Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Just A Spoonful of Sugar

It's humbling to realize and hard to accept the fact that our little man Jacob is going to start kindergarten in the fall. Mommy is especially having a hard time accepting this since this means that both of our babies are growing up and starting to spread their wings.

Even Daddy gets a bit misty-eyed when I think of my "mini-me" going off into the big world with his Spiderman backpack on his shoulder, ready to face new daily adventures.

However, before all this happens, Jake has to get a pre-kindergarten physical to make sure he's in good health and ready to start. With this check up, unfortunately, comes the impending pre-K shots and Jacob is no exception.

I called his doctor's office last week and set up a time to bring him in, never telling him he had to get a couple shots. I didn't want him to stress out about things and I figured if he didn't know about it until right before they gave them to him, he'd handle things a lot better.

I was right.

However, it was ME who I began to worry about as the time drew near. No parent likes to think aobut their child being in any kind of pain, even if it's momentarily for their own good.

When we got to Dr. Kim's office (she & Jennifer went to med school together back in the day and it's great having Kim live within 25 minutes of our home), they brought the boy in for weight & height. I had intentionally dressed us both the same as a show of support for "the Captain". We both had on black Spiderman t-shirts, blue denim shorts, white andle socks and blue & white tennis shoes.

We were stylin' to say the least.

They got his weight, height, temp, blood pressure, etc and then walked us into the exam room. Dr. Kim got in there a few minutes later and Jake really put on a show for her. He counted all the way to 50, recognized all his colors & shapes, hopped on one foot and even tried to stand on his hands for the good doctor, just to make sure she realized he was fit as a fiddle.

I tell you what...that kid is a ham!!

Finally, the time came to give him his shots but I was horrified to hear that he'd have to get 5 shots, not just 2 or 3.



Jake didn't seem too concerned (yet) and they got him up on the exam table and had me lay down over his chest to hold him in place. The nurse counted out loud "one...two...three...quick sting!" and it began.

And so did Jake...

as he began to giggle. Yes, GIGGLE. The first 3 shots the child giggled. All the while, I'm locked on his eyes, looking for the first tear or ounce of fear but the first 3 shots went off without a hitch and amid his laughing. By number 4 though, the smile began to wane and by the time #5 was done, his smile was pretty well gone and a couple tears began to well up.

But he never cried. What a stud the boy is!!

I gave thanks to God as we got to the Sequoia for getting us through that ordeal in an even better way than I could've ever hoped or dreamed. Jake was even in a pretty good mood, with a sticker on his arm and a couple cool band-aids on his thighs.

I gave him a couple small Batman / Justice League figures to reward him and distract him from any kind of discomfort. It seemed to work pretty well, especially when we drove through Burger King for a treat and one of their Spiderman kids' toys.

Even as silly as we were acting with our superheroes and as happy as we both were it was all over, I realized that God was there in the midst of that doctor's office and gave us that special touch of comfort we so desperately needed.

His love and protection is SO much better than a spoonful of sugar to help us get our medicines down. Thanks be to Him for His faithfulness!!


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