Thursday, March 06, 2008

Going Stir Crazy Being Sick

Local weathermen are calling for anywhere from 1-5" of snow between now and tomorrow morning. This is fine for the kids who are always excited about another snow day but not so good for me.

This "virus" that seems to be plaguing me right now just doesn't seem to want to let go. I've had some temperature spikes of 101 and 102 within the past 24 hours and I imagine I went a little higher earlier today when I was unable to check it.

My beloved wife called me this morning around 10am and offered to go get some groceries for us in preparation to whatever kind of weather we get. I had just left home for the local grocery store even though I was hacking up a lung and feeling quite light-headed. When she called me and made the suggestion of me going back home, I didn't argue.

In fact, as soon as I got home, I literally collapsed on the bed and slept for about 3 1/2 hours. I knew I had a high temp when I woke up due to my very hot skin, sweat matting my face and an overall ache on every inch of my body. The doctor said yesterday that I was negative for the flu but I'm wondering if I've got a real bad case of either pneumonia or bronchitis.

Oh if it wasn't enough to feel this wretched, I've begun to "experience" the nausea and subsequent actions about 3-4 times since last night.

Jennifer told me that I had until next Wednesday to stay sick because after that, it's time to be well and prepare for our spring break trip to Destin. THAT is a huge incentive to get better although if I could cure my sickness right now, I wouldn't be waiting until next Wednesday to get better. It's hard having to remain sequestered away from the kids and Jennifer, not being able to be near them like I'm used to doing.

Jennifer laid down the "rules" of my sickness today with the kids. As it stands now, I am only allowed in the living room / couch, the study / computer, the upstairs guest bedroom and the guest bathroom. I've been banished from the kitchen so I don't spread my germs to the food or the kids and Jennifer has offered a bounty on my head if I'm seen in any part of the house where I'm not supposed to be.

You should have seen the look of joy and elation on the faces of my precious children. They seemed so anxious and excited to be able to narc on their father with their mother's blessing.


I tried to go back to our master bathroom to get some mouthwash and was subsequently spanked by my wife. I guess when they say that love hurts I know what that means first hand.


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