Independence Day
Today is the 4th of July and it's the day where we celebrate our nation's independence. Isn't it amazing what basic history can be retained throughout the years? haha! No doubt, the day will be filled with all kinds of celebratory activities like get-togethers, cook-outs, BBQ's & hot dogs, baseball and of course, fireworks.
I have to admit, this isn't my favorite time of the year because of the last one there. Fireworks and the noise they create...especially when I'm trying to get some young whippersnappers and your loud music. Am I really that bad? Ugh. I thought that the noise would bother the kids but guess who were still up last night at 11pm wanting to see the fireworks out our front window?
Yep...the kids. They're at that age where the noise doesn't bother them and staying up late SURE doesn't put a damper on their spirits. Come to think of it, it also makes them go down easier (the late hour) so maybe this isnt' a bad thing afterall.
I'm not too sure what the agenda is for today but I've heard rumors of a neighborhood cookout and some possible fireworks viewing at Baum Stadium later tonight but as of 9:15am, nothing has been solidified. Ahh well, the wife is off today and the kids are (hopefully) getting over a summer cold so it'll be nice just to kick back and chill out.
Our church had it's annual Summer Freedom Celebration concert this past weekend. I had the privilege to be in it a few ways. One was as Ben Franklin and a skit involving a few of the Founding Fathers (yes...I wore tights and a wig...lovely...I looked as bad as Leonardo DiCaprio did in "The Man In The Iron Mask") and I also had a chance to narrarate a video about the history of spiritual awakening in our country. I was also supposed to be back in the choir in time to sing after my Ben Franklin part was done but it took me a little longer than I anticipated getting out of my costume & wig.
But during the prayer time when I was getting changed, my grandmother told me of a specific line in a prayer that was offered that really hit home to her. When she told me, it was very powerful yet so obvious that it seems we often forget what real freedom means and how it was gained.
I believe it may have been my buddy Jordan that was praying that morning that said something to the effect of how the stripes on our flag represent the blood that was spilled for our nation's freedom but the stripes across Christ's back represent the blood that was shed for our personal freedom from sin and death.
To me, that's extremely powerful imagery and truth. Yet with all our "intellect" we seem to profess, our nation continues down a dismal path away from this truth, relying upon our own understanding, attempting to satisfy our own lustful needs, never truly finding ultimate peace and satisfaction.
We remember on this special day, this hallowed day, all the lives that have been given over the years to gain, preserve and protect our freedoms that so often are taken for granted. We remember all of our sons & daughters, fathers & mothers, family & friends who are currently serving abroad to fight for these freedoms and we offer up earnest prayers to God alone for their protection, safety and ultimately, that His will be done.
Today, I also pause to reflect on the price that was paid for MY freedom

It is a precious gift that has been given by One yet is available to ALL. Thanks & gratitude to Jesus both now & forever for shedding His blood for our sins and wearing those stripes as a reminder to all of us the price that was paid.
Praise God we are free and today YOU can be free as well. I'm reminded of the lyrics of an incredible song called "Let Freedom Ring" that says...
"God built freedom into every fiber of creation
and He meant for us to all be free and whole
Oh but when my Lord bought freedom
through the blood of His redemption,
His cross stamped pardon on my very soul!
I'll sing it out with every breath,
I'll let the whole world hear it
This hallelujah anthem of the free
That iron bars & heavy chains can never hold us captive
The Son has made us free and free indeed!
Let freedom ring down through the ages from a hill called Calvary
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets
where prisons have no key
You can be free and you can sing
Let freedom ring!"
Amen! Praise God for His mercy & goodness to us all!
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