Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm Getting Frustrated

This is becoming the new catch-phrase/war-cry of our 5 year old son Jake.

I guess it's a lot better than saying an alternative phrase with a curse word in it, as some of his peers have been known to do. However, it's quickly becoming a boon to both me and the wife.

We usually get this statement exclaimed at us in a loud, vociferous manner when the boy is not getting his way. You when he wants the TV channel changed but we can't find the remote or when he has to wait for a snack 'til one of us can make it to the kitchen. Basic times like that when most children his age are already on the floor amidst round 2 of their latest fit.

Last night was no different.

I decided since it was already mid-January that it was probably time to take down the outer Christmas decorations around the house. I know, I know...what was I thinking? It isn't even springtime yet and I'm already taking down the lighted wreaths and garland.

So I've got the kids inside the house, content to eat their Chik-Fil-A sandwiches while watching Hannah Montana. I see this as a great opportunity to get the decorations taken down. Plus, they're calling for snow tonight and I didn't want to be outside in subzero weather.

I get about 4-5 wreaths down and put away and am wrapping up my 38th wad of Christmas lights when I get "it" yelled at me.

"Dad, are you almost done? I need someone to come play with me and I'm getting frustrated waiting on you!!"

"Son" I reply calmly "give me a few more minutes. Daddy needs to get this done before it gets completely dark and Mommy gets home."

"NO Dad" he yells back. "I need you in here NOW!!"

"Jake" I say, a little more sternly. "Wait inside the house. It's too cold for you to be out here yelling at me and the more you yell, the longer it's going to take."

"Uugghh" he utters with all the angst a 5 year old can muster.

I begin to smile slightly under my cap as he shuts the door when all of a sudden I not only hear the front door lock but he turns off the outside lights.

There I am. Alone. In the dark. Trying to unravel another strand of lights.

"Oh that stinker" I giggle under my breath.

I guess he figures if he's going to be frustrated waiting for me to get done, he's going to frustrate me trying to finish my task. Thankfully, I not only had the garage door open with the lights on, I literally was almost done. I finished packing everything up and put it away for another 11 months, turned off the lights, shut the garage door and went in to where my children were waiting for me, standing bathed and clean by the fireplace, eager to serve me a warm cup of hot tea and a cinnamon scone.

Ah, who am I kidding? That last part about the kids wasn't there at all. In fact, I walked into a living room torn asunder by strewn about Hot Wheels cars, Justice League action figures, couch pillows tossed aside and renegade socks lost from the last load of laundry looking for a permanent home. The kids were arguing over the remote control and some program on the DVR was blaring through the living room at an almost deafening level.

I asked myself "didn't I just have this all picked up no less than 2 hours ago?"

I sighed and began to relate to my son's plight from earlier. Yeah Jake...I'm about to get frustrated too. LOL

However, I do pretty good at getting the kids rounded up and into the tub most nights by making it either a game or a contest. It's all about judging the mood in the air and how the kids are doing emotionally. Thankfully, my daughter was more than willing to help get Jake bathed & dressed since I said they could both stay up and watch American Idol.

And so, after some creative parenting and a little bargaining with both children, by 7pm we were all on the couch watching AI just waiting for Mommy to get home.

And, since we all want to share with her, we saved a little bit of that "frustration" for her too...but I won't go into that here.


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