Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another Bad Night

Not a very long post today...

The boy got sick again when we got home last night. I knew he was coming back down with something just by the way his face looked pale & ruddy when I picked him up. He had these 2 big chapped spots on his cheeks, indicating he'd been wiping his nose all day long and he had this semi-glazed look to him. He started feeling hot around 6 so I gave him some Motrin & decongestant to help, which it did...

until about 3 am when he stumbled into our room, whiny, crying and hot with fever again.

I knew this was not going to be pretty. I made my way back up to the guest room with him to lay with him and keep him still. He started coughing and choking off & on for the next couple of hours and finally...well...I won't get descriptive.

Needless to say, I've been up since about 2:45am and am starting to feel it. Yet, he's finally started to doze off with Mommy upstairs in the recliner but I can't go back to sleep 'cause Kate's gotta get up for school in less than an hour. So, it'll be time to put on another pot of coffee, get her to school, come back home and get him ready for a trip up to see Dr. Kim.

Oh yeah...I guess this means Jennifer & my trip away for the weekend is postponed. However, it wouldn't have been very relaxing knowing one of the kids was home sick.

Pray for healing, rest and restoration for us please. I hate seeing my little man sick like this.


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