Happy Butter-day To Me (March 20)

it's butter.
Now I know many of you are asking why I'd have a huge glob of butter on my nose. In actuality, it's a crazy family tradition passed on from Jennifer's father and has become even more alive with my kids hearing, learning and continuing this tradition for whomever's birthday it happens to be.
Whether it's for me or my wife or any of the kids, whenever we have a birthday, family tradition says we must glob the nose with margarine as we "butter" that person up for another year.
Allegedly, it's based on an old Tibetian ritual of what they do when babies are born but I've yet to see any real documented proof of it's accuracy. However, it causes great amounts of joy for the givers and enormous amounts of clogged pores for the receiver. Thusly, yesterday morning as we were trying to get ready to leave for Austin, my family found the time to plaster my face with a large glob of Blue Bonnett and my wife just happened to have a camera on hand.
Lucky me, eh? LOL
While I really wasn't wanting to drive 12 hours on my birthday, we've had an absolute blast here in Austin as we're really enjoying some time away as a family. The ride down, albeit long, was uneventful and the kids didn't spat with each other too much so that was definitely something to be thankful for. Kris and the boys even had a cool Batman cake & balloons waiting on me, along with a huge pot of shrimp scampi on the table!! What a great way to be welcomed to Longhorn country!
I do have to take the Sequoia in for an emergency brake check tomorrow and have been assured that even though I'm a Razorback, these TX Toyota guys will not overcharge me one bit! LOL
Tomorrow (Thursday) we'll be doing some exploring in an underground cave and then on Friday, we're going to go visit Shamu at SeaWorld in San Antonio. Saturday, we start back for Dallas, where we'll get to meet up with GG & Bapa, who just happen to be there visiting my aunt, for dinner and then head into Fayetteville Sunday afternoon, hopefully in time to take the family to see TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). And then Monday, as the kids are back in school and life gets back to normal, as I reflect on becoming 38 and I realize half of my life is probably gone, I'll tee off for a nice relaxing round of golf.
Good times for sure.
Until then, I'm hoping to keep the kids from scraping the excess butter off the bridge of my nose for some movie popcorn.
Hope you all have a great week!!
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