Gettin' Back Up On The Horse
Full weekend but it's now coming to a quiet end.
Our beloved Hogs got 50 hung on them last night from USC...AT HOME even...and we're all still licking our wounds. We had a few good things happen though. In fact, we got some brief glimpses into what our future program COULD become as freshman QB Mitch Mustain took over in the 4th quarter and lead Arkansas to a TD on his first ever series as a college quarterback!! I'd never seen Razorback Stadium so rowdy for being down by 30 points but I think Mitch's reputation and expectations were high on everyone's radar and I'd say, overall, he didn't disappoint.
Word has come late tonight that Mitch will start Saturday's game against Utah State. Former starting QB Robert Johnson has been moved from QB to Wide Receiver, a move he's been credited to doing with grace, poise and without pouting. If that is indeed the case, kudos to RoJo and his character as a man!!
The pendulum has swung back in our favor within 24 hours and Hog fans are eager to get it on this weekend! Now, to see if the wife & I can score some "walk up" tickets...
Speaking of new starts, I'm back on the lo-carb diet again. I'd lost around 20-25 lbs during the winter months and then kind of leveled off at around 197-202. I think the water weight was a bit unruly. Anyway, around March or April, I got off the diet and began to slowly add carbs back into my diet, if you can call it that, and didn't see any major changes.
Until a few weeks ago.
The scale said "look done good a few months ago, sticking to your diet, taking your meds and exercising...well, OK. 2 out of 3 ain't bad...but you're starting to pack it on again son so let's try this diet thing over again and dump some unwanted poundage."

What's that you say? Your scales don't talk to you? Hmmm...perhaps it must be a reaction to the appetite supressants.
If I can get rid of those unsightly jelly rolls around my mid-section, I won't have to worry about the wife & kids coming up and pressing my tummy in with their finger, trying to make me giggle like this guy here.
So, I've gone from 212 to 207 in only a few days. My hopes are that my system will be "shocked" back into dumping some weight and inches by October or November, setting me up for a slimmer winter season. If I can get my metabolism to kick it up a few notches and fool it into another 25 pound reduction, I'm hoping it'll level off around 185 or so.
My goal, ultimately, is 180-185.
Please pray I don't get bucked off Silver again until I get there.
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