Five Years Ago
Where were you when it happened?
Today is obviously a somber, reflective day in the lives of all Americans as we think back and remember those horrific events that transpired on September 11, 2001 in New York City. We think of those people who bravely fought those who would attempt to crash a plane into the White House yet gave of their own lives as their flight sacrificially crashed into an isolated Pennsylvania field. We think of those who were lost in the Pentagon and in the towers of the World Trade Center.
On that day, I believe, America lost it's last ounce of innocence. We lost our last comprehension of what it was like to live our lives as a country "invulnerable" to any outside attack. The world became a suddenly much smaller place as we all felt the net of hate envelop our country, our lives and our world into a web of chaos and confusion.
Yet, for one moment, within hours and days of the attacks, America stood strong. UNITED. Determined. Resolved and of one mind. We would recover. We would grieve. We would mourn. We would consider all we had lost.
But we would stand tall again. And for just a moment, political parties, agendas and egoes were put aside as we literally joined arms together and became resolute as a nation. Our belief was one theme and our goal was a common one.
We would stand again.
Regardless of what your political views are of the current administration and where we are as a nation 5 years after the most devastating attack upon our soil, we need to remember and pray for those whose pain will never end. Pray for those whose loved ones will never come back through their doors. Pray for the families of the men & women who lost their lives in the Towers, in the Pentagon, on the planes...whether passengers, policemen, firemen, rescue workers, employees, janitors, cooks, tourists...these people belonged to families that loved and cherished them.
Remember their pain and anguish. As it may be easier for most of us to be able to set aside these feelings of grief and loss, these families deal with this pain constantly, dare I even say daily. They will continue to do so until one day, they can join their loved ones again.
May God give them a special touch of comfort and blessing today. May God continue to bring peace out of chaos. May God give you a sense of peace and assurance as we take time to remember everything about 9/11.
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