after-meal "moustache". Cream cheese is hard to get off a child's face if you let it sit longer than 30 seconds.

He also got his name read on the radio this morning (KLRC) and was thrilled yet slightly embarrassed to hear the DJ call out his name. Of course it didn't help that Mommy & Daddy also began to yell and cheer like 12 year old girls either.

We let him open a few of his gifts now and we'll save some for later with his cake & candles. I was extremely fortunate to get a Thomas the Train cake made up for us at the last minute. It wasn't like I forgot to get one. He'd just had one 2 weeks ago at his early birthday party but that cake met an untimely demise as it fell on the floor only hours after the party was over. So, Mommy asked me to get him a new one for today and the guys at Harp's were only too happy to oblige.

I think back to when he was born and what a joyful time that was for us. I go back even further when I think of how his arrival was announced to me.

We had just gotten back from Disneyworld with Kaitlyn (she was 3 at the time and so cute with her hair all done up in pigtails and the ever-present Minnie Mouse dress). We were lucky to have found a room at the Nickelodeon hotel there in Orlando that was only minutes away from the Magic Kingdom. I don't know if it was the experience of being in Florida with my wife and daughter or perhaps it was the Spongebob decor of our room but apparently when the three of us arrived, we unknowingly left as a family of 4.

At least that's what my wife told me when we got back to Columbia and she let me in on the good news a few weeks later.

You know, those souvenirs at Disney are already pretty expensive. I didn't expect to bring one back that we'd have with us for at least 18 years under our roof. LOL

Ah, in all seriousness, our kids are absolutely incredible!! Today we celebrate Jake's 5th birthday and Saturday we celebrate Kaitlyn's 9th. Hard to believe they are both growing up so quickly but time stands still for no one, especially us parents.

Having Jake was the big turning point in my life that helped me get the courage up to leave radio for good and just stay home and be a "dad". That has been one of the greatest decisions I've ever made and I'd never do anything differently as a result.

I realize how blessed we are and how awesome God really is. He's given us 2 incredible kids who fill our lives with such joy and laughter, all the while keeping us young and active. In fact, I've now become Jake's personal boxing dummy and have a nice fat lip to show for it.

What's that they say? Love hurts? Boy, does it ever. LOL

Jake, your mommy, daddy & Kate love you so much and we wish you an absolutely fantastic 5th birthday! May God bless you wildly and guide you by His hand to make you have an indelible impact on this generation for His glory & honor!!

I love you, son!!

Now, let's go play some Motorstorm and get ready to fight 'cause we're about to represent!!!


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