Recap Of The Last Few Days
I don't know about the rest of you but it seems like this time of year especially, it's hard to be creative or find things to write about on these blogs. I enjoy finding various things in my life to share but when I actually sit down and get ready to write, the "juices" just seem to dry up. Maybe it's still too early in the morning...btw, it's 8:20am right now. Is that too early? LOL
*The Super Bowl is next weekend and I'm looking forward to it!! I'd really hoped the Chargers would've made it (they've been one of my 3 favorite teams since I was a boy) but hopefully "Marty-ball" will get them over that hump for next year. With them losing a few of their coaches, however, I'm not being overly optimistic. Still, the Bears (one of my other top 3 teams) are back in the big game and I'm pretty stoked about it! I love it when a fairly new head coach comes in, implements his system and it takes them into the post season. Head Coach Lovie Smith has only been the Bears' coach for a few years but this isn't his first stint in the coaching biz. He came up from being the offensive coordinator of the St. Louis Rams to coach the Bears and what a difference he's made! I really like Lovie and I really like Colts' head coach Tony Dungy. I like the fact that they are both devout Christian men. I like the fact that they lead by example. I like that you don't see them throwing outlandish temper-tantrums on the sideline. Their calm, cool demeanor is something refreshing to see and it's a good thing to see men like this rewarded for the way they live their lives.
Still, unfortunately for Colts and Peyton Manning fans, I'm gonna have to root for the Bears next weekend. If it were anyone else in the NFC other than the Bears, I'd be pulling for the Colts but since the Bears are in it, well, let's just say I've been youtubing it to find "the Super Bowl Shuffle" video from back in '85. LOL
*The wife & I are getting away in 2 weekends for a belated anniversary trip. REALLY looking forward to escaping with her to a private, secluded cabin about an hour or so from here. We were supposed to go away 2 weeks ago but the kids were sick and there were predictions of ugly winter weather hitting NW Arkansas. So we just rescheduled and believe me...we're BOTH anxious to get away. She can go get a 2 hour massage and I can (hopefully) go play some golf is the weather cooperates.
*The Razorback soap opera continues. Way too many details of what's going on but it's not pretty and with each new day come new allegations and bombshells coupled with all kinds of outrageous rumors and shilling from the "talking heads" that are paid by the University. If you've got about 2 hours to kill and want to really dig into it, go to and start reading some of the threads in the Main Discussion area. It won't take long to catch up but a gets EXTREMELY taxing.
*Started working out yesterday and my arms are killing me. I guess I can't look like Ah-nold in one day but I tried. LOL My doctor and I agreed that I needed to get some regular exercise into my routine so I joined a club a few blocks from our home. I'm hoping to lose about 25-40 pounds which, if it's going to happen, means I'm going to have to adhere to a strict, life changing diet. Still trying to find one that's easy to follow and doesn't require me dissecting the pathagrian theorem to determine food portions!
*Just finished up 24 - Season 3 the other night. At times that

Have a great weekend wherever you are...
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