Monday, April 02, 2007

All Is Well

Yesterday, we observed communion at church and it was an incredible service! What a reminder it was (and was it ever needed!) that told us yet again of how Christ came to this earth to die for our sins and that through His sacrifice, we can be saved. The service was filled with a literal sense that the Holy Spirit was indeed there among us. From the songs that were sung and the prayers that were uttered in submission to the brief message on what the sacrements represent and how we as believers can take refuge in the peace that comes in knowing Christ personally and intimately, it was just incredible.

The service was ended in an unusual fashion with our worship minister's wife singing a song called "All Is Well" by Point of Grace.

I was literally speechless as I heard the notes and even more powerful lyrics come from her voice. The message of the song was sung as if someone was reassuring us that now that the Son of God had come to earth and was there, laying quietly in a manger, God's wonderful plan of salvation for us all was now about to be realized.

As I sat there in the dimly lit sanctuary, listening to these words, I became caught up in that moment, imagining Christ not only there on that quiet night over 2000 years ago laying in a manger but I also saw Him as the risen Lord & Savior, waiting for me with His arms open wide, welcoming me and all sinners to His side. I saw Him, smiling, inviting, loving...full of compassion and mercy...eager to show Himself to all of His children.

It was during this time of just being silent and seeing the Lord that I once again realized how I had allowed myself to let my priorities and stuff...what I wanted to do and how I wanted to live...I'd let all that cloud my vision and focus. I prayed that Christ would not only forgive me for not considering Him first in all things but that He would take away the influences, distractions and areas of my life that take me away from His will.

As I write this today, I'm listening to this very song on my iPod here in Panera and I'm confessing to you...

I'm having a diffucult time not breaking out in tears as I write all this down. The thrill of knowing that Jesus came to save me, forgive me and die for me as well as realizing He did all of this because of His eternal love for me fills me with an almost burst-out-loud joy!

Perhaps it's time to do as the Crabb Family sings about and "stand up & give God some praise!!"

O Lord, I give you my sacrifce of praise today knowing that indeed, all IS well for you are my God and my salvation, my hope and refuge and because of YOUR sacrifice for me, I now belong to You.

May God bless you today whomever may be reading this and may He reveal Himself to you this moment. Seek Him and He will be found.

Psalm 62:8 says...

"Trust in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts before Him.
God is our refuge." (HCSB)

Have an incredible week!!


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