The New Pups
Well, if you read my last blog and wondered if I'd abandoned all sanity & gotten the puppy, you were only half informed of our decision.
We didn't just get one puppy...we got 2.
What were we thinking? LOL
Kaitlyn had really been hounding us to get a dog and so Thursday night, we began looking and that's when we found the picture of the puppy listed on my previous blog. However, when it came time to go see and get the puppy, the owner never called me back so I took that as a sign that she had another prospective buyer. Fine...perhaps it wasn't meant to be that we get a dog.
However, as we kept looking on the internet, we found a picture of 2 twin dogs. They were just up the road from us in Washburn MO at a shelter there and we thought we'd go up on Saturday to look at them.
When I called them Saturday morning to see when we could come up, the owner of the shelter
We'd decided to name Kate's puppy "Bo" and Jake's puppy "Max".
Sidenote: my sister Angela is pregnant and was going to name her baby Bo but then decided she liked Brady instead. I chided her about her affinity for Days of Our Lives and asked if the next
We signed the papers to get the dogs adopted officially and started the drive home. Lucky for us, they slept almost the whole way back except for 2 quick potty breaks at a rest stop. The first night was a bit rough, with a lot of whining and yipping. I'm sure it was due to being in a strange location for the first time and in the laundry room no less. It was pretty cold outside and I didn't want to chance them in the garage. So, after they'd woken me up 2-3 times, I thought I'd turn on the dryer to calm them down.'s supposed to work for babies. Why not dogs?
Success!! They went right to sleep and I got 2 loads of laundry done that night. Bonus for me.
Bo & Max are starting to really adapt here and love playing outside in the backyard. I've gotten the fence repaired and boarded up in places to prevent them from crawling out so I'm not nearly as nervous of leaving them outside during the day. The kids are ecstatic to get home and play with them too and now that all this rain has left NWA, I'm hoping things will dry out so all 4 our our kids don't show up wet & muddy.
Still...even though things are starting to settle down again, I'm still having a bit of buyer's remorse...wondering if getting these dogs was the right thing to do. Hopefully after a good nap and a better night's sleep tonight, my outlook will change.
However, looking at the mongels, I have to admit...
they ARE pretty cute.
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